#1 2012-10-26 20:43:49
town meeting one reason because our town lawyer rich bowen gives the decesions to the selectmen on both sides of the fence the decions they want , but we pay for it , bowens law firm is payed twice as much as k and p law firm was and they dont do all that k and p did, fire the bowen law firm we will save more than 100 thousand dollars.
#2 2012-10-26 20:48:28
the schhool busing budget went up more than 200 k this past year, the finance commitee was to do with the school dept and the selectmen a study on the bussing issue , but guess what where is the study, we cant afford to buy the busses , we dont have the money folks , but there is no leadership ,not from the school dept and not fron the finance commitee. where is the leader ship.
#3 2012-10-26 20:51:16
we dont have a town admierstrator , a person with experience , all we have is an acting TA with out experince .
#4 2012-10-26 20:55:12
we have a finance commitee trying to screw our police men collecting the quinn bill money , even thow in there contract they are intitled to it , the setting up a law suit by the police union, in plymouth the town fathers tried this ,guess what happened the town was hit with triple damages.
#5 2012-10-26 20:57:13
the school dept gave the teachers a 16% raise over 3 years ,even thow the town could not afford it , where is the outrage fron the finance commitee.
#6 2012-10-26 21:00:08
selectmen and the finance commitee supported the spinning library being taken over by the town knowing there was no money , it was a worthy indevor but we dont have the money.