#1 2011-09-20 20:10:54
#2 2011-09-21 07:01:12
then there is bonnie couuti coming in late ,dumber than a bag og rocks yet she is watching over our finances , give me a break, she is mean and stupid .
#3 2011-09-21 07:02:19
Last edited by redrobin (2011-09-22 21:10:53)
#4 2011-09-22 20:31:19
Bonnie Couuti also fired from Tobey Hospital
#5 2011-09-22 20:38:30
beansdaddy82 wrote:
Bonnie Couuti also fired from Tobey Hospital
Sounds like you know the circumstances of that termination, beans. Care to share?
In any case, thanks for joining us.
#6 2011-09-22 20:55:00
bobo is a moron
Last edited by redrobin (2011-09-23 12:23:23)
#7 2011-09-22 20:58:27
bobo is a idiot
Last edited by redrobin (2011-09-23 12:22:46)
#8 2011-09-22 21:00:39
I Just Want To Scream At The Top Of My Lungs Sometimes , Why Is John Donahues Cronies Screwing Up Wareham So Bad For The 2nd Time In Warehams History, I Call On The Selectmen To Call Inthe Dor.
#9 2011-09-23 11:17:00
according to old timers post the nurse is susan spalding who is being sewed,i wonder why bonnie was fired from tobey according to the above post.
#10 2011-09-23 14:14:30
I don't know how this thread got so far off track, but the fact is...LISTEN to the Fin. Com. They are truly representing you, and it is their job to separate the nonsense from that which is really needed.
I don't see ONE article that I would vote for that the Fin. Comm. discussed.
Not ONE!
Either will they.
There is a reason...the Town is mismanaged and is lacking leadership. The responsibility now falls on YOUR shoulders at Town Meeting.
PLEASE...be there and don't allow this crap to continue.
#11 2011-09-24 10:56:48
I was not trying to get off track. Just though that a person whom is fired from a job probably shouldn't be on the finance committee. Bill sorry don't know what she got fired, a good guess would be her loud mouth!
#12 2011-09-27 15:47:50
Listen to the FinCom is good advice, Dan. It was a source of great frustration for me when I was sitting on the FinCom that no one seemed to be paying attention to our discussions and the information we uncovered but had no authority to do anything with. Fincom's job is to "study, review and report." They can only recommend - it is up to others to do something about it. Thanks Dave for posting the videos!
RE: Bonnie Cottuli - regardless of the fact the she and I often disagreed, she is very intelligent and did her homework/ background research on the issues she was covering. I have a great deal of respect for her dedication to Fincom. Commitment members give up a lot of hours to sit in uncomfortable chairs and listen to tedious discussions. And their reward? Being ridiculed and insulted. This site would get a whole lot more respect if criticism was aimed at ignorance of issues rather than personal attacks.
It is a great forum for educating outselves but the slurs get tedious. (Except for Bill who impresses me with his creative use of the English language!)
#13 2011-09-27 15:53:10
I agree, Marilyn.
#14 2011-09-27 19:51:00
Marilyn - I am a big fan of finance committees - in all towns. In most towns in which I have been involved, the Fincom may incite disagreements among various factions, but I don't recall insults & ridicule in those venues. It is indeed sad if that is the situation in Wareham, as the FinCom is a worthy body whose opinion(s) ought to be respected by the taxpayers/voters of the Town.
I have implored the former chairman to televise the Fincom meetings. The fact that they are recorded for future broadcast is certainly a positive step....but not enuf. Perhaps some of the disdain for the Fincom as you cite it, is due to the appearance (not the reality, of course) that you operate in secret, springing your votes and opinions on an unsuspecting body of voters. Your meetings are open, and I suspect, woefully underattended. Which is not the way the system can work properly. Ergo, televise them - LIVE.
Regarding the issue of timing of info from the esteemed (a legend in his own mind) T/A, I have reviewed the Town Charter and find no reference to timing deadlines for the fall TM. The Spring Town Meeting has well-defined time frames. Perhaps a Charter change is in order.
