#1 2011-03-31 18:36:26

I was just informed that Mark Andrews was granted a two week extension by the town of North Andover and we will have the one-day a week Chief for an additional two weeks. I don't know if this is true, but if it is, we should all contact our Selectmen immediately!

We have a serious financial crisis in this town and we want to continue to put out a weekly check while the Town Administrator negotiates a contract that will pay the Police Chief a serious amount of money that we don't have. It is my understanding that employees will be facing furloughs and we simply cannot have confidence in the financial information that is coming from our Administration. Elections are coming and we cannot afford to get this wrong!

How do we, as voters, expect to vote at town meeting on budget articles that may or may not be accurate? How do we spend free cash when we are haven't reconciled cash in over 2 years??

We need a Town Administrator that is working for US instead of spending our tax dollars like it is a monopoly game!



#2 2011-03-31 19:45:44

So much for transitioning away from Wareham because "My heart is here in North Andover."  Ive noticed that the chief has quiet a few article under the capital planning.  I would urge everyone to look at the issues that were being faced with and not allow any capital planning projects to make it out of town meeting not just his but all capital articles.  This is similar if not worse than the crisis a few years ago when town meeting sent back six police cars.    This extra money is extremely important to the future of the town and should be held until these issues are resolved. I would recommend we support the listed lease payment for the nine cars they got last year.



#3 2011-03-31 19:50:01

And you guys thought that i was crazy for calling it a Wareham triple-witching hour. Hah!
what am I laughing at, this sucks.

Lessee. an election on 4/5, but a 2-week extension until 4/14 (+/-)? Hmmmmm. No doubt the dates are a mere coincidence.

It makes no sense to me that the Town of N. Andover would go along with this folly. to what end? what's in it for them? very odd.

This guy plays the Town like he inherited Nero's fiddle. Where is the backbone to say: "enough!".

Some candidates for the BoS champion the concept of transparency, yet endorse the actions of the Secretive Six (the BoS + T/A). Here's a few things that might lower the veil of opacity on this deal.

1. Just WHAT position is Stanley negotiating for: Police Chief? some sort of UBERCHIEF? Isn't it time (beyond time) to define terms??????

2. Knowing the position, could we know what the SALARY RANGE is for the position? Why is this a secret?

3. Shouldn't the Town require that Stanley declare. You know, like certain poker games, where you have to DECLARE. Why should the Town be uncertain about is he is or is he isn't? And, why would the Town continue to pursue one who refuses to declare. is Stanley the only person qualified to be Chief in the entire USA. USA? Advertise this job at the rumored salary levels and the applications will arrive from all 48 states (maybe not Alaska & Hawaii).

4. Example. Cohasset. Declared that they had an opening for a Police Chief. Declared that the salary range was $100,000 to $120,000. Received eighty (80) applications for the position. Hired a new chief within six (6) months.

5. So. What is the problem in Wareham? Or, is it: what is the AGENDA in Wareham?

This whole fiasco was started by a prior BoS which is thankfully gone in a week. It is time to end the fiasco and boot the manipulator back to the Merrimack River. There is no evidence of commitment to the Town of Wareham in Stanley; there is only evidence of his commitment to Stanley and his pension. Lose this loser.

Last edited by stewie (2011-03-31 19:53:30)



#4 2011-03-31 20:07:51

A good leader would have groomed some of his troops to fill his shoes, so someone has to be holding down the fort for six of the seven days that the chief  isn't here.  I would have to say, that officer covering in his absense is doing a hell of a job and should be given the opportunity to take Stanleys spot.  Send Stanley packing, enough is enough.



#5 2011-04-01 07:05:34

Well If Begly And Schinder Get Elected I Am Sure He Will Get The Job  At 175k ,is The Fix In ?                                                                                           If You Want Honest Tranparent Gov, Vote For Frank And Jennifer, If You Want More Of The Same Crap , Gov, Mismanegment Budget Cuts, Losers Get Paid High Money  And The Rank And File Public Workers  Geting Screwed Then Votf  For  Cronin The Convicted Dirt Thief,  Schinder  And Begley Of Move Wareham Backward  ,they Are Jayne , Brenda And Slager Bumb Kissers.



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