#1 2012-06-13 17:14:14
i agree with you 100% that the town of wareham should be out of the bussing business and i agree with your decesion to vote against the school buses, your vote was truly a vote that shows you are truly a good leader, i give you my profiles in courage award, and thanyou for your position on this matter and if you run againn i will be sure to vote for you. some times it is easy to vote for these things and vote against them in the ballot box so that is why i think yoy showed true leadership in this matter.
#2 2012-06-13 17:28:09
also your vote on the override was a good vote ,most of these teachers were hired a couple of years ago on stimulous money, again you are the man wareham voters are hurting finacially and you show with your decisions that you balance the needs of the school and the needs of the tax payer you can hold your head high. you are also helping bring the 2 sides together in wareham.
#3 2012-06-13 17:33:16
wareham is useing the school buses to raise money and create a slush fund , and they want the wareham taxpayers to pick up the bill. when they say that the scholl can do the busiing cheaper, they are wrong as they dont figure the cost of buying the school buses. also wareham is only one of three towns in mass. that have there own scholl buses.
#4 2012-06-13 17:36:35
to buy the school books ,get rid of some asst principals , to fix the school roof lay off anna miranda, and we cant afford a study for minot forest school right now as pepole are hurting.