But: The DOR certifies Free Cash as of July 1.....but the actual certification can be well after that date. The DOR approves the Town's Schedule A (an accounting summary) as of July 1. It would help if there was, yaknow, an actual accountant there. Even so, the Sch A can take some time. There are other factors. It all adds up to some difficulty in knowing where the Town stands financially going into a fall Town meeting as regards money articles.
In all of this, it is the FinCom which can lead the charge to achieve transparency in the Town's finances (transparency? - the word has a familiar ring). Support your Local FinCom!
#15 2011-09-28 12:25:50
The members with whom I served were capable of heated discussions and major disagreements - ON ISSUES. We did not resort to insults (unless you consider the terms "liberal" and "conservative" insults), ridicule or personal attacks and we could shake hands at the end of every meeting. We frequently put aside our own convictions in favor of the bigger picture of what would be in the best interests of the town, and because of our perspectives (home owner, business owner, retiree, parent of school aged children) the debates were interesting.
Not sure about televising live. There was some discussion about holding Fincom meetings in the selectmen's room as that was fully equipped for live recording, but there was some reluctance about the perception about lose of more autonomy by doing that. I spoke with Wareham Week about making sure more coverage was available, especially before town meetings.
Open meetings - Wednesday nights. EVERY Fincom meeting is posted, out front at town hall and on the webiste. Kelly Barrasso (secretary) does a fantastic job of posting the meeting minutes on the webside - and she includes quite a bit of discussion and debate in addition to votes. Fincom meetings are seldom attended by anyone other than those invited to speak in front of them. Without coverage from the local papers, getting the word out is tough.
The Fincom will have a public hearing on the warrant articles on October 12th.
#16 2011-09-28 13:09:34
Marilyn C. Donahue wrote:
We did not resort to insults (unless you consider the terms "liberal" and "conservative" insults), ridicule or personal attacks and we could shake hands at the end of every meeting.
Well, duh! Winning! Mix it up, appoint Brenda, Jane or Bruce to the board and we'll have WHDH's satellite action news van camped at Multiservice permanently. Charge rent and more for amenities like blow driers, toilet privileges and senior wheel meals. There's cash money for a new cruiser right there!
Aye, I did a Billy Connolly video vegathon last night and it's either complete nonsense or Wareham Tourretts, for which there's no known cure. I run into Cindy Parola this afternoon, I'm a goner.
Last edited by billw (2011-09-28 13:30:47)
#17 2011-09-28 13:41:16
marlyn i think your work on the finance commitee is good ,however ms bonnie was put on the finance commitee because of her allegiance to janyne , brenda and cronin , these people have screwed wareham royally, she was also put on the finance commitee because of her agrement with bruce and company of the elemenation of 1.2 million in sewer in kind fees that the town provided for the sewer dept .and now the town provides these services for free, and maney depts like muncipal maintence and the library are in shambles , dead animals litter our streets , the library does not have up to date materials for our kids to do there home work.
#18 2011-09-28 13:47:43
Stewie (that would be me) wrote:
"Marilyn - I am a big fan of finance committees - in all towns. In most towns in which I have been involved, the Fincom may incite disagreements among various factions, but I don't recall insults & ridicule in those venues. It is indeed sad if that is the situation in Wareham, as the FinCom is a worthy body whose opinion(s) ought to be respected by the taxpayers/voters of the Town."
Marilyn, please accept my apology for sloppy language. I was not referring to discord within the FinCom, among its members; but rather to the proponents/opponents of a particular article. Westfield, for example. In my opinion, vigorous debate by the FinCom benefits the entire Town, as does the ability to shake hands afterward.
But your linking of "autonomy" to live TV broadcasts puzzles me a bit. particularly in light of the comment that "getting the word out is tough".
It would seem to me that live TV would go a long way to getting the word out, to the benefit of all. The FinCom is a difficult, time-consuming, thankless job. Let the voters/taxpayers see & hear your debates on the Town Meeting warrant articles. There is nothing to lose & much to gain.
