#1 2013-01-31 08:46:46
the school dept. is truly stupit,sending 5th graders to the middle school is an insane idea, what comes next sending the kindergardeners to the trouble school, what gets my ass is that the school commitee thinks its a good idea, bullshit. the school commitee is nuts, with ideas like this i will not vote for any candiates in the school commitee race this year and untill they get there collectuve heads out of there asses, the worst schoolommitee member is mike flaterry, i will be takeing my hids out of the wareham schools and i urge others to do so . they spend money stupidly like the extra 8 k on the hireing of a school superindedented then they wonder why there is no money. also the state is sending all the troube makers to wareham instead of keeping them in there own schools thus screwing with our children , i pay and they free load.