#1 2013-05-13 07:36:04
wareham used to spend over 750k on there library , now they are spending about 250k on there library , a cut of 137k from the lbrrary will leave it with just 110k to spend , there will be no books to buy , no reference librian , no childrens librian , what we will have is just 50 k to run the librarys front desk . the kids will run wild , the library would be trashed ,books will be stolen windows smashed. people will look at the cuts in our schools and the library and say i am not moving to wareham because it is a dump. because of this property values will fall and there will be less money to run the town. i say to the town meeting to refuse these cuts to the library. i remember one courgeous lady mary jane pillsbury when they tryed to cut her budget some years ago fought back and defeted these cuts at town meeting . we need someone to speak at town meeting and try to fill her shoes and defeat these cuts at town meeting . they will have to offer where these cuts will have to come from and i am sure there is a place. what is happening here is to make things so bad in wareham people will be begging for an over ride . stop useing the library as a polictical pawn. we all no because people are hurting an an over ride will not oass because they dont trust our leaders .
#2 2013-05-14 21:41:16