#19 2011-09-28 13:48:03
marlyn i dont like what has happened to wareham, and one going up against these clowns cant ingage in half measures and being wish washey ,we must take them head on , bonnie i am sure is a good human being , but she should not be on the finance commitee , her appoiment on the finance commitee was pollitacal and to rubber stamp the decions of bruce and companey,she was fired from tobey and she needs to be shown the door on the finance commitee also , i liked your post and hope to hear more from you in the future.
#20 2011-09-28 13:50:13
the finance commitee should not be polictal, we should have people who know finances on the commitee and you should not get a apoiment to the finance commitee because your a politacal hack.
#21 2011-09-28 14:00:18
Bonnie C has never never rubber stamped anything. She does her homework, has very good questions and does whatever anyone asks her. Some folks do not speak as eloquent as others. However, do not be mistaken by her. She works very hard and I have nothing but respect for her.
#22 2011-09-28 14:04:44
Thank you all for the informative posts!
#23 2011-09-28 14:24:05
In a perfect world... Know what? Scratch that. We are already there.
Every last one of you owns a computer and cell. The later now are given free to the foodstamp destitute. Many of you also own laptops and smartphones.
Mr Obvious here to ask, why don't we force all our municipal debate online?
Broadcast teevee, by contrast, sucks six ways to Sunday.
#24 2011-09-28 15:53:24
To Stewie - my personal objection to the live broadcast was to sitting in the seats of the BOS.....I would have had to to burn so much sage the sprinklers would be going off.
To Redrobin - Bonnie may have been appointed because of her political connections, but her votes sure didn't reflect that. She always researched her topics and made informed decisions. And it is nice to have a balance to some of the brilliant intellectuals on the fincom who understand the financials, but can't always articulate well enough so that us regular folk can understand.
Bill - interesting idea, which I have heard tossed around in lots of venues and with a variety of topics. But since we can't find anyone considered neutral enough to referee (and we couldn't provide enough protection anyway) not sure it can really happen. Yet. Someday. It would certainly be better to have the debates somewhere other than TM floor when we are trying to conduct business.
To be clear to all - I am not longer on the Finance Committee, but have offered to work with the current board as unoffical "PR." So I am happy to step in to correct misconceptions and interpret debate.
FINCOM MEETING TONITE WED. 9/28 at 6:30 PM MULTISERVICE CENTER ROOM 228. Warrant articles and capital items to be discussed. All are welcome.
#25 2011-09-28 16:05:59
It is Wareham's loss that you are no longer on the Finance Committee, Marilyn.
Thank you for keeping us all informed on these very important issues.
I recall, in the "old" days, the Finance Committee carried a LOT of weight, especially on Town Meeting nights.
Their recommendations carried a great deal of weight. I recall Waldo Roby was the Chairman of the Fin. Com. when I was a Selectman. He didn't like me... I didn't like him.
So what.
He kept our feet to the fire, and although we would yell at each other, we all knew that all of us were interested in the best interests of Wareham, and ONLY the best interests of Wareham.
The Finance Committee was composed of business people, school teachers, accountants, bookkeepers, and interested citizens that wanted to spend endless hours listening to boring, and sometimes inane issues.
BUT...give them something that doesn't make any sense at all, and they will destroy you. Or at least, they used to be able to destroy you.
The average voter at Town Meeting DEPENDED on the Finance Committee to represent THEM and tell them the truth.
In those days, if the Finance Committee recommended not to vote for an Article, it was basically lost, unless you had a really GOOD argument.
Ahhh...longing for the old days, eh?
#26 2011-10-03 17:53:52
First, I'm not going to hide behind a fake name, and it's Cottuli, a name my husband is very proud of so at least have the dignity to spell it correctly. It's easy for you, redrobin, to sit on the sidelines and insult a person trying to make a difference for this town. Do you really think I enjoy taking time away from my family and friends to attend endless meeting, looking for solutions to endless problems? I don't!
