#1 2011-05-12 09:02:51

This little exchange on Wareham Week caught my eye. 

Posted by: WarehamThinker | May 11, 2011 16:25

IP, just a quick question, out of curiousity, are you related to any of Wareham's town officials?

No need to go into great detail in your answer, just a yes or a no will do fine.

Posted by: interestedparty | May 11, 2011 17:39

Thinker, your query has nothing to do with the article nor to my post.  The budget is balanced.  Town Meeting can continue as planned.  The school district got the money it needed.  Powers & Sullivan is continuing their forensic accounting of the $919,000 of which 2/3rds has been sorted out.  The Town is not on the brink of receivership.  In fact, the Town has free cash.  I suggest we, for a moment, relish this good news and stop fighting and playing games.

Posted by: WarehamThinker | May 11, 2011 20:08

Thanks IP, that non-answer gave me all the answer I needed.

Perhaps this explains why Interested Party is so "interested?"

Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-05-12 09:08:24)



#2 2011-05-12 11:40:46

I Here That Interested Party Is The Wife Of One Of Our Current Selectmen   And It Aint Steve Holmes.



#3 2011-05-12 20:11:09

I always thought IP was a group of people. Whoever she, he or they are they are definitely one vile piece of ----.(fill in the blank)

If she is the wife of a selectman and it is not Steve and the other two are puppets not men, then I say they got what they deserve.



#4 2011-05-12 23:14:03

I agree with Menrva....I think Interestedparty is a woman and a man combined...a "shim".

Maybe even two men and a woman...still a shim.



#5 2011-05-12 23:19:35

I'll hold off on speculating as to who IP may or may not be....however, the fact that IP dodged "Thinker's" question tells me it would not be unreasonable to assume this is a relative of a town official who does not want to embarrass that town official by admitting to be a relative (so refuses to say yes), but is afraid of being caught in a lie (thus afraid to say no), so instead is just trying desperately to avoid the question like the plague.

Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-05-12 23:20:56)



#6 2011-05-13 09:14:49

"IP"~~~~  I want you to think very careful before you answer this question!!!  Let just say that Bliss bought the Tiki Bar from Bindas while at her house the Day of the installation, and let’s just say that Bliss was called there by Intercity at around 10AM because Ms. Bindas was flipping out and locked the installer out of her house because she said he smelled like old booze. ( let’s remember Bliss worked nights and most likely came from home). And let’s just say that Bindas was then given a $ 100.00 discount to calm her down by Bliss when he arrived. And let’s just say Bliss at that very moment in her house gave a her a personal check for $ 250.00 or so to purchase a Tiki Bar he would then go pick up at her shop in Fairhaven with his son in his pick up truck. Would you now think under these conditions Ms. Bindas might remember selling him a Tiki Bar?????????????????  Think really hard before you answer.  People you really learn to read and look at evidence presented before they make such speculation about peoples life and credibility.



#7 2011-05-13 12:56:50

I don't think you will hear from the shim, Liz.



#8 2011-05-13 13:05:59

The shim, collectively, two or more, are equal to one idiot.

Their legal claims are so incompetent it is almost ludicrous to answer them.

I would expect that from those who can't pass the Bar, and those who are enamored with them so that they will never accept that their leader is wrong.

Almost like a Charlie Manson thing... except...Charlie had a personality.

"Drink the Kool-Aid, children....drink it all...".



#9 2011-05-14 07:28:24

i beleave  that i p is selectmens schinders wife.  i used to think it was slager as he has many  passwords.



#10 2011-05-14 08:57:17

danoconnell wrote:

I would expect that from those who can't pass the Bar, and those who are enamored with them so that they will never accept that their leader is wrong.

Almost like a Charlie Manson thing... except...Charlie had a personality.

"Christ was a little God."



#11 2011-05-15 17:33:17

The shim have hijacked the Wareham Week blog.

They are funny, except they are so sad.

Very misinformed, very ignorant of the history of Wareham, and extremely dangerous.

People actually believe their crap.

Collectively, they have lived in Wareham for 6 years. They apparently know how to take over the Town. They are sadly mistaken.

They are doomed simply because they have no plan...none...no plan... just a lot of BS.

Ignorances is bliss...these are very happy people.




#12 2011-05-15 18:51:07


Last edited by Menrva (2011-05-16 01:20:24)



#13 2011-05-15 20:33:47

I agree Menrva...but they have plan because they are reactive, and not proactive.



#14 2011-05-16 01:29:45

I have deleted my post above. I am up at this hour because my conscience would not let me sleep. I do not want to become like them.



#15 2011-05-16 07:48:07

Menrva....you will never be like "them".
You have a sense of history and a vision for the future of Wareham, they have none.
You are smart and articulate, they are not.
You are kind and empathetic...they are not.
You are a good person...they are not.
You are ONE person, they are three or four all rolled into one...a shim.
You have a conscious...they do not.
You know the Town can't survive by throwing money away, they do not.
You would NEVER spend the Town's money on foolishness, high priced employees that are professional mooches...they do.
You have the respect and admiration of people on this site...they do not.
In short....you are what Wareham needs to survive...they are not.



#16 2011-05-16 22:06:52

Thank You Dan.



#17 2011-05-17 00:40:28

Menrva wrote:

Thank You Dan.

If you have a conscience, you are NOT one of them.



#18 2011-05-17 08:10:06

If you have a brain, you are not one of them.

If you have a job, you are not one of them.

If you don't think "work" is the nastiest of all four letter words, you're not one of them.

If you don't avoid gainful employment like the plague, you're not one of them.

This is fun, I could do this all day.



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