#1 2012-02-27 15:45:06

Reportedly, the "artist" formerly known as interestedparty aka touchdown aka cranberry's real name is..

Nancy Kress

A quick search yielded her name and (San Dimas, CA) address on MWF's PAC filing for campaign contribution's ---> http://www.wareham.ma.us/Public_Documen … Report.pdf



#2 2012-02-27 17:47:43

My God...could it be?  The person who has been shouting down anyone who tries to get a word in edgewise over at Wareham Week for the past year is a person who probably couldn't even point out Wareham on a map?



#3 2012-02-27 17:58:48

Donation of $200 to Move Wareham Forward....sheesh, MWF sure has a lot of non-Wareham people supporting it.



#4 2012-02-27 18:52:52

Nancey Kress Are You Cranberry,interestd Party, Or Touchdown  And As Slager Says A Yes Or No Answer Will Suffice ?



#5 2012-02-28 10:59:12

She gonna ask for half her donation back because of the fugitive??



#6 2012-02-28 20:31:29

Cranberry Rhimes With Dingleberry.



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