#1 2012-06-16 07:52:34
they have been hiring for years , while we elimanate employees on the town side of gov. they hired 20 employees or so with one time stimulous money a few years ago ,created an alternative school , ,created dean of students , at the same time muncipal maintence was decimated, the library lays in ruins , there are less cops patroling wareham than years ago with the 2nd highest crime rate in plomouth county, there is no council on ageing director, there are no assistantsin any town depts ,yet there are asst pricipals ,asst school superidents and all with secataries , ,so i say give me a break, no override till all assisants and dean of students are toosed out the door and barrys pay is cut.
#2 2012-06-16 07:53:29
tell your freiinds to vote against the overide.