#1 2012-05-24 07:04:31
wareham is alloted 44 police men , but it will be cut to 41 police men because of the mismangement of the wareham town gov, by brenda and her crowd, but look what is happening in wareham a home invasion where 2 women are raped , a stabing in the new 40b complex in west wareham and yesterday a stabing on onset ave. yet we cut our police dept. but we keep ana miranda around at the scholl dept so she can have a higher retirement package,, we dont need an asst. school superindendent, we dont need asst, school pricipals at our schools , wareham schools are not doing so good and more money will not help , vote against the over rides , and put more policemen on our streets , wareham is in plymouth county and after brocton it has the highest crime rate , rapes and stabiings every day in wareham is to much to handel, we need those 3 policmen back, we do not need town hall closed on fidays , i cant see how we will save any money ,this friday closing this summer is a sham on the taxpayers of wareham, and guess what we should not have voted for the town takeing over the spiniie library , the town does not have the money, what is the logic here close town hall on fridays to save 40k and at the same time spend 40 k on the new spine library take over.
#2 2012-05-24 16:13:12
Time for Stanley to go costing the town a lot of tax payer money. We could hire more Police Officers if the town didn't pay him such a big salary, that was mistake number one. Stanley is nothing but a smoke and mirrors type of guy. We need a real Chief that lives in town and actually cares for the towns people.