#1 2013-08-16 13:54:18
what they do is retitlle the position. they used to have an asst. superindendent .people complained about having asst. superintendent, so when anna miranda was moving up the latter they made her a finacial director even though she did not know anything about the job , she was the asst superintendent only they called it the finacial director. well gues what anna mmiranda is gone and a lot of people think the poisition was not being replaced , because of the towns finacial position. but guess what the position has been replaced there is some one in that position ,they hired someone from the cape , i dont know what they will call the new asst suerintendent ,maybe they will call him the director of school bulshit. but we borrowed money for the school text books . damm i hope the state takes over this sorry town.
#2 2013-08-16 13:56:25
just re title the position.