#1 2012-06-06 19:13:45
On Top Of The Almost 1 Million Missing From Warehams Accounts , I Hope The Selectmen Dont Plan On Voting For An Override On The Ballot Whem The Town Cant Keep Track Of The Money Wareham Taxpayers Give The Town , Voto No On An Override , Are The Wareham Taxpayers To Get It Up The Ass Again With An Overide , I Hope Not.
#2 2012-06-06 19:27:50
Who Brought The Idiots To Wareham Gov. Like The Biz And Andrews Who Screwed Up Warehams Gov. So Bad With There Hires , They Are The Donahues , The Dirt Thief Cronin , Bruce And Brenda The Fat Mouth , Together Thay Dont Even Have One Brain Among Them.
#3 2012-06-06 19:30:59
The Former Town Acct. Mr Bliss Never Lost Over A Million Dollars In The Taxpayers Money, He Was Given A Payout For Being Illegally Fired .
#4 2012-06-06 19:33:55
How Can The Above Metioned People Show There Heads In Town They Should All Be Ashamed Of Themselves.
#5 2012-06-07 00:19:29
lets see, we paid tons of money to illegaly fired town employess , we spent tons of money on computor auidits, we fire and harass good town employess out of there jobs and replace them with higher paid employess some of whom could not manage a chinese fire drill, the scholl dept lays off teachers but does not try to bring costs under control buying triming the budget of higer paid management, i guess the powers to be think the taxpayers of wareham are stupit and wnd will pay higher taxes for mismangement of there town goverment. when we go to town meeting we get advice from town leaders to spend more money than we have , stop the madness , hell we are not gioing to take it any more, vote no on all overrides , dont beleave the lies that town leaders pass on to the voting public, the town has been mismanged .
#6 2012-06-07 15:05:52
From a post Insidetip made on this site ( I think the date was 6/27/11)
“According to testimony from Mr Sanquinet (past acting town administrator and then assistant TA under Andrews) testified the settlement money, ($250,000 or so) was in escrow and ready for paying a judgment in case Wareham lost.”
I believe Sanquinet I think he did put the money aside. Now people have to figure out what the heck Andrews did with the money. Maybe Biz knows where it went
#7 2012-06-09 08:21:49
If they can determine that this was a misuse of public funds, I would hope that they will properly go after the abuser(s) to the full extent of the law ( fat chance) . If Andrews is behind it, maybe he will spending a little time sharing a cell with bubba.