#1 2011-07-07 18:08:06
Date: Thursday, July 7 2011 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: Myles Burke
Ms Fitzgerald,
This email was sent to all the members of the board and a response to the substance of your email would be a violation of open meeting law and a violation of the Town Charter (interfering with day to day, personnel issues).
My apologies,
Ellen Begley
#2 2011-07-07 21:52:05
Big time cop out.
#3 2011-07-08 00:08:30
Move Wareham Forward my ass!!..Lynne RD got people fired up as did a monstrous sewer bill..Begley's continuation of the Jane and Brenda show should have people thinking about voting in the future if not recalling her..
#4 2011-07-08 04:23:14
Walter Cruz: Ellen, you wanna take over?
Ellen Begley: Me? Why, you have to run out??
Walter Cruz: You know where.. (mumble, mumble)
Ellen Begley: Where's the Clerk?
Ellen Begley (to Mark Andrews): I'm the Clerk??
Mark Andrews: You're the Chair.
Ellen Begley: What?? Oh, No!
Cara Winslow: Where's Walter going?
Ellen Begley: I think we're gonna recess for five minutes because we don't have a Clerk! And, now our Chair just left!
(Attendees): Nooo
Ellen Begley: OK! OK, Mr... Excuse Me!! ...Please... How old are we here?
#5 2011-07-08 07:41:48
Another witch with her "excuse me", I thought we got rid of her!!!!!!.."how old are we"?, why is it these hypocrites think they can talk down to people??..if this isn't a wake up call for upcomong elections or a RECALL I don't know what is..
#6 2011-07-08 08:14:27
Waaahhh, don't make me run the meeting, waaaahhhh....
#7 2011-07-12 08:04:36
Harry: Start your 3 person committee . Pick a committee name ( the committee to recall Begly) File the letter disclosing intentions of special election with the town clerk. Then send the same letter and a petition with 25% of the registered voters to the AG's office and wait for there approval. I'll be the first to sign !!
#8 2011-07-12 08:44:49
I'll sign for a recall.
#9 2011-07-12 11:13:29
sign me up for a recall also.
#10 2011-07-12 12:29:33
#11 2011-07-12 13:09:52
I never thought I would say this, but I believe you need to recall Cruz, Begley and Schneider, replace them with Selectmen that are committed to firing Andrews, getting rid of the mooches, and go back to square one.
I wasn't there when it happened in the 80's, but, I haven't heard anyone say it was a bad thing.
Beware of an Assessor who promises to raise values on homes and businesses, especially in a depressed economy. It is a way for elected officials to deny raising taxes.
#12 2011-07-12 16:30:07
I'll recall Begley and Schneider but Cruz has only until the spring. I feel sorry for Cruz, yes I'm angry that he has sold out the town. I think something is amiss with Cruz. I don't think he wants to vote the way he is.
Do you think the Assessor is another lackey.
#13 2011-07-12 17:11:54
At least.
Wait fr your next tax bill.
#14 2011-07-12 17:20:42
Menrva wrote:
I'll recall Begley and Schneider but Cruz has only until the spring. I feel sorry for Cruz, yes I'm angry that he has sold out the town. I think something is amiss with Cruz. I don't think he wants to vote the way he is.
Think so? Here, watch this again...
BOS Computer Audit - 2009-06-02
Menrva wrote:
Do you think the Assessor is another lackey.
Every recent hire proving otherwise has made a speedy departure.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#15 2011-07-12 17:29:05
The Assesor New Hire Definetly Has To Be Watched ,property Values Are Depresed And There Is No Way That They Can Be Raised.
#16 2011-07-12 17:35:35
The Question To Answer Is Who Will Pull The Recall Papers, There Is A Lot Of Work Here I Am Willing To Help , How Do We Get The Recall Off The Ground , To Much Work For One Indivudal , We Need A Plan . Any Ideas.
#17 2011-07-12 17:36:11
danoconnell wrote:
I never thought I would say this, but I believe you need to recall Cruz, Begley and Schneider, replace them with Selectmen that are committed to firing Andrews, getting rid of the mooches, and go back to square one.
I think you're right but I'm reluctant to sign on until I see the resolve necessary to follow through. Purging parasites is pointless if you don't articulate a viable alternative before hand. Winslow and Holmes sort of found their sea legs after a year but both were neutered by then.
How many of you are prepared to get behind this and push?
#18 2011-07-12 19:42:56
I don't get what your trying to point out with the videos. But you don't have to prove to me that Cruz is hurting the town. I feel there is more to the story but will sign the recall papers and support honest candidates.
I wonder if the new assessor is related to the Donahues. We all know the dirty tricks John played when he had the job. If he couldn't get the job maybe he picked an assessor who would let him do the job anyway.
We have the three people who did not get into office last spring. Will they run again?
#19 2011-07-12 21:31:33
Menrva wrote:
I don't get what your trying to point out with the videos. But you don't have to prove to me that Cruz is hurting the town.
The BOS Computer Audit broadcast of 2009-06-02 was the first time I saw Walter's mask slip, where it was painfully apparent he didn't give a flying fig about anything but his own self interest. This suggested to me his new found pals on the BOS offered Cruz a cut on their development deals, maybe even contractor and vendor kickbacks.
The last recall effort - 3 summers ago? - fizzled when everyone insisted they'd sign the petition, then gave up in disgust.
#20 2011-07-13 05:10:47
Point Taken. Sad but I think you are be right.
#21 2011-07-13 14:37:32
i would suggest that the three candidates run as a team and show the absolute difference in the people who are currently serving, and those that will replace them.
Andrews, Burke, et.al., will not escape if your candidates are elected. I think the Chief will consider retiring as well. Especially when his budget is looked over with a fine toothed comb.
Time to take action. Bill is right, you must act and act quickly before it is literally too late. The TA"s financial wizardry is permeating your Town now.
Next time maybe the BOS will hire someone with some experience and success as a TA.
Time is of the essence, especially with your new assessor.