#1 2011-03-30 22:04:00
http://wareham-ma.villagesoup.com/news/ … source=rss
FY2010 $919,000 unaccounted for! Wake up BOS! Time to put the brakes on your Town Administrators spending habits, get a certified accountant and a police chief within a normal salary range.
Dont forget when you go to the voting booths on April 5th, Ellen Begley and Mike Schnieder, BOTH candidates for the two vacant seats and founders of Move Wareham Forward support this incompetient administration!
Last edited by Spanky (2011-03-30 23:18:39)
#2 2011-03-30 22:24:17
1. How much is did the Bliss firing cost us?
2. How much is the other Bliss firing going to cost us?
3. How much did the David Simmons firing cost us?
4. A part time 1 -2 day a week police chief making more a week than our previous FULL TIME Chief.
5. Dont forget the library battle that took place during that time (Thank you Robert Slager of the Chicken Little Observer) cost the town and still nothing.
6. The TA catering to the MWF PAC's agenda
7. Excessive Salarys for friends
For those that have been following longer than I have please add what I missed!
#3 2011-03-30 22:32:45
I can't say I'm surprised.
A few "select" quotes from the story linked above..
(Auditor) "Powers said what happened to the $919,000 is currently unclear. The variance could be due to accounting errors from past years or the "misappropriation of funds" by an employee, he said...."
..."I saw bad systems. I saw bad journal entries. ... Those are indications that things could be being done to cover deficits ... or could just be an indication of bad internal controls and some sloppy bookkeeping"
..."I would not hold up a lot of hope for the whole $919,000 to be found."
"This is describing what was wrong at the end of last June," Board of Selectmen Chair Jane Donahue said. "It's not necessarily describing what is wrong now except for a few [policies and procedures] that we're trying to work on."
"We want to make sure that the Board of Selectmen is going to make sure that these policies are adhered to," said Finance Committee Chair and Selectmen candidate Donna Bronk. "Somebody's got to make sure that the top banana over here [Town Administrator Mark Andrews] is doing his job."
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-03-30 22:56:42)
#4 2011-03-30 22:48:47
The killer quote "I saw bad systems. I saw bad journal entries. ... Those are indications that things could be being done to cover deficits ... or could just be an indication of bad internal controls and some sloppy bookkeeping,"
So who are they going to blame this one on?
#5 2011-03-31 00:05:36
Just the beginning, I am afraid.
Wait until the tax collector advises of the shortfalls of monies because the banks are not paying property taxes on foreclosed properties.
That loss of income, coupled with the lack of a reserve fund, is going to have a huge financial impact. Not in a good way.
So much for not paying as you go....
#6 2011-03-31 02:24:17
How much profit was made at the Onset Pier this past summer? Surely there has to be some $ there, of course after the taxes of the volunteers were paid.
Add that mess to you list, Spanky.
#7 2011-03-31 03:08:08
I Have Said More Than Once That The Town Acct, Is Over Her Head , She Is Still Going To School To Learn Her Job ,she Was A Polictal Hire Freind Of Jayne And Brenda , Fire Her Now, Another Person Who Has To Go Is The Ta ,he Brought Lawrence To Bankrupitcy And Now He Is Bringing Wareham To Bankrupitcy , The Selectmen Are Covering Up For Him, And Expensive Hires Like Miles Burke Has To Go ,we Cant Afford Cronism. Why Do We Put Up With This Crap, First We Cant Elect Ellen Or Mike They Support Andrews And Jayne And Brendas Policys , Jayne And Brenda Are Crooks And I Mean It , And We Cant Go Back To The Policeys Og Cronan And Calling Good Town Employees Dirty Rats, Slager Is There Backer ,he Lies Constanly By Lieing Or Ommision Of The Facts. There Can Onlt Be Two Choice To Elect Frank He Will Not Put Up With This Crap, Some Say He Is Not Polite , Well Folks Heads Need To Roll, And Another Good Leader Would Be Jennifer ,i Beleave She Would Be A Good Leader, Donna Bronk Can Also Help Us For Good Leadership Bt Being The Chaimen Of The Finance Commitee By Screming For Better Finacial Controls. The Choice Is Yous Voters On April 5th We Can Make A Change For Honest Gov. Or Not , Warehams 2012 Budget All Depts Have Been Cut At Least 5%, We Had A Lot Of Good Applicants For Town Acct. Yet We Hired A Jayne Bumb Kisser ,some One Who Could Not Do The Job But Would Cover Up For Jayne And Brenda. We Need To Come Out In Droves This April And Demand Honest Gov, And Only Frank And Jennifer Fit That Bill And Can Get Elected, Dont Listen To Those Dumb Asses Who Beleave Cronnin Would Make A Good Selectmen He Is A Convited Thief , Convicted On Federal Charges , And Ellen And Mike Are Jayne And Brendas Bumb Kissers, Dont Fall For Slagers , Jaynes And Brendas Lies And Above All Dont Let Them Pass The Buck On This , Bliss , Former Selectmen And Hartman Are Not Resposible For This , Jayne ,brenda And Andrews Are Responsible For This . No Wonder Jayne And Brenda Are Not Running There Getting Out Before The Shit Hits The Fan. And Look At All The Lawsuits We Have Had To Pay And There Are Still Lawsuits Being Heard Before The Town, Toss The Crooks Out.
