#1 2011-05-07 15:33:36
That question was asked of me by my host as I ate the most wonderful shrimp dish I can remember.("I was a chef in my former life." he stated earlier.)
I knew, because of his passion, commitment, lineage that extended many generations in Wareham, that I had to answer the question carefully and with great thought.
It wasn't like I had not expected the question, someday, by someone. I had thought about it long and hard and I knew that I had answers that may or may not please him.
I told him there was a away to "Save Wareham", but it was twofold.
Before I begin, let me say that I am criticized on the "other" side many times because I do not have a "stake" in Wareham. I am also criticized by some on this site for the same reasons.
I agree 100%. I am NOT a taxpayer( I own property, but it is cemetery property). I am not a voter, I am not a Town Meeting member, I am not a resident.
I am, however,someone who was born and raised in Wareham. I served as a Police Officer and as a Selectman, and as the elected Moderator of the Onset/Fire/Water District', as well as a substitute teacher in Wareham High and Junior High Schools.
Someone said I have no roots in Wareham.
When anyone asks me where I am from, I say "Onset, Mass."
I don't say Florida.
I never will.
Why do I post on this site? Because this site, and THIS site only, provides the information I crave about the truth of what is happening in Wareham...THIS site provides the input of brilliant people who have a common cause of saving Wareham, and THIS site breaks REAL news more than any site EVER!
I no longer have close family living in Wareham. I DO have dear friends living in Wareham. I am hopeful, as I always have been, that you will appreciate the HISTORY of Wareham as I lived it.
I speak only to the HISTORY of Wareham and Onset. I don't engage in conversations that I have no knowledge of... at all... like nitrogen.
If I see a person has tried to rewrite history, I point it out...I always will.
I will no longer post on ANY other site except this one. I have made the mistake of posting on WW, never bobo's, but I realized it is like spitting in the wind..you can't win.
We learn from history, and if we don't, then we are doomed to repeat it.
I can speak to the history of Wareham from 1945 until the late 1970's...1979 to be exact.
I can not speak of the history of Wareham after that, but many people on this site can, and I think it is important to know the history of your Town before you decide the future.
I will stop posting and offering information when the people of THIS site ask me to...if not...screw anybody else!
To paraphrase: I told my friend and host that the only way to save Wareham was to go back to the last time the government of Wareham actually WORKED.
Long time ago...three full time Selectmen-Assessors....long time ago.
Not practical today, at least not with the Assessors. However, VERY possible and probable with three full time Selectmen that know and serve the Town of Wareham.
I will continue, in detail, later about what I said.
The second thing I said that was absolutely vital, was that he had to open his site again.
Yeah....Bill W can cook!
Continued soon.
#2 2011-05-07 15:51:49
Do not let the ass elite stop you,but even though I have not seen you in 32 years there is no way you will stop with your opinions. This is the only reason I posted.
#3 2011-05-07 16:48:50
Paul and Dan, I'd like to hear your respective memories of the last time the DOR threatened to partition Wareham out of existence, parceling control of its real estate to surrounding towns.
#4 2011-05-07 17:14:33
In the late 1960's and early 1970's, Wareham faced the same disastrous economic conditions it faces today.
Our unemployment was listed at about 17%, but everyone knew that it was at least twice that. The people who ran out of benefits no longer were statistics, so the rate of unemployment was not correct in reality.
The Town was stagnant in collecting tax revenues, the economy was in a mess (inflation), interest rates were through the roof, Federal and State aid were cut back because of the Viet-Nam War, and things looked hopeless.
Along came CETA (Federal Funding), and we knew, as a BOS, that we could apply for Federal monies, not have strings attached that would haunt us later, and wrote some grants to have the Town infused with monies to put people to work.
We wrote the Tremont Dam restoration Grant, and put hundreds of people to work, by HAND, to keep them busy and help people have pride in themselves and their work ethic.
It took a long time, and a true commitment, to slash budgets, live within our means, and pay as we go.
Something that is missing now.
I am sure there are others who remember those days well.
I will continue my part later, but it is Saturday, and time to enjoy a fine day.
Last edited by danoconnell (2011-05-07 17:19:58)
#5 2011-05-07 20:19:54
Very scary...close then... close now.
Want to be part of Bourne, or Marion, or Rochester?
Keep going the way you are...and you will be.
#6 2011-05-07 20:22:11
–verb (used with object)
to set apart, authorize, or legislate for some specific purpose or use: The legislature appropriated funds for the university.
to take to or for oneself; take possession of.
to take without permission or consent; seize; expropriate: He appropriated the trust funds for himself.
#7 2011-05-08 08:20:14
I think Wareham will be saved whenever Wareham residents decide to save it.
#8 2011-05-08 08:48:24
Great point , Guy..Its amazing how alarmed people are when they hear whats going on in this Town..when they finally realize its their tax dollars being flushed down the toilet it tends to open their eyes a little bit..I'm often told by my clients after discussing these matters that they are now going to "make sure and vote"!..2010 saw two of the worst Selectman(incumbents) and the absolutely worse Moderator (also an incumbent) get crushed at the polls..the reason was simple: people got out to vote!!..Those liitle green buttons had meaning then and can have meaning in the future..
I hate to give credit to the likes of John and Jane but they have had an ability to get people elected in this Town..whether its a Town-wide or district election, a certain number of voters will follow their lead to a fault..this year a number of folks walked into the polls with a letter supporting Schneider and Begley and they were elected..very low turnout(about half of what it was last year) equaled wins for the candidiates they supported..conversely, Rick England's campaign got people to the polls and he was able to get elected..its no secret that the Donahue group thrives when there is a low turn out..that is why it is imperative that people in this Town get out and vote!
