#1 2013-06-15 15:47:10
in wareham we have so many 40b projects , we have the greatest alternative school where we educate the foster kids and troubled kids , they are in our schools giving wedgies to those kids that want to learn . we have 55 to 60% of our school kids on reduced lunches or free school lunches. the motto of wareham is bring all the losers to wareham who dont have the money , the other 40% of our population will pay the taxes, hell they our always after us to pay more taxes in the form of an over ride.
#2 2013-06-15 15:54:44
we have an under manded and under payed police dept to protect you. people our constantly getting run over crossing the highway. our school system sucks and at the library iit is a dump ,doors ar falling off ,and windows are rotting. but guess what we are cutting the library budget again ,they dont buy new books , but they have a teen program for trobled teens . we dont plow your roads if you live onn an unecepted street , we mandate you take your trash home from the beach when you come. we dont have trash removal,you need to pay to have your trash removed.
#3 2013-06-15 16:01:46
most parents who care about ther kids schooling send there kids to old rocheter or catholic school. wareham former leaders fired almost all of our former dept heads because they did not like them ,