#1 2012-03-06 17:18:02
Email rec'd this afternoon from janetjones30@comcast.net
To MWF Members:
Sorry for the last minute notice. MOVE WAREHAM FORWARD is alive and kicking!! We need your support and would appreciate your attendance at the MWF meeting, Thursday, March 8 from 7pm - 9pm at the Onset Campground on Zarahemia Rd (off Onset Ave.). We will be discussing the upcoming elections. All questions & answers are welcome. Volunteers are needed to help our candidates. This election will be very important to all of us. We were strong last Spring and our members won. Let's do it again!!
One of "their" selectmen was AWOL for over a month last Summer and won't last a year in office.. The other is the re-incarnation of Jane and Brenda.. Nothing to be proud of.
In the email MWF refers to "our candidates".. But doesn't mention who they're supporting.. One would assume Sweet Brucey for the 3 yr seat.. (just can't get enough of a good train wreck I guess) ..And probably Amit Johar (sp?) for the two year seat. Sorry Mr. "I think Andrews should get an extension".. I can't support anyone who would think that..let alone say it aloud! Also.. I'm sure John Donahue would be "their" candidate for the 3 yr. assessor seat (never you mind about that pesky history he's had as a "crooked" assessor here and elsewhere..I'm sure he's much better now). Brenda's back too (did she ever leave?).. running unopposed for a one year stint on the assessor's board. Hideous is her middle name. You can bet she's one of "their's". A write in campaign against her is a must.
Vote MWF.. Because the town's not screwed up enough already!!
#2 2012-03-08 00:18:13
Wait a second.. What's this? An update to the first email (the one I posted above).. Except this time it included everyone's email address? (Is that everyone??) Pssst, Janet... You might want to use "bcc" when sending an email to multiple people.. so as not to disclose their emails to anyone and everyone.. Not that I don't appreciate seeing who really "is" MWF?
Well.. Let's see. Hmmm..
A few that "pop out" at me are.. Tom Monaghan (toottoot), Mick Jones (Dr. Mick Jones, that is).. Ed Pacewicz.. Bruce Sauvageau.. Brenda Eckstrom.. Lynne Andresse (teacher91).. Ellen Begley (and hubby David).. Mikey Schneider.. Leie Carmody.. Larry Gaines..
Any surprises? No? Me neither..
From: Move Warehamforward [mailto:movewarehamforward@msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 5:03 PM
To: shmonaghan@verizon.net; leiec@comcast.net; nursingmatters@yahoo.com; janetjones30@comcast.net; cac05@yahoo.com; nandresse@comcast.net; jtdassoc@aol.com; edward.pacewicz@hotmail.com; jrinonset@gmail.com; e.begley@verizon.net; debegley3@verizon.net; marthamaynard@msn.com; info@proracegear.com; dlrcbr@aol.com; naval1@msn.com; tporada51@comcast.net; midgejon@hotmail.com; joe_leg@hotmail.com; wardenfam5@aol.com; dpfnister@comcast.net; eckstromkenbren@aol.com; onsetmom1@hotmail.com; mljones001955@comcast.net; lindag381@verizon.net; gramyk@verizon.net; bsauvageau@yahoo.com; jmac0319@comcast.net; michael.schneider@msn.com; tomsouphos@hotmail.com; gaines475@aol.com
Subject: MWF Meeting
Today was my first try at emailing everyone. I had a difficult time and not sure I included everyone because of the problems I experienced, SO I am trying this new way to contact everyone. If you received this earlier, you can disregard this time around. I will get better. If someone you know was not included, please offer them a personal invite. Thanks
Janet, (MWF clerk)
To MWF Members:
Sorry for the last minute notice. MOVE WAREHAM FORWARD is alive and kicking!! We need your support and would appreciate your attendance at the MWF meeting, Thursday, March 8 from 7pm - 9pm at the Onset Campground on Zarahemia Rd (off Onset Ave.). We will be discussing the upcoming elections. All questions & answers are welcome. Volunteers are needed to help our candidates. This election will be very important to all of us. We were strong last Spring and our members won. Let's do it again!!
#3 2012-03-08 06:57:52
the above list is a list of losers in wareham ,or members of the pocal democrat party{gimmie people} they live in trailers like mr toot toot or mr monighan , they have amounted to nothing in life but are gearing up for the neat election financing slagers newspaper , selling sniigie blankets and working to get bruce and there crowd elected to office in wareham and to get us into even more trouble than they have in the past dont let that happen people , get your self to the poles in april and vote for slavin and title baum , i have met mr titlebaum and i think he will do a good job for wareham , we dont need more selectmen calling people idiots.
#4 2012-03-08 15:52:17
"Our candidates?" But I thought they said they were "non-partisan?"
MWF promised to do all these great things for the town, but they never seem to do anything until their buddies need help getting elected.
#5 2012-03-10 16:34:28
Dave DiPietro wrote:
who really "is" MWF?
Well.. Let's see. Hmmm..
A few that "pop out" at me are.. Tom Monaghan (toottoot), Mick Jones (Dr. Mick Jones, that is).. Ed Pacewicz.. Bruce Sauvageau.. Brenda Eckstrom.. Lynne Andresse (teacher91).. Ellen Begley (and hubby David).. Mikey Schneider.. Leie Carmody.. Larry Gaines..
Any surprises? No? Me neither..
From: Move Warehamforward [mailto:movewarehamforward@msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 5:03 PM
To: shmonaghan@verizon.net; leiec@comcast.net; nursingmatters@yahoo.com; janetjones30@comcast.net; cac05@yahoo.com; nandresse@comcast.net; jtdassoc@aol.com; edward.pacewicz@hotmail.com; jrinonset@gmail.com; e.begley@verizon.net; debegley3@verizon.net; marthamaynard@msn.com; info@proracegear.com; dlrcbr@aol.com; naval1@msn.com; tporada51@comcast.net; midgejon@hotmail.com; joe_leg@hotmail.com; wardenfam5@aol.com; dpfnister@comcast.net; eckstromkenbren@aol.com; onsetmom1@hotmail.com; mljones001955@comcast.net; lindag381@verizon.net; gramyk@verizon.net; bsauvageau@yahoo.com; jmac0319@comcast.net; michael.schneider@msn.com; tomsouphos@hotmail.com; gaines475@aol.com
Joe Leggett (Joe_Leg), Joe MacDonald (LenSkynyrd/GimmeShelter), Ted Porada (CoachTP), Kate Furler (GramyK), and..
nursingmatters@yahoo.com Mary Vieira Rose
cac05@yahoo.com ??
jtdassoc@aol.com John Donahue
jrinonset@gmail.com Joyce Rothman
marthamaynard@msn.com Maynard, Martha Mathews
info@proracegear.com Alan Slavin
dlrcbr@aol.com ??
naval1@msn.com John Houton
midgejon@hotmail.com ??
wardenfam5@aol.com ?? Theresa Warden
dpfnister@comcast.net Debbie Pfnister
onsetmom1@hotmail.com ??
lindag381@verizon.net ??
tomsouphos@hotmail.com ??
Gotta love Google..
Some of those on the email list may not be "active members" of MWF (Alan Slavin and Joe Leggett, for instance).. I was on the list because I "signed up" a long time ago..and I don't think I'd rec'd an email like this from anyone "at" MWF ever before.
Kinda reminds me of how when a "glitch" on WW apparently allowed some people to learn the identities of other people..it was "all's fair in love and war". Well, what's good for the goose..