#1 2011-04-08 10:53:18
I ran home and got my camera this morning when I saw this. Anyone know the tards responsible?
Stanley Or Recall - Wareham - 2011-04-08 Fri 10:23:29am
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
Last edited by billw (2011-04-08 11:48:13)
#2 2011-04-08 11:54:51
This bylaw was ignored during the election race by certain (..newly elected) candidates. Why would now be any different?
Don't like the rules...make your own.
Section 1B. No person, unless required by law to do so, shall make any marks, letters, figures of any kind or place any sign, advertisement or placard (Political or otherwise) upon or against any wall, fence, utility pole, post, ledge, stone, tree, building or structure, abutting any way in the town without the permission of the owner thereof, nor upon any sidewalk or upon any property of the town without a written permit from the Selectmen.
The Selectmen may direct that no sign placed upon town property shall be permitted to remain longer than thirty (30) days on any application.
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-04-08 11:56:51)
#3 2011-04-08 12:16:19
Move Wareham Backward members engaging in some mature and responsible debate?
#4 2011-04-08 13:50:52
Well -- They are certainly getting feisty. -- Do you think the three selectmen who are not puppets of MWF have what it takes to stand their ground. If I were them I would be pretty pissed at the threat. I think they may be aiming at Walter. They will find, he may be quiet but the man is no wuss.
People are beginning to see the nasty side of MWF. They seem to feel that they can do and say whatever they want now. This may all blow up in their face. One can only hope.
If Stanley gets on and the town goes under it may well take MWF with it. I have heard more people asking "what the heck do they think they are doing".
#5 2011-04-08 15:53:41
Well it appears that the hypocrite elite has struck again. Threatening a recall? Slager and his bunch talked of a recall over the computer audit boondogle which never materalized. He and his bunch cried that it would cost too much money to have a special election. Brenduh was just crying about the possiblity of having the elections moved out of the schools because of the cost.
Now they are threatening a recall if you dont vote their way on the chief. I guess if your on that side you dont worry about the cost of a special election. especially since we just had one a couple of days ago!!! We waited our time last year and threw the bums out not costing the town a dime on a special election. Who put that sign on the front of the police station? I find it hard to believe that an ordinary citizen would step foot onto police owned land and put a recall sign on it. dont u? Dont expect their side to mention anything about the cost of a special election. Dont expect them to mention last year how slager and the gang state that they are not in favor of recalls at all. Yes slager started the nonrecall on "anonymous" sources which never happended. I guess they fit the term "hypocrite elite"
#6 2011-04-08 16:05:47
Who is paying for those signs?
Are they a registered PAC, or group of any kind?
Allowing a sign on the PD property is totally unacceptable.
I know...the cops wouldn't be intimidated by saying they would like to have a new full time Chief...no one would bother them.
This is really an abuse of process...politically.
#7 2011-04-08 22:26:00
Rumor says it was a police officer who recently earned more in overtime then he makes for a annual salary. That's right several officers have more then doubled their annual pay. It should be easy to find out police department has a video sytem for outside and in. Stanley should start an investigation immediate and discipline whoever put that sign on town property. Major violation and very unethical. Should also be reported to the ethics commission
#8 2011-04-08 23:28:01
(double post) Just another showing that passion and passion alone is driving Move Wareham Forward. If you dont put some commonsense into your thought process you end up with bad decisions such as putting a political sign on the front lawn of the police station.
Stanley has become part of the machine that is being fueled by a PAC and can no longer be concidered a independent person. If they look a little harder from within, they might just find what this town really needs. Look at your existing police officers, give them the chance to make the ranks. Regardless of what side of the political wall any of us are on, the one most single important step we ALL need to take is get behind him or her and show some unified support and resolve at least one big problem in town.
I call on Richard Stanley to step aside, stop playing games with our town and allow one of our police officers that has given his time and dedicated his full career to Wareham.
Any person with a recall poster in their yard or supporting any recall should be truly ashamed of themselves, it will cost the town more money, not smart!
#9 2011-04-08 23:35:07
I think this move will backfire badly for the Hypocrite Elite.
All through the campaign, they pledge civility, coming together and talking about your differences...then as soon as they get their candidates elected it's - "Waaah! Give us what we want or we'll recall you!!!!!!!!"
They're not engaging in debate or discussion, or trying to hear and compromise with the opposing side of view. They're just issuing ultimatums and recall threats.
Isn't Move Wareham Forward worried this will Move Wareham Backward?
Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-04-08 23:36:08)
#10 2011-04-09 00:48:50
Let them go for their recall...they will lose.
#11 2011-04-09 01:07:56
It would be funny to have baglady and schnoukums get recalled before they know they were sworn in!!
#12 2011-04-09 17:24:30
Not all of BoBo's followers are fools:
By: totellthetruth on 4/9/11
"Just to be the devils advocate here for a sec: Our pride and confidence in the Chief can also get out of hand here.Granted; the Chief is a Top Grade Commodity, and we should try to hire him. But we should also be practical.
Case in Point; Remember the Mazda Miata sport car that came out some years ago? It was instantly popular, to such an extent people "had to have one" they were paying,at times,twice the sticker price for that car, just to have it.
I know Chief Stanley is NOT a car, but bear with me. I'm just trying to make a point"
My, my...someone UNDERSTANDS that Wareham is damn near broke.
Champaign on a beer salary?
No...how about T-Bird Wine on a beer salary!!
#13 2011-04-09 17:27:04
I feel bad that I actually PAID to be a member of Bobby's site...when it is now FREE!!!
