#66 2011-08-21 19:44:06

Holy Shit Slager You Lie In Your Satement About Susan  P And It Is Common Knoledge In Wareham That Brenda, Jayne , Cronin And Bruce  Wanted To Destroy The Libray, And Wanted Susan Out Because She Had Worked In The Last Election For Opsition Canditates In The Last Selectmens Election For The Opponets Of These Slime ,they Lost And The Nuts Won, They Hated Her For This , Saguinet Told Susan  About 4 Monthes Before June That They Would Eleimante Her Job As Reference Librian And That She Would Not  Get The Head Librians Job ,she Would Be Out Of  A Job , He Said To Her That The 4 Above Selectmen Wanted Her Out Of The Library And He Was Just Relaying The Info., She Was Lucky And  Got The Job In Matt. Ma.,  Slager You Never Tell The Truth ,you Just Lie , Go Fuck  Your Self And I Personelly Stand By The Above Statement.



#67 2011-08-21 19:47:28

In That Election You Were In Personl Cahoots With The Selectmen  And Carried The Water For These Clowns And Lied For Them ,brenda Gave You Blow By Blow Acounts Of The Closed Door Selectmens Meetings.



#68 2011-08-24 14:46:52

It was pointed out on this site a LONG time ago how to fill the seat of a Selectman, and how a Selectman must resign.

BoBo apparently thinks he just thought of it...

It's too bad you don't pay your Selectmen anything, because if you did, even a stipend, Mike would owe the Town money and would be receiving it unlawfully, by fraud.

Time for you to call a special election right after someone on the BOS has the balls to demand to know what Scheneider's status is...no bullshit...no "I don''t know." by Cruz. No, "I don't know ." by Andrews and his butt buddy baglady.

Enough is enough already.



#69 2011-08-24 16:22:26

The following is really too good to be true. This is what BoBo is now writing about, joined by the next Selectman, Bruce:

By: rsauvageau on 8/14/11
Robert; He's already gone. Packed up his family literally in the middle of the night and and got out of here. He was chased out of his job by the Cape Cod Collaborative. Went from manager to put out on the road as a driver. When that didn't break him they cut his hours in half (PT income to support a full time family). Coincedently of course, his limo service business suddenly found its repeat customers finding alternative transportation. He did the right thing, he put his family ahead of us and left without further notice. (Didn't want the haters to get to his new employer before he did) Care to guess who sits on the Board of the CCC. That would be Geoff Swett. This is sick & beyond contempt even for Wareham.
By: robertslager on 8/24/11
And to be completely accurate, I quickly followed with this comment:

By: robertslager on 8/14/11 [Delete]
Also, to be fair, no evidence has been presented yet to suggest that Geoff Swett was either directly or indirectly responsible for the alleged cut in Mike's hours.

SERIOUSLY!!!! This is the crap they write about on BoBo's site.

Let's at least make it interesting. Here is a post I would have liked to have made on 8/14/11, in response to the above, my screen name being :Believer

By: Believer on 8/14/11

Thank you Mr. Savigeau, and you, Mr. Slager, for being honest and telling us the truth. Without you, both of you, I don't know what Wareham would do, or how I, or anyone else who is a "believer", would survive.

I heard the truth. I cannot say from whom, but this is what REALLY happened. All believers will know I speak the truth:

The CIA asked Mr. Schneider to go undercover in Maine, along the border of Canada, to run a covert operation involving corrupt limosene drivers, half-assed business people, and total schmucks. He was the most qualified man they could find, so they snatched him away from us, but promised that he could return every 3 meetings of the BOS and remain a Selectman and not have to retire or resign.


He just has to serve his Country right now, yet, thank the good Lord, still be able to advise and guide us every three meetings or so.

God bless him and his followers, and God bless BoBo-land.

I am a believer, and not afraid to say so. I love you Bob and you too Bruce...you are the answer to everythng, and shame on those who don't know it...

Yeah...that's what I would have written.

Don't you think that BoBo and his alternate personality( you know the one he talks to while he looksi in the mirror while sitting on the can and writes answers to his own posts) Darkknight could come up with something original?

Why were they called the tin hats in the first place? Originated on THIS site!




#70 2011-09-04 04:21:31

Just poking back through here to tag where this mess first surfaced. Note the date at the top of this thread.

Wareham Town Meeting - 2011-04-26 Tue 7:37:52pm

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



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