#1 2011-10-14 09:53:10
ms fernandes who is the clerk treasurer of the wareham fire dept was drunk recently and hit a parked car ,she was issued a dwi, she is the sister of john donahue. she joins a growing list of wareham drunks such as brenda and andrews who have been issued dwi citations
Last edited by greenhornet (2011-10-14 10:17:48)
#2 2011-10-14 12:41:40
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#3 2011-10-16 09:22:22
Why is the local press turning a blind eye to this story? A town official charged with OUI Liquor and negligent operation of a motor vehicle and not one word in any of the papers.
#4 2011-10-16 10:02:51
GuyIncognito wrote:
Why is the local press turning a blind eye to this story?
Complicated controversy gets ignored entirely, shoved aside by image massaging press releases. News room staffs have shrunk dramatically everywhere. For local weeklies, civic responsibility has left the building. They want your ad dollar and beyond that, don't give a shit. For corporate shills and the public officials they bribe, it's hog heaven.
#5 2011-10-16 10:20:55
All good reasons. I also wonder if some papers might be afraid of offending the Donahues.
I'm just amazed that the Clerk/Treasurer of the Wareham Fire District has been charged with OUI Liquor and negligent operation of a motor vehicle and not a peep about it in the press.
Press coverage in this town certainly is selective.