#1 2011-09-02 16:13:10
Shelia Your Full Of Crap, When Is Your Husband Resigning, And Your Son Has Crimnal Problems And They Are Not Made Up.
#2 2011-09-02 16:20:46
Bah ha ha Wittle Mikey hiding behind his wife's skirt. What a coward.
#3 2011-09-02 16:22:21
"Waah Wifey the power elite is mean to me will you write a letter to Bobo for me? Wittle Mikey too scared waaah waahhh waaaaahhhh!!!!"
God this guy is a loser.
#4 2011-09-02 16:24:17
You Dont Amass 25 K In Credit Card Debts And Have A Baank Go After You In Such A Short Period Of Time This Has Been Going On For Some Time Shelia , By By And Dont Let The Door Hit You On Your Way Out Of Town , Resign Mickey And Do It Now.
#5 2011-09-02 16:26:42
"Ok Wittle Mikey let Mommy burp you and change your diapers than I'll write a letter to Bobo for you"
#6 2011-09-02 16:57:54
I read it, and here is my question to Mrs. Schneider: WTF???
WTF are you talking about. You have done one thing, your have proven you are not interestedparty. You are a total dumb ass.
Where is your pussy husband?
Did BoBo help you write that piece of shit letter?
Some dumb-ass did.
Again...where is your PUSSY husband?
Too dark behind your skirt to see enough to write a letter himself, the piece of shit?
Hope I didn't offend you.
Oh...fuck you.
By the way, fuck all of you tin hats too!
Dave got me stirred up today!!
#7 2011-09-02 17:00:21
Give me a break. They're actually going to continue with the conspiracy theory?? Geez.. I guess you play the only card you got when you're desperate. Must I dig up the video of Mrs. Schneider scolding the "bad children" at Town Meeting last year (not once, but twice)? Mrs. Schneider (with all due respect) I don't care that you think you're better than me..or us. You sound alot like other Bobo supporter's I've heard.. Like interestedparty. Not that I give a crap whether you're them.. I could care a less. Your message is the same. What I do care about is the welfare of this town...and you're husband may feel like he was on a crusade..I think he was a tool..used to perpetuate the problems that were started by the previous selectmen, and their supporters..that supported, directed..financed his "successful" bid for selectman. Now proven to be a colossal failure. He has left Wareham in the lurch. Plain and simple. I don't wish financial problems on anyone.. and (God knows) MANY of us have had "easier times".. Do all the boo-hooing you want about "tough times"..just don't blame the "boogeyman". You have any evidence to prove the accusations you make? No.. I didn't think so. And looking for freedom of speech on Bobo's site (like it's the last hope)..that's just sad. I hope your family gets it's act together.. Bottom line is Mike didn't care enough about Wareham (despite all his claims to the contrary)..to leave "right". ..and you can bet that his "political" friends know the reason why..so they can "work the system"..and get one of their own..anybody but someone "we" might support. Whoever that might be. Andrews said it.. (paraphrasing) Mikey's gone..and ain't nobody gonna change that except Mikey.. So, that means Recall..and all that entails. Thank Mike..and Move Wareham Forward. Add it to the long list of problems Wareham has to deal with...and pay for.
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-09-02 17:13:59)
#8 2011-09-02 19:52:10
Here is BoBo's spin:
By: robertslager on 9/2/11
I very much understand what the Schneider family must be feeling right now. I know better than most the levels some people in Wareham will sink to try to hurt you and your family. That's why my heart goes out to the Schneiders. I know the decision to leave must have been extremely difficult. I do hope Mike offers some words of his own on this matter at some point, as well as a formal letter of resignation if he doesn't plan on returning to Wareham. But my thoughts and prayers will be with them always. They were innocent victims in a twisted power game that leaves only destruction in its wake.
WTF are you talking about?,
Mike Schneider is a chicken-shit, pussy who lets his wife fight his battles for him, kind of like BoBo...
"Whatever you decide, dear." She said.
Jeffrey Dahmler's mom said that.
#9 2011-09-03 07:25:35
What twisted logic makes others responsible for J.Michael not paying his debts?
#10 2011-09-03 07:34:32
Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh the evil power elite made me wrap up 25k in credit card debt. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
#11 2011-09-03 07:35:17
And why didnt you show up at your court date Mrs J Scheinder?
#12 2011-09-03 10:04:49
Here is the beginning of the spin by the leader of the idiots:
By: robertslager on 9/3/11
For the learning impaired over at Wareham Week, Mrs. Schneider's letter was intended as a personal e-mail to me. She did not ask for it to be published. After reading it, I sent her an e-mail back, practically begging her to let me publish it because I felt Wareham needed to know the level of harassment the Schneider family had endured. Mike didn't even know she wrote it at the time. I asked for permission to run it. The family agreed. She did not write the letter on Mike's behalf. She wrote it on her own behalf. Mike will respond to all this when he feels it is appropriate to do so.
Right after his period is over, he may write his own letter.
