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- » schinder does not live in wareham , he is now a carpetbagger selectmen
#1 2011-09-07 05:22:19
he said last nite he owns property in wareham , he does in the weweantic ,so does a lot of summer residents , but he said his kids are now enrolled in another towns school system , his neigbors saw him move out in a rental truck , his house is empty ,he does not live there ,then how can he be a selectmen if he does not live in wareham , is he to commute from where ever he lives to wareham and be a carpet bagger selectmen , recall this son of a bitch, he acked like a mad dog last nite , and you can see that it was prearanged for the nuts to be there to clap for him, it is plain disgusting.
Last edited by greenhornet (2011-09-07 05:25:03)
#2 2011-09-07 06:36:08
donahue got to schinder ,dont resign we cant win a special election , we will back you ,you can live in maine ,commute to wareham on tues,nite and you can stay at our old house behind the library, is this what happened.
#3 2011-09-07 07:15:18
Im still trying to figure out how a Father lets his precious daughters get harassed by anyone,then stands by and does anothing about it..not a word to the School, the School Committee, the Superintendant, or the Police..this is all bullshit and I still don't buy it..Schneider and his 897 votes still need to go..
#4 2011-09-07 07:57:38
I'm surprised he didn't have his wife appear for him and chew everyone's ass off....she's apparently the one with balls....he being the third woman member of the BOS.
Is it spelled Michael, or Michele?
#5 2011-09-07 08:09:01
I would like to announce my candidacy for the BOS in the next election.
Anyone have an address I can use during the election?
I would like to change the format of the meetings once I am elected. I will be appearing via telephone at each meeting.
I will attend Town Meeting in person.
If I have any problems during my tenure, I will have my wife take care of the small stuff.
#6 2011-09-07 08:13:50
Did his wife write his speech last night?
#7 2011-09-07 10:35:01
So apparently even though Bobo thinks Wareham Week is a horrible, shameful business (hey, at least they're still a business, Bobo).. He has no problem using their video of Mikey's rant on his website (without crediting WW as the source).. Go ahead..go over and read all the BS the tinhats spew about how awful Wareham Week is.. Don't forget to thank them for the video, looney toons.
No surprise though, really. How many bad things has he said about me? (Alot).. But he STILL has videos I've posted in his "archive" (I thought the videos I made were "edited" and "unreliable" Bobo??).
Mike Flaherty once got into a big argument with Bobo because Flaherty tried to "thank me"/cite his source after trying to post one of the videos I'd made on Slager's site. Bobo refused to allow it. Bobo the hypocritical, delusional, lying POS.
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-09-07 10:35:28)
#8 2011-09-07 11:01:09
BoBo still bragging about the "investigation" of the Library and the three million stolen dollars...been a long's that going for ya'?
He talks to a couple of FBI agents that patronize him and as soon as they hang up they laugh their asses off and pass it along to anyone in the office that needs to be entertained.
I wonder how long it will be before he realizes that he will be eventually caught in believing his own bullshit?
Maybe he and Michele can get together and buy a distressed house in Wareham and both will have legitimate Wareham addresses.
There are several cases of idiocy going around in Wareham...Michele and BoBo are prime examples...must be the water they are drinking or the bad bagels at the day old store.
#9 2011-09-07 11:33:52
Here is more spin from BoBo about his hero:
By: robertslager on 9/7/11
In an earlier post I wrote "I too, noticed that Winslow and Holmes participate in the applause." I meant to write "did not participate in the applause. My bad.
They DIDN'T??? Oh, my gosh, they didn't applaud an idiot that embarrassed the Town of Wareham, even on a National level, that made THEM answer questions they had no answers to because no-one had heard from their colleague, and they realized that he is a waste of space.
Yeah, I don't think Michele is Holmes or Winslow's hero....just a scumbag.
#10 2011-09-07 14:06:35
he's no hero, he's an idiot who doesnt pay his bills. and YOU put him in charge of running the town's finances.
#11 2011-09-07 20:16:08
What?! Winslow and Holmes didn't applaud when they were falsely accused? The nerve!!!
#12 2011-09-07 20:20:55
Holmes and Winslow should have stood up, applauded, and said, in unison:" Thanks Michele...for being such a dumb ass."
