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- » there was a car on fire in wareham ,fire dept shows up and police don
#1 2013-07-27 07:46:35
dont , the car was on fire and the fire dept arrived first and they called the police dept and they did not show up for at least 2 hours . why did they not show up in there cars that have over 120 thousand miles on them ,well they are under budget constraints , they have to live within there budget , no over time , the police dept are down over 12 policemen . and this is the summer and they are very busy. god i hope nobody is being raped. imagine a 2 hour respose time because of budhet cuts. this is the town of wareham where we are in the summer are busiset time in wareham , the library is open only 3 days , muncipal maintence has only about 5 men to clean the beaches . guess what the cemetarys need to be mowed , maybe the selectmen need to bring in goats to keep the cemetarys mowed. then there is the poilice dept who have at least 12 vacancies , drive around in unsave poice cars with at least 120 thousand miles on them , cover 55 square miles of wareham with only 3 cars on the road from 12 to 8 shift . they have only 1 dective on duty . they are getting fucked about getting a raise. police moral is in the shitter . this is wareham on the skids , where we have to carry our trash off the beach and where half the streets will not be plowed . east wareham looks like bengladesh pakistan .
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- » there was a car on fire in wareham ,fire dept shows up and police don