#1 2011-12-13 17:44:46
Good afternoon.
The posted agenda for the BoS meeting includes the annual Classification hearing. The purpose of this public hearing is to allow the Bd of Assessors to present data to the BoS, in order for the BoS to vote to have a single tax rate or to have two tax rates - a lower rate for residential parcels, and a higher rate for commercial, industrial and personal property parcels.
Remember, this is a PUBLIC HEARING, requiring advertising (not posting). As a PUBLIC HEARING, it means that citizens get to speak & ask questions. and, they should.
Two things are needed for the BoA to present a tax rate to the BoS: the FY2012 LEVY, and the total value of all taxable property in the Town. The LEVY divided by the Total Taxable Value yields the Tax Rate.
Questions for the BoA. Curry stated that last week was the "public disclosure" period required by the DOR. Thus:
1. Do you have "Preliminary Certification of the FY2012 values? If yes - do you have "Final Certification" of the FY2012 values? Final Certification is required before the tax rate can be calculated.
2. Is the FY2012 New Growth approved by the DOR? This is also required prior to Tax rate calculation.
Questions for Andrews & the Financial gang.
1. Free cash approved by DOR as of 7-1-2011?
2. Schedule A submitted by deadline of 10-31-2011? If yes - is it approved?
3. Is the Form B-2 (Transfers) approved?
4. Is the DOR requiring any prior year deficits to be made up on Page 2 of the Recap?
5. Has the Town Clerk correctly submitted data from Town Meetings for Page 4 of the Recap sheet?
6. Has the accounting 'team' gotten approval from the DOR for Page 3 of the Recap (estimated receipts)?
7. Have the A-3 and A-4 attachments been approved by the DOR (enterprise fund & CPC)?
My sense is that Andrews will have his dancing shoes on. Probably to the tune of Wilson Pickett's "Land of a Thousand Dances". I can hear it Now:
Na Na-Na Na-Na
Na-Na Na-Na
Na-Na Na Na-Na Na
Na-Na Na Na
Or perhaps it is ZZ Top night: "TUBE SNAKE BOOGIE". He does seem to enjoy porkin' the Town.
#2 2011-12-13 18:31:43
#3 2011-12-13 19:36:02
Wareham Crossing is a red herring.
My questions re BoA are answered - bad news.
Where are the financiial questions?
This discussion is not germane to the classification hearing.
Presentation is disjointed very hard to follow.
#4 2011-12-13 19:47:10
Casey Stengel: "can't anybody here play this game?" in this case Propr 2.5.
#5 2011-12-13 19:49:09
Meanwhile, the levy has been estimated. Any questions re the financial stuff?
#6 2011-12-13 19:52:58
Curry: finances not approved by the state. Where is the follow-up to the status of the financial stuff?
#7 2011-12-13 19:55:19
new growth not approved. accounting side "lagging".
this is a mess.
#8 2011-12-13 20:06:21
Begley upset about lack of policy & procedues. Holmes points out that there were interviews in February, but no hiring.
Hey Steve! that's your esteemed TOwN ADMINISTRATOR failing.
Why no q's for him?
#9 2011-12-13 20:16:31
Good thing there is one adult in the room - Atty. Bowen.
#10 2011-12-13 20:19:47
Steve's making some good comments here, I think. Said something about dealing with the financial issues relative to all this tomorrow night..at the FinCom/BoS joint mtg.
Sounds like the Assessors department was put in a very tough position. We had to pay $152,000 for outside vendor to do work that has been done in-house since '93-'94. The vendor req'd TM approval of their fee. TM was delayed. So, the process was way behind. Financials usually to state by Nov. 1st. Assessors position unfilled for a long time. Sounds to me like Andrews is (once again) not getting things done that need to get done..and the repercussions. At what point do people stop thinking he's just cleaning up messes that were here before he got here? He's the one to praise (when warranted)..and the one to "blame" when things like an accountant who's in over her head cooks the books..or leaving important positions unfilled for lengthy periods of time. This town's screwed up in so many ways it's ridiculous..
#11 2011-12-13 20:21:09
if you sat thru the farce of a classification hearing, then you understand why the Town is regarded as dysfunctional.
I'll bet Mitt Romney $10,000 that the tax bill goes out well after January 1.
#12 2011-12-13 20:35:53
good points, dave.
but, is the FinCom/BOS meeting televised?
The town needs the cleansing air of open, televised meetings - live.
just my opinion....
#13 2011-12-13 20:51:39
I think it is being televised..and I'll plan to get it posted soon after. It's set to be at 7 pm tomorrow night. Ch. 95 (Comcast).. Internet feed that's used for tonight's BoS mtg. should work tomorrow I think.
#14 2011-12-13 21:50:16
Dave DiPietro wrote:
Internet feed that's used for tonight's BoS mtg. should work tomorrow I think.
Wareham Community Television's links defy any known logic unless they're shaking down corporate sponsors but here's tonight's stream feed.
Last edited by billw (2011-12-13 21:51:21)
#15 2011-12-14 07:42:06
Did Curry say something about town meeting voting that vacancies must be posted within 30 days, was that just for the assessor’s job or for all town vacancies, does anyone remember that vote?
#16 2011-12-14 12:54:22
To see if the Town will vote to change the Town Charter Article 3 Section 3-5 Board of Assessors (c). The following is to be inserted after the first sentence and prior to the second sentence:
Prior to the appointment of a Director of Assessment, the position will be properly posted in Town Hall, trade publications/websites and local news media. The posting will occur no later than 30 days after the vacancy of the position. An interviewing committee shall be formed which will consist of a minimum of 3 members. At least one member shall be a member of the Board of Assessors and the remaining members shall be determined by the hiring authority. These additional members will have knowledge of the position and qualifications needed to fill the position.
NOTE: This article is reproduced exactly as was presented, in accordance with the law.
Inserted by Steven Curry, Et. Al.
Discussion on Art. 38 runs from 2:21:45 to 2:30:00..the Article passed...with an amendment to replace the words "hiring authority" with "Town Administrator"
Last edited by Dave DiPietro (2011-12-14 12:59:34)
#18 2011-12-15 22:00:24
Dave thank you so much for answering my question.