#1 2011-12-13 08:59:48
When or if we ever see 2010 is anyone's guess.
$919,000 is still MIA.
Draft Wareham FY2011 SEFA
"Management was not able to provide an accurate reconciliation between the authorized town meeting votes, the tax recap, budget transfers and the budget recorded within the general ledger. The Town is responsible for monitoring the approved budget and assuring that funds are available to cover the appropriations and that the level of spending is in line with the amounts authorized at town meeting. The lack of procedures in place to reconcile the approved votes to the tax recap and the general ledger can lead to a situation in which line items are overspent, unallowable costs are paid, and department heads do not have accurate information to monitor current operations."
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#2 2011-12-13 11:03:20
This Is What The Leadership Of Bruce ,jayne,brenda,and Croninand There Clones Ellen And Schinder Brought You ,these Problems Were Not Prevelant During Previous Selectmen Boardsand Under Acct.,bliss, Throw Oout These Idiots As Soon As Possible.
#3 2011-12-13 12:45:58
Well, that is quite a read. Many issues.
The report certainly begs the questions: How did the Town get its tax rate approved for Fiscal Year 2011?
Were taxpayers properly taxed for FY11? too high? too low? what?
What will be the carry-over impact on the FY2012 tax rate ?
"not able to provide an accurate reconciliation between the authorized Town Meeting votes (and) the tax recap..."
Can you say "Town Clerk"? Yes, it is your favorite Town Clerk who is responsible for that link between TM votes and the Recap. In fact, the Town Clerk signs pg. 4 of the Recap; which lists the TM votes, amounts, method of payment (borrowing v. raise & appropriate), etc. This can be verified on the Mass.gov website.
"budget transfers" The Recap requires as an attachment a comprehensive listing of interdepartmental transfers which took place during the fiscal year. Wasn't there a substantial overrun in the legal budget for FY10? Were these overruns made up via transfers? Were the transfers done within the long-established rules?
And so much more.....
Do you thik that Biz has been working for John Corzine at MF Global? jes wundrin'.
#4 2011-12-13 13:22:43
Here's the path thru the rather large State website. The endpoint is a wealth of information regarding the Town AND the Districts. Very useful.
1. www.mass.gov
2. Ignore Deval's pcture, at the the top of the screen they list topics A-Z. Click it.
3. Click "D", and scroll to the Division of Local Services. Click it.
4. On the DLS homepage, there will be the "DLS Gateway" to the right of the screen. Click it.
5. Click on Public Reports & Databases
6. The second item on the list will be Municipal FY Recaps. Click it.
7. Hit dropdowns for jurisdiction (Wareham) and FY (2011 and back). then click 'Preview"
8. There it is! the Town's 4-page Recap.
You can also view the Recaps for the Districts.
DLS posts a huge amount of data regarding all 351 municipalities and the 140+/- Districts.
#5 2011-12-13 14:01:00
stewie wrote:
7. Hit dropdowns for jurisdiction (Wareham) and FY (2011 and back). then click 'Preview"
8. There it is! the Town's 4-page Recap.
https://dlsgateway.dor.state.ma.us/gate … ublic.aspx
Or, if you're super lazy, you can click here:
Wareham Taxrate Recap 2011
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#6 2011-12-13 14:36:19
Thanks, BillW, for the shortcuts. I took 'the long way home" for a reason: there is a ton of data on the DOR/DLS website, requiring similar protocols.
But whether you go long or shortcut, you will still see the Town Clerk signing on pg 4 for the amounts voted at TM. Wonder why that little fact is not played up?
One problem with DLS listings of the City/Town/District Recaps is that they are limited to the 4-page basic form. In reality, the submission to the DOR for tax rate approval can run dozens of pages, sometimes exceeding 100. Why is there no access to the total package?
Here's another one. If you went there MY way, you would notice that the DLS/Gateway site has summations of the levy limits for various years. BUT, not for FY2012. How useless is that? The DOR computes levy limits for all cities & towns early in the calendar year for the upcoming fiscal year, and sends them to the communities. Why are they not posted anywhere?
Thuis all comes to a head tonight at the Classification hearing.