#13 2011-09-03 11:40:52
All the nonsense aside, anyone with character would have done the following:
When Schneider knew that he was in trouble, no matter what it happened to be, lack of business, lack of job opportunities, harassment by evil doers, credit card debt that is unable to be satisfied, mortgage problems, sewer monies owed, unable to support himself and his family without moving, he should have quietly written a letter to the editors of the various news outlets, advising the public of personal problems(unspecified) that forces him to resign his position as Selectman.
He would then have asked that the BOS call for a special election once he presented his resignation to the Town Clerk the following day. He would have asked his supporters to please support the candidate that his PAC endorses, apologized for his departure, and gone into that good night.
Instead, he causes an investigation, even on a National level, that embarrassed himself and his family, his dirty business out on the street for everyone to see.
To further embarrass the family he is so dedicated to, he has his wife write a letter to an idiot so that everyone can ridicule her too.
He only has himself to blame.
His lack of character is equaled only by that of BoBo and Bruce.
He is an embarrassment to his family, his friends, his supporters and to the Town of Wareham.
The worst sin of all, in my opinion, is to let his wife take it on the chin. What kind of man does that?
Oh yeah....a pussy.
Spin it anyway you want BoBo and friends...the guy is a scum-bag.
#14 2011-09-03 12:22:26
Before the spin docs start on the other side about what I said, and what is sure to be said:
No...he wouldn't have been harassed anyway. No one would care about his whereabouts (except to wish him well) and why would anyone investigate his finances and problems.
He would have been a former Selectman.
That's it.
If some info came out, it might have been discussed, but it would not have been a daily topic of conversation.
The story would have been replaced by news of the special election and the candidates running for his seat.
He caused his own problems, compounded them, and now must live with constant ridicule until the story gets old and worn out. He prolonged that from happening by not resigning.
Self made successes...self made failures.
#15 2011-09-04 12:53:53
By the way, where is Sheila Schneider?
#16 2011-09-04 13:58:51
I have to agree with the discussion over on Wareham Week. The tin hats are truly a bunch of disgusting animals for attacking the Cape Cod Collaborative. This is just a sad attempt to distract people with their hair brained conspiracy theories and if running roughshod over the CCC helps them, they're happy to do it.
Truly a bunch of disgusting clowns.
#17 2011-09-05 16:01:05
If a fiction writer discussed the present conditions in Wareham, the general public would not believe the story.
Out of control and unbelievable are understatements.
#18 2011-09-05 18:19:57
The following is a Family Guy interpretation of a typical conversation with a member of the TFHC...
#19 2011-09-05 18:31:46
you got it just right, dang jackasses.
#20 2011-09-05 18:48:52
LMAO, Dave!!
#21 2011-09-05 18:56:53
Letter from Sheila to BoBo:
"Dear Robert,
You have always been my(our) hero.
Can you help us?
We need money, and help, to save our business so my husband doesn't have to be a bum and not work.
Do you know how we can accomplish that?
I know you have experience in these matters.
I didn't think so...thanks anyway.
Lots of love....Sheila"
#22 2011-09-05 19:03:34
Here is BoBo talking with himself while sitting on the potty and dreaming of a career somewhere, sometime:
By: darkknight on 9/5/11
Mr. Slager, does "Wareham Thinker" really believe everyone doesn't know by now he's a member of the Pillsbury family?
By: robertslager on 9/5/11
That's a question you would need to direct to him, darkknight.
By: darkknight on 9/5/11
I understand, Mr. Slager. It is obvious to me and many others I have spoken with. That would explain his constant attempts to discredit your reporting. It would also explain the animosity he has toward Bruce Sauvageau. If I recall correctly, Mr. Sauvageau once asked that Mary Jane Pillsbury resign from the Board of Selectmen.
By: robertslager on 9/5/11
Darkknight, I am not confortable commenting on this subject as I could be called to testify in the library embezzlement case.
By: darkknight on 9/5/11
I understand, Mr. Slager. I am sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable position.
By: robertslager on 9/5/11
Don't worry about it.
By: darkknight on 9/5/11
If it's all the same to you, Mr. Slager, I will not be patronizing Community Mini Storage.
By: robertslager on 9/5/11
Whom you do business with is none of my business, darkknight. But I will not support an organized boycott again any local business. I just want that to be clear.
From now on I will call you Mr. Darkknight...you deserve that, formerly Paul Shooter and James.
#23 2011-09-05 20:00:47
Mr Slager,
Get a job to be called Mr.
#24 2011-09-05 20:02:51
I WILL NOT patronize Slager's business. Oh wait he doesnt have one....
#25 2011-09-05 20:22:28
I have heard that whenever Bobo wants to boycott a business, he asks his wife to shop somewhere else. Sometimes, when it gets really serious, he will take his allowance to another business entirely.
#26 2011-09-05 20:25:07
Bobo has been boycotting monster.com for years.
#27 2011-09-05 21:52:36
danoconnell wrote:
From now on I will call you Mr. Darkknight...you deserve that, formerly Paul Shooter and James.
Darkknight, Darph Bobo. Coincidence? I don' t think so.
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