#1 2011-03-28 18:47:42
#2 2011-03-28 19:10:32
Stanley's 1st contract......7/30/09-perminant chief appointment
............ contract was signed by the BOS not the Interm TA...
............ Salary is NOT to exceed $81,200.... BUT was paid $94,737...
http://takebackwareham86bos.blogspot.co … racts.html
#3 2011-03-28 19:10:40
Stanley has been employed by Wareham for less than two years..both of his contracts (the original, and the extension..linked above) state he is NOT TO EARN in excess of $81,100 annually.. Yet, he's earned (as of 3/24/11) $171,112.50. Something doesn't "add up" here folks..
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-03-28 20:17:33)
#4 2011-03-28 19:13:35
NOTE the hours that the Interm chief states he worked in Wareham!!!!
also as of 3/24/11 his pay was $76,375 with a cap of $81,200 by 6/30/11
#5 2011-03-28 19:30:27
Cruiser, gas..probably paid from when he firsts hits his snooze alarm in the morning ..and whenever he "takes a call" from Wareham, while in North Andover. Received a fax..that's an hour..at $65/hr.
Yessir..quite a "deal" we have with the "Super Chief".
"He's worth his weight in gold."
Ellen Begley
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-03-28 19:42:46)
#6 2011-03-28 20:19:42
If this isnt an absolute abuse of taxpayers dollars I dont know what is! A part time chief making 105K in 2010 is ubsurd, I hope the police officers that dont have a contract see this and call the administrator, the selectmen or whoever handles their contract on this. I would like to know how much of that time was charged off as travel expenses.
This cant wait, time to show this man the door, we as taxpayers are being led to believe by the towns leaders that life cant go on without Chief Stanley and they are allowing this to happen. If you take away the chiefs open purse of money your going to have a police department that operates like Im sure they would in the real world and not in this fantasy that the chief of police is leading us to believe. Its harsh to say it this way but when reality finally sets in about our budget issues, wait and see, the chiefs gravy train gig is going to come crashing back down to the real world fast and furious and guess what,we are going to be footing a very large bill.
Want more proof? Read the Eagle Tribunes story about superchiefs budget woes. Note that N. Andover is a fairly wealthy community with middle / upper class and Stanley hasnt been able to pull anything out of his magic hat, guess what folks he bleeds red like the rest of us! I will bet the world on it, that this chiefs budget here is going to be busted before town meeting and they are going to be scrambling to find money to fill the voids without anyone knowing. I hope that the other news sources pick up and reports on this absolute abuse of taxpayers dollars, its only a matter of time before our town ends up like Lawrence, up to our eyeballs in debt and the state moving in....... Time to call the big media, ITeam5 investigation or whoever and get them to report on this, something stinks!
#7 2011-03-28 20:58:14
105k A Year And Only Working One Day A Week , Boy Are We Saps Where Can I Go To Get A Job Like This Lets See Chief Joyce Works All Week And Gets 95k And This Guy Gets 105k A Year For One Day A Week And I Here He Wants 175k To Stay In Wareham. Rumor Has It Jayne And Brenda Will Bring It Up Tues ,to Give Him The Job At 175k , Steve And Wallter Will Not Be There .
#8 2011-03-28 21:09:18
What would happen if Cara doesn't show up?
#9 2011-03-28 21:12:25
In his contract that is posted here by DDPTRO it lists that he cannot make more than 81K per year and this is his extension contract. But, then again, when did we ever play by the rules. Recall any selectman that allows this to continue and send the Administrator packing before the town goes completely bust!
Last edited by Spanky (2011-03-28 21:13:07)
#10 2011-03-28 21:15:12
JM, They would have to postpone the meeting until the following week.
#11 2011-03-28 21:30:33
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#12 2011-03-28 21:43:00
Thanks, Spanky.
#13 2011-03-29 06:55:40
If Cara Did Not Show Up Stanley Could Not Be Appointed , And Jayne And Brenda Would Have Only One More Meeting,and Then These Evil People Would Be History.
#14 2011-03-29 23:39:36
"Moonlighting" in Wareham..
..since January 1st Stanley has "raked in" $23,700 from Wareham as interim part-time police Chief..and another $33,500 as full-time Chief in North Andover.. (Total for three months = $57,200). He ain't worth that much. It's a bad deal for Wareham...and it's gone on long enough. Way past long enough!
The "average" Wareham citizen annually earns?
(From Wikipedia).."Males had a median income of $37,601 versus $28,306 for females."
Two days until March 31st!..(his next payday, by the way..add another 2K to that tab).
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-03-30 00:46:09)
#15 2011-03-30 01:12:19
Even the tinhats would have to admit this commercial is pretty funny..
"Speaking" of the other (most recent) "interim" nightmare.. What ever happened to the "fearsome foursome's" errand boy? I think he's still drawing a pretty healthy paycheck on our "tab" over at the water treatment facility. "Fiscal Responsibility" is an alien concept to people like Donahue & Eckstrom, and their "partners in crime".
#16 2011-03-30 06:40:08
They Laid Off The Previous Directorat The Poop Plant ,no Money They Said , Then They Hire A New Plant Director And Put Saguint At The Plant ,what Gives There Is Either No Money Or There Is Plenty Of Money.
#17 2011-04-22 12:42:32
Here is some info that I got from N Andover..
Chief Stanley’s projected annual earnings are $133,226 consisting of
Base salary $ 100,833
Education incentive 25,208
Holiday pay 6,060
Longevity 1,125