#1 2013-08-15 13:55:03
i thought this was the job of the town TA. i here that he is negotioning contracts with town employess while derick sullivan sits by. derick says no more than 28 words while bowen drones on and on negitionaying with the town employees. bowen will argue for hours and hours with the town employee arguing about the most minute thing . mr murphy and hartman did the negitoaning them selves . not true with derick. but that is not the problem here bowen is lineing his pockets at the towns expense . he drones on and on and nothing gets seteled except for the fact that bowen gets over 200 hendered dollars a n hour . dump bowen now. how come murphy and hartman used to do this and now we need bowen doing this and lineing his pockets at warehams expense . perhaps we should hire a layer for the position of town TA.
#2 2013-08-15 14:04:08
the town tries to nickle and dime our town employees who live in wareham, while giving money to the likes of bowen who is fucking our town in the pocket book and he does not live in our town and does not spend money in our town . for christs sakes where our our town leaders and why our letting bowen screw our town .