Lord...how I have missed the TFHC and their intellectual conversations.
Now I get to read them for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#14 2011-04-09 17:43:34
what's the word?
How's it sold?
Good & cold
#15 2011-04-09 17:54:37
Man, you guys are old.. ;)
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-04-09 17:55:58)
#16 2011-04-09 18:09:36
James Mason? didn't realize he had taken time out from chasing Lolita to make a commercial.
I prefer ZZ Top, that lil' ol' band from Texas.
Juice, juice, juice
Really makes you loose, loose, loose
really goes down so smooth
Really puts you in the groove
Have you heard? What's the word?
It's Thunderbird!
#17 2011-04-09 18:11:54
BoBo's site is FREE ?????
still wildly overpriced.....
#18 2011-04-09 20:46:10
True, Stewie...but...delightfully entertaining.
#19 2011-04-10 10:40:58
Maybe Curly can put out a better sign...
"We want Stanley, or we want another tenant with a town paid housing stipend!"
Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-04-10 10:43:49)
#20 2011-04-10 15:11:16
How about:
#21 2011-04-10 15:36:33
danoconnell wrote:
How about:
That does the police department a disservice, a department roiled and dismantled over 6 years to feed Jane Donahue's high school hate-on for Tom Joyce. Forty years ago, and Jane still can't let it go.
Anyway, let's duly consider all the chiefly contenders.
Eileen Hinkley
Kevin Walsh
Chuck Wallace
George Dionne
Don Bliss
Please shout if I omitted anyone.
#22 2011-04-10 15:44:52
Sorry, Bill - but I don't agree with you on Kevin Walsh. With his background, he isn't much better than putting Karl Baptiste on your list, if you get my drift.
#23 2011-04-10 16:00:43
justme wrote:
Sorry, Bill - but I don't agree with you on Kevin Walsh. With his background, he isn't much better than putting Karl Baptiste on your list, if you get my drift.
Then put Karl on the list, too. The general public should hear these stories.
Don Bliss and Chuck Wallace got railroaded? Kevin Walsh has anger issues? Eileen Hinkley is an alcoholic? Mark Andrews gave Rick Stanley off-the-books cash to shower toys and OT on loyal soldiers?
Let's hear it from primary sources.
Last edited by billw (2011-04-10 16:01:50)
#24 2011-04-10 21:06:17
After discussing this issue with many officers it appears the general consensus is:
Chuck wallace was a good hard working intelligent man. Just does not have the leadership qualities needed. The men feel he failed to take charge when he has the chance as a ting chief.
Don bliss is a great hard working guy and would have been a great chief. But many are concerned how he could come back after being out two years and step right into being chief.
Karl baptiste is a patrolman and should not even have a job and lucky he is not in jail.
Kevin WALSH is a complete head case with serious anger and power issues. Only has a high school education and was removed from the
detective division for being lazy,lieing about cases and his work on them. They men hate him and have no respect for him as a person.
Hinckley was always a incompetent officer scared of her own shadow. Then turned into a serious drunk.and never showed up for work.
Dionne. Is a patrolman and should not be in the mix
The one person not listed is john Walcek who would be the best choice hands down. Masters and a great hard working honost cop. If not him they need to go out of town to fix what stanley has done.
#25 2011-04-11 07:02:02
Thanks theartist for your input. Obviously, you are closer to everyone mentioned than anyone else on this site that has been posting.
This information is necessary for everyone to know that the right person will be picked Chief.
#26 2011-04-11 15:42:52
Just to add a bit here, when Joyce retired suddenly (ahem), the TA & BOS told him (Wallace) it was only for 30 days. They felt he was of the Joyce era. Don't forget that Jane hated Joyce.
I think Bliss could make the transition. He's probably been mulling it over while he's been out of work.
Correct about Karl and I can't comment further either.
Kevin has had some drinking issues on occasion, not on duty. He was on a drug task force and turned in druggies he said he had been watching. This is where the lies came from. No need for details, it's over and he isn't trusted anymore.
I distinctly remember one Saturday night in Onset, when Eileen (who was always nice to me) and Jane Donahue were at the Stonebridge Inn (or whatever it's name was back then) and they were drunk together. I think they said they were going back to their boat, but they were drunk. Maybe 6 mo. to a yr. later, she was let go.
Dionne is a great guy. He worked long and hard for the police union only to get shoved under the bus when Stanley came aboard. They told him to cool it with the letter writing about them not having a contract. The newspaper said it was a unanimous vote for him to step down and put in Steve Kearney. IT WAS NOT UNANIMOUS! I don't think he would want the job.
Walcek has the schooling. John is always on duty and checks on his men when they have a call. He may have calmed down as he ages, but I know of a few cases where he was a little too forceful physically, making a minor un-resisting arrest. Remember, this hasn't happened recently to my knowledge.
We will never have a Mr. or Mrs. Perfect for a chief, unless he can part the Red Sea or walk on water. Stanley does what he wants, when he wants with no cares about budget. I am afraid of what he will do to this town if he gets appointed. Also, a housing stipend is ridiculous. If he cares so much about Wareham and really wants to be chief, he will move here, buy a house and sell his home in North Andover. I can remember no other person in the history of this town, getting $2,000.00 per month towards rent. The only homes that might get that kind of money would be the small mansions way out on Great Neck.
#27 2011-04-12 17:24:01
Let's all be surprised when an bunch of cops show up (per the order of their union) to do a dog and pony show for Stanley tonight at the BOS meeting.
A Chief most of them have never met more than 10 times.