I noticed that Walter and Andrews were holding hands until they stood up and applauded.
They are truly a cute couple.
#13 2011-09-07 21:12:15
Schinder Did Not Move To Florida And That Was A Lie. Bruce Said He Moved To Maine In A Very Earley Post, So I Say He Is Living In Maineand Not Wareham, I Dont Care That You Own A House In Wareham That Will Be Forclosed By Citibank, Since You Live In Maine I Dont Think You Should Be A Wareham Selectmen ,you Can Run For That Position In Maine If You Want To.
#14 2011-09-07 21:34:18
Schinder Your A Maine Resident And That Disquaifies You From Being A Selectmen In Wareham Mass. You Dont Want Wareham Residents Knowing You Live In Maine And Not Wareham Because We Will Want You To Resign.
#15 2011-09-08 08:14:34
I hope that everyone knows that Cruz had to be a part of that choreographed dog and pony show on Tuesday night.
#17 2011-09-08 12:49:55
danoconnell wrote:
I hope that everyone knows that Cruz had to be a part of that choreographed dog and pony show on Tuesday night.
So was the intentional harassment, blocked shots and loud interruptions from the MWF peanut gallery while I tried to take photographs.
Massachusetts courts have ruled such orchestrated theatrics are illegal, and when stage managed by elected officials, violations of the Open Meeting Law.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#18 2011-09-10 08:29:20
The following is an e-mail I received from a dear friend in Wareham that used to be VERY active on this site and others, but because of the "harassment" that this person and family received, has stopped altogether. This person't thoughts and advise has every right to be printed, and the Schneider family should pay particular attention to it. It is worth posting here:
If only I was still writing letters to the editors...below is what I would write! The public emotional display was more than I can take. It was digusting, very political and sad to watch the levels that our former leadership and current leadership will stoop to. We need to put the burden of proof back on the Schneiders, so they may either be called on it, or go forward with their allegations. Alas, I no longer write letter to the knows who's hands this will end up in.
Harrassment has legal remedies
I think we all witnessed the emotional display by Mike Schneider on Tuesday night. It appeared carefully crafted and choreographed. However, if his claims of harassment did occur, it would be imperative for Mr. Schneider to seek a legal remedy. First and foremost, there are specific laws that protect minors from the type of harassment discussed by Mr. Schneider. To implicate an administrator in the Wareham school system is one thing, but to follow it through is proper thing to do. That will take it from the political arena and place it squarely in the forum in which it belongs.
In 2002, Massachusetts criminalized the reckless endangerment of minors. Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 265 punishes anyone who recklessly engages in conduct that creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury, harassment or sexual abuse to a child. A person can also be convicted under this law if he fails to take reasonable steps to alleviate a risk of abuse or harassment by not alleviating such risk where there is a duty to act. Thus, school officials (who have a duty to act in Massachusetts) must call the police if they are aware that a child is facing a substantial risk of harassment, sexual abuse or other serious bodily injury. The first step would be for Mr. Schneider, or his wife, to report the allegations to the Administration of the school district. They are compelled to investigate and act according to the law.
Also in 2010, the Massachusetts legislature adopted a harassment prevention law. Unlike the anti-bullying law, this law is not restricted to activities in schools or that affect the school environment. Instead, this law makes it easier for victims of harassment to obtain restraining orders against their harassers, whether those harassers are minors or adults. A person suffering from harassment (whether physical, mental or emotional) may file a complaint in court and petition the court for an order that the harasser: refrain from harassing the minor; refrain from contacting the minor; and stay away from the minor's household or school when the minor is present. The purpose of the order is to protect the minor from future harassment
I would encourage each and every citizen to provide the information to Mr. Schneider and his family. If it is serious enough to move your family out of Wareham and make a very emotional public statement, then it should be dealt with immediately and through the proper channels. This would also eliminate any doubts that it was a political statement and also demonstrate the serious nature of the issue. Massachusetts has spent a great deal of time crafting these laws to protect our most valuable asset, our children.
As the process moves forward, we will know how serious the Schneiders are about protecting their children and doing the right thing!
My thanks to the author.
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