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- » school teachers get a 16% raise over 3 years and they want an overide
#1 2012-06-25 14:47:54
yes folks ya hear that they get a 16 % raise , why did they forgo that raise to save the jobs of there fellow teachers , these jobs were funded with stimulous money, the townside of gov. well thet get a 4 % raise oner 6 years ,the school dept is living in la la land thry cry poverty but they get big raises and the rest og us suckers to give them money we dont have, in these tough times this plain is plaid wrong vot eno on ever rides.
#2 2012-06-25 14:59:06
how can one ask people who live on social security to pay to keep teachers , when they get over 5% raises a year ,have the summers off , give me a break its for the children the scholl dpt needs to get there act together.
#3 2012-06-25 21:56:31
wareham policemen and most town employess get 4% raises over 6 years ,then how come the scholl employess get !6% raises over 3 years and they get the summers off ,hey it aint about the children , vote no on all over rides.
#4 2012-06-26 07:06:43
if the school dept cant buy school books , repair school roofs , or cant buy school books then why on earth is the school dept giving out 16% raises, vote no on the over rides.
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- » school teachers get a 16% raise over 3 years and they want an overide