#2 2011-04-22 12:04:17
Well the crooked politics strike again Barret and Enos got their boy in so they could have control of their little boys club. It wasnt obvious or anything that they were pulling because in viewing meetings things werent going the way they wanted it so how else to fix it and get a buddy in office oh yeah dont forgot this guy is also tight with fire chief who obviously from watching the news the other day with the truck into house fire he works on dept alone because sure seemed like an all about me interview. Everybody on that board knows nothing about fire or water was in fire station other day getting burning permit oh the free ones that now costs $10 while it was raining and saw a bucket sitting on a desk collecting water is barret trying to make the fire station look like the rest his property in town dumpsters. So two of the more important things in town water and fire are being run by idiots who think they know what is going on. Sat in one of there meetings and Enos asked fire chief why the fire department goes to medicals didnt think there was a need for it , great comment show how much he doesnt know what he is doing so as a tax payer we cant even get medical responses from our professionals why do we bother paying taxes we dont get anything for what we get and that includes the town too. Good luck and watch these guys
#3 2011-04-22 13:01:28
Just wondering if Connolly and Pezzoli's guy got in would the crooked politics have struck again?..I'm sure the Donahues were behind the Baptiste candidacy as well...
#4 2011-04-22 13:32:15
watching11 wrote:
why do we bother paying taxes we dont get anything for what we get and that includes the town too. Good luck and watch these guys
Media interest in Wareham and Onset water districts rarely rises to the level of comprehension, partly because neither district does anything to enlighten the paying public.
At least they don't have squealing hysterics, at least not yet.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#5 2011-04-24 18:16:46
Quite a few years ago I asked an Onset fireman why they had to respond with at least a truck and car to every call. A child with a fish hook in his foot, a sprained ankle, etc. and his response then surprised me. He said that if they didn't, the homeowner insurance rates would be higher. I didn't see the connection at the time, but after was told by someone else that the Insurance Commissioners (?) see how many pieces of apparatus respond to a call. More than one piece to each call lowers homeowners insurance rates. Do I know if this is true? No, but if it is, we aren't really saving anything. You either pay more on your homeowners and less on the district tax or vice versa.
Welcome to Taxachusett.
#6 2011-04-24 18:28:31
Justme...the same thing happens here in Florida and I have been fighting it for years. Millions are spent on wasted call responses by ambulances, trucks, etc. Fender benders look like a crime scene.
In the "day", we called for help when we needed it.
The real reason is that if they did not respond to each and every call, they would reduce their numbers in half and the ride would be over.
Let's be honest...it's all about money.
Homeowner's insurance is not tied into the amount of calls any response agency makes.
If the community is equipped with the proper and adequate response equipment, excessive call responses only means money to those being paid for the call.