#9 2011-05-08 11:11:54
My oft repeated remedy for Wareham's ills is short and simple: put Wareham Town Meeting online now, gavel to gavel, voting enabled. Now, not 10 years from now.
#10 2011-05-08 11:28:12
billw would make an excelllent Town Clerk!!
#11 2011-05-08 13:03:04
Harrythebarber wrote:
billw would make an excelllent Town Clerk!!
Because upon assuming office I'd refuse the pay and eliminate the position?
Town Clerks were integral to Wareham's English settlement, a time when most of its inhabitants were ig'runt illiterates. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is Clerk...
Wm Root Bliss, in Colonial Times on Buzzards Bay, 1889, wrote:
"They scorned punctuation in their writings, and in the use of capital letters they were all at sea.... no extravagance could be allowed in the use of the alphabet."
Last edited by billw (2011-05-09 17:55:49)
#12 2011-05-08 14:52:33
That is absolutely fascinating, Bill...and VERY educational.
Don't you just love history?
#13 2011-05-09 17:20:12
This says it all...reminds me of today:
"Others, who are nearing old age and who delight to recall the incidents of their early days in Wareham, are sometimes drawn back to gather up the ancient household relics
"The varnish'd clock that click'd behind the door,"
the three-cornered arm-chairs, the brass warming-pan that drove the cold out of feather beds in winter, the spinning-wheel, the grandmother's sampler wrought in strange devices, — and to re-light their fire on their paternal hearthstone."
Bill...will you please send me the entire writing in a form I can print off?
#14 2011-05-09 17:55:05
danoconnell wrote:
Bill...will you please send me the entire writing in a form I can print off?
I scanned that book's text and illustrations for a number of reasons, but mostly because the few remaining originals were the subject of so many disputes among what my grandmother charitably called Wareham's tiresome Hysterical Society Fruitcakes. Her own grandmother was nuts for local history; so were her aunts and earlier generations of Lincolns. Most of them published their own tomes about it.
Bliss' book is Wareham's bible, artfully pulling together the choice nuggets of Wareham's first English settlement. A labor of love, his day job was as staff writer for the Atlantic Monthly.
Helen Lincoln promised Ernie Precourt her copy and then apparently spaced it. Then some nimrod threw together a hasty scan of the book and published in trade paper. My online version is indexed, fully searchable and free.
If you're sure you want to print out that monster, I'll dig it up.
Last edited by billw (2011-05-09 18:05:01)
#15 2011-05-09 20:59:54
I would appreciate it, Bill.
I am like a sponge for history, and even though I took days to read your link (I am a speed reader), it was because such important, historical significance must be absorbed slowly and with great satisfaction.
It is a fascinating writing and I would appreciate whatever you can do to send it to me.
I consider that to be Wareham 101.
I hope my contribution for the History of Wareham is 102.
There are many others, including yourself, that can fill in Wareham103, from 1980 to the present.
A FREE history class on this site!!
I will continue tomorrow. We have been busy getting ready for my son to return home after 5 years in the Marine Corps.
#16 2011-05-09 23:06:01
danoconnell wrote:
...will you please send me the entire writing in a form I can print off?
Dan, here's a link to it..I put into a "Doc" file..it doesn't appear to want to show the file when you click the link..but if you hit download..it should then be able to be opened up for reading/printing.
#17 2011-05-10 07:48:31
Thank you, Dave.
#18 2011-05-11 17:40:15
I am still trying to get my son assimilated into society after his five years in the military.
I promise I will post soon.
I am so happy that he is coming home soon in one piece.
I pray for Nicole's husband and Nicole every day.
I know Nikki knows what happiness I will experience.
She will too...soon!
Semper Fi, little sister.
#19 2011-05-12 14:53:34
The History of Wareham 102:
With the advent of Home Rule in the mid 1960's, the topic of conversation at the barber shops, and the grocery stores, and the hardware stores, and the restaurants was the idea of changing the form of government in Wareham from three full time Selectmen/Assessors to a three, five, or seven member Board of Selectmen with a professional Town Administrator, or Town Manager.
I must admit, that in 1968, after having bought my family homestead, at outrageous interest rates, and commuting to Boston 5 days a week, I was thinking that a "professional" form of government might be the best.
It was a decade or more conversation, with a conversion.
I was a businessman( a banker), and I knew that business functioned smoothly with the right personnel, so government should be run like a business, and everything would be OK.
I was naive.
I spent a year and a half in the local barber shops, the Onset VFW, and many eateries listening to, and debating the merits of the forms of government.
In 1969, I joined the Wareham Police Dept. I was a Vice President of Morris Plan Bank, and I had an ulcer. I was in charge of a huge portfolio of my bank, and I had NO idea what I was doing. I needed an education, and with the GI Bill, I could go to Bridgewater at night, three nights per week, and join the Police Department to work midnight to 8 A.M.
I was also a professional entertainer since the age of 6 (comedian-impressionist) and made good money on weekends in Boston.
My wife went to work at Tobey Hospital in the emergency room. She was a graduate of Boston City Hospital and was ready for anything.
My education was about to begin.
I was used to State wide and Boston politics. I worked with Kevin White, and Gov. Volpe, and Ed Brooke, and anyone else that needed help. I didn't care about Republican or Democrat, I just loved politics.
I was not ready or used to local politics n Wareham.
In those days, 1969 onward to 1979, the power of the Town lied in the Board of Selectmen.
There was no way you could be elected Selectman in Wareham unless you were born and raised in the Town, or at least served with many positions for 30 to 40 years.
If you wanted to find out about your REAL family history, run for Selectman. You would have found out ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
I have told you the story of the first union negotiations with the Police Department and the BOS.
If not, I will.
I am still working on my son's return, so please excuse me. I will continue soon.
I would love to hear from anyone else who lived in those days.