#1 2011-12-23 15:52:57
they want wareham to be civel in there discourseto one another and i say they are full of crap ,they are allways running down people , they are haters ,they ran on being civel ,well i tell you they arnt ,they won there seats with lies and duplicity,and they should not be bloging on hate sites. merry christmas to all ,yeah even you ms begly and mike and ellen i see you arnt selling any of those snuggie blankets you ripped are senior citzens off last xmass to fund your amd mikes campaign od deceipt. ,i sure hope warehams voters wake up this coming year and do there homework and donr vote for any more clones of john donahue who dumps his trash behind the old stapels , and bruce who drives without a licence and brocton brenda the drunk who called one of our voters an idiot.
#2 2011-12-23 15:55:22
ya should have given the snuggie blankets to our poor down trotten seniors instead of having them fund your campaigns.
#3 2011-12-28 08:06:34
Isn't it nice to see more voters seeing through their charade. Did you see the comments about begley on the Wareham Week site.