Next, I was never appointed for political reasons. Prior to my appointment I didn't even know the names of the Board of Selectman members. I, like so many other citizens, was happy in ignorance of what went on in this town until I attended the infamous Town Meeting where the entire FinCom quit. Yes, I have been an advocate of the reform of the sewer enterprise fund for a very long time. Was I selected for that reason? Yes! But as a sewer user I want to know what I'm paying for, and I don't want to pay twice for the same service while others pay nothing for the protection of their beautiful beaches. I have said from the start, "show me what it really costs and I'll pay it."
Next, beansdaddy82, my dismissal from Tobey hospital is a confidentiality issue, and if you are aware of it then someone is in violation of breaking that agreement. However, I will be making a public statement on this issue at the next FinCom meeting, so maybe you'd like to attend. If the FinCom and/or the appointing authority feel as though I should be removed, they can certainly tell me so. However, I was not appointed because I am one of the town's greatest financial minds, we already have several of those. I was appointed to give a different view. The view of the average, hard working, struggling, middle income family that comprise the majority of our citizenship. I am neither a moron or an idiot! And if you don't like my loud mouth, don't listen. I speak my mind, I tell the truth, and I don't sugar coat it.
Lastly, Mr Whitehouse, although you will probably ban me from your blog and delete my entry, just as you have banned 99% of your membership listed, you are not a journalist, you are a suck on society. Do something that helps, stop stirring up more hate.
Bonnie Jean Cottuli
#27 2011-10-03 18:32:44
Mrs. Cottuli,
Not to speak for Bill.. But I really doubt that you'd be banned for coming on here and defending yourself..using your real name. 99% of the membership were not banned.. exactly. When the original site (warehamobserver.com) was shut down.. This site (warehamwater) was "opened"..and all previous screen names were "banned".. Anyone who wanted to create a new screen name was welcome to do so. Contrary to "popular belief" there have been very few "banned" bloggers on Bill's site(s).
Sorry redrobin.. I guess I feel like you have every right to state what you think about things.. I don't always agree with you..and I hardly (if ever) "call you on it".. I hope you don't feel I'm throwing you under any bus..I'm not. I'm just letting you know how I've felt many times. I think you go a "bit" too far sometimes.. and I believe this was (definitely) one of those times.
A couple of years ago I made a "joke" about you Mrs. Cottuli.. I don't know if you're aware of it. John Donahue "called me out on it" on Slager's site at the time. It was out of line..and I offer my sincere apology..belated as it may be. I hope you accept. As someone who gets "a little passionate" about some of the issues we've had to face the last few years..and having heard you speak (as passionately) against what I usually believed was "right" at town meeting.. I guess I viewed you as one of the people who were supporting those who I felt (strongly) were largely responsible for Wareham's woes..namely, the previous BoS. Your entitled to your views, and I was wrong to take a cheap shot at you. I respect you coming on here and "saying your piece"..and (though I don't expect you to..) I hope you might share your views another time.. I also respect the fact that your associates, Marilyn Donahue and Donna Bronk would also come here and vouch for your "character". That says alot to me.
Dave DiPietro
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-10-03 19:29:43)
#28 2011-10-03 18:37:57
BonnieCottuli wrote:
Lastly, Mr Whitehouse, although you will probably ban me from your blog and delete my entry, just as you have banned 99% of your membership listed, you are not a journalist, you are a suck on society. Do something that helps, stop stirring up more hate.
Bonnie Jean Cottuli
I banned all user names - as you observed, still there for all to see - when I relaunched last January asking everyone to create new accounts employing their real names if at all possible. You probably blew past that message when you registered. No harm. I tend to ignore preambles myself.
I have deleted two accounts since January; both recently and both for cause. For as far back as I care remember, the word journalist served as a synonym for charlatan.
The rest of your rant - that's what it is, right? - is itself a textbook example of hate, especially directed at someone who's never once mentioned your name here.
I have lampooned your abrasive speaking style, privately, among friends, but I yield to the better mimics among us. You don't want to play asshole with this crowd. They're pros.
So speak your heart, Bonnie, but leave the generic insults at home, ok?
Last edited by billw (2011-10-03 21:46:36)