#1 2011-08-17 08:37:07
To prevent future selectmen from leaving early or to use the now popular catchphrase "Pulling a Mike," I've devised the following questionnaire. All residents considering a run for selectman must answer the following questions:
Thank you for considering a run for a three year term on the board of selectman, which as you know, is a term that will last three years. Before you submit your papers and become a candidate for a three year term on this board, please answer these questions.
1.) Are you aware that the term you are seeking requires a three year commitment on your part?
2.) Because seriously, three years is a really long time. Are you sure you want to sign up for something that's going to require you to serve the town for three years?
3.) Did we mention that if elected, you will be making a promise to serve the town for three years?
4.) O.K., let's just make sure you understand. You need a little visual representation here. Put up your hand. Now put down your thumb and pinky finger. See those remaining fingers? Each one represents a year that you will have to sit on the board of selectman if you are elected. That's a lot of fingers, isn't it?
5.) 1 - 2 - 3, it's not as easy as ABC.
6.) If you think about it, one year is a really long time. Two years is an even longer time. Three years is an even longer time than that. That's a lot of years. Are you sure you're up for this?
7.) We're talking the number three year. Numerically, it's a "3." It kind of looks like two backwards letter C's on top of one another.
8.) You're going to stay for the whole three years, right?
9.) Because you know, if you quit early and not in time for the general election, it will cost the town a lot of money to hold a special election and you'll be known throughout the land as a quitter.
10.) First, thou shalt run for selectman. Then, thou shalt count to three. No more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four thou shalt not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out.
#2 2011-08-17 08:38:43
Instructional Video on How Many Years You Will Have to Serve on the Board of Selectman if Elected:
10.) First, thou shalt run for selectman. Then, thou shalt count to three. No more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four thou shalt not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out.
#3 2011-08-17 13:35:20
#4 2011-08-17 14:38:57
Guy and Dave...I am LMFAO!!!
Maybe they should make the term for Selectman in Wareham 3 months.
#5 2011-08-17 14:52:26
BoBo announced the perfect solution to his problems, and doesn't even know it....he can move to Wareham, escape his mortgage problems, buy a distressed piece of property, become a voter, resident, citizen,re-open his paper with a real Wareham address, get support from his financial backers, and run for Selectman....I mean...you can't make this up!
By: robertslager on 8/17/11
Low interest, 3 percent home rehabilitation grants of up to $30,000 are available to homeowners in Wareham who meet the state’s income guidelines through programs offered by the Wareham Community & Economic Development Authority and who reside in the designated target areas specified in our FY11 grant.
Qualified homeowners may use the program to upgrade plumbing, septic systems, wells, heating, electrical, carpentry, insulation, roofing, handicap improvements and more. The Wareham Community & Economic Development Authority will assist the homeowner in determining the scope of work needed.
To find out if you meet the income limits for the program and if your home is in the target area, contact Marlene at 508-291-3100 extension 3171 or Karen at 508-291-3100 extension 3170.
Obviously he meets all of the requirements once he moves.
#6 2011-08-18 00:21:10
danoconnell wrote:
....he can move to Wareham
* I really just wanted a reason to post this for you..Danny Boy.
#7 2011-08-18 07:53:19
Thank you, brother Dave...It is one of the most stirring renditions of the song I have ever heard :)
#8 2011-08-18 08:37:01
Dan LMAO I knew you would like that when I saw it. Have not been on in a long time but have been following when I could. There are changes coming and I think for the most part they will be positive for Wareham. email me when you have a chance. up the Irish.