#1 2012-03-18 17:07:48
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#2 2012-03-19 09:06:38
Maybe Brucey isn't so sweet after all..Swifts Beach Road is full of Slavin suporters, a gauntlet of signs for the ex and soon to be unelected Selectman to view on a daily basis!!!..
#3 2012-03-19 09:43:08
WOW Brucie's nieghbors don't like him what are the odds. Lucky for him he gets to wake up every day and see these signs right in front of his face. sorry couldn't post a picture but take a ride down on a nice day like today
#4 2012-03-19 15:04:02
the guy savenue is a super dick and a asshole.