#8 2011-03-31 03:15:27
Also They Got Rid Of A Good Women At The Town Pier Who Collected The Money And I Can Tell You And I Mean It That Some Of The Money Is Winding Up In The Pockets Of The Pier Collectors And Nothing Is Being Done About It, And I Beleave Frank Should Have Been Elected Last Time ,we Would Not Be In The Problems That We Have Now And Frank I Am Sorrey I Did Not Vote For You The Last Time.
#9 2011-03-31 03:30:09
Slager Is Trying To Shift The Blame To Bliss And Former Town Officals Dont Let That Lieing Bastard Get Away With It ,bliss And Heartman Have Been Gone For At Least 3 Years ,the Buck Stops Here It Belongs To Jayne ,brenda And The Biz.
#10 2011-03-31 07:07:52
ho long are we to pay hush money ro grizze and saguinet get rid of them now, how can we cut other depts 5% and pay these evil dogs.
#11 2011-03-31 07:52:35
Wait a minute didn’t the DOR come in last year to go over our books and tell us everything we had messed up. Didn’t we hire outside auditors a year or so ago to come in and check the town books, why didn’t they find this big mistake. At the last town meeting didn’t Andrews and Biz say we had extra money to set aside for a rainy day and that the town was in the black?
After the deptment heads cut their budgets I wonder if Andrews will want to hire the most expensive lawyers for the town.
#12 2011-03-31 08:31:51
justme wrote:
How much profit was made at the Onset Pier this past summer? Surely there has to be some $ there, of course after the taxes of the volunteers were paid.
Add that mess to you list, Spanky.
NO REVENUE was brought in from Onset pier last summer... The program broke even... thats what I was told when I asked that very same question from 1 of the "LEADERSHIP TEAM" members last year...
#13 2011-03-31 08:33:35
WAREHAM WEEK...By Jaime Rebhan | Mar 30, 2011
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
"You live and breathe by cash. ... The most important control is the reconciliation of cash between the accountant's ledgers and the treasurer's ledgers," auditor James Powers, of Wakefield accounting firm Powers & Sullivan, told the Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee during a joint meeting of the two boards on Wednesday. "When everything shook out as of June 30, 2010 [the end of the fiscal year], we had a variance of roughly $919,000."
Powers said what happened to the $919,000 is currently unclear. The variance could be due to accounting errors from past years or the "misappropriation of funds" by an employee, he said.
The town used a different auditor in years prior to fiscal year 2009. Town Accountant Elizabeth Zaleski has worked for the town less than two years.
"I saw bad systems. I saw bad journal entries. ... Those are indications that things could be being done to cover deficits ... or could just be an indication of bad internal controls and some sloppy bookkeeping," Powers said. However, he noted: "I haven't found anything that leads me down the 'bad' path" of an employee trying to cover up deficits.
Powers and Zaleski said they are still combing through the numbers and reconciling cash to determine the cause of the difference.
But, Powers said: "I would not hold up a lot of hope for the whole $919,000 to be found."
Whatever money is not found will need to be deducted from "free cash," the funds left over from previous years' budgets and thus available to be spent in the future. How much the town has in free cash could not be immediately confirmed.
Powers indicated that the Massachusetts Department of Revenue reduced Wareham's free cash by $700,000 at the end of last year because it "wasn't sure if cash balances were correct."
The preliminary results of the audit are not entirely a surprise, town officials said. Powers & Sullivan completed an audit of fiscal year 2009 last year, which showed the town needed to tighten its policies and procedures. By the time that audit was completed, fiscal year 2010 was well underway.
Town employees have been working to institute new procedures, so the results of a fiscal year 2011 audit, which ends in June, will likely show some improvement, Powers said. But he recommended that more work to be done to make sure cash is properly accounted for.
"This is describing what was wrong at the end of last June," Board of Selectmen Chair Jane Donahue said. "It's not necessarily describing what is wrong now except for a few [policies and procedures] that we're trying to work on."
Among other recommendations for the town, Powers indicated that cash should be reconciled on a monthly basis.
"Once you design procedure, it's catching up [on] the problem," he said.
Members of the Finance Committee stressed that the procedures be created and put into action.
"We want to make sure that the Board of Selectmen is going to make sure that these policies are adhered to," said Finance Committee Chair and Selectmen candidate Donna Bronk. "Somebody's got to make sure that the top banana over here [Town Administrator Mark Andrews] is doing his job."
The Selectmen pointed out that much of the responsibility would fall on Andrews, as they cannot get into the day-to-day operations of the town, according to the Town Charter.
Andrews said his department heads would begin working on Powers' suggestions immediately.
"We are taking this very seriously," Andrews said. "The processes that Mr. Powers outlined ... are at the top of the priorities list. Everything else gets behind it. It starts at 9:00 tomorrow morning."
Powers will report back to the town in mid-May or the beginning of June with a final report for fiscal year 2010, including how much of the $919,000 could be accounted for at that time.
#14 2011-03-31 09:06:25
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
Maybe the bos should give Andrews another 3% raise for a job well done.
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
Kinda of sounds familiar like the city of Lawrence
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
Probably should have hired a town accountant with an account degree.
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
Let's pay the chief whatever he wants, it's not like the town is not financially sound.
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
Will andrews give back his raise to help offset this?
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
How's that computer audit going?
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
Glad we hired miles Burke at 30k more than what the job was posted for
A draft audit of Wareham's fiscal year 2010 financial statements indicates that more than $900,000 is unaccounted for.
#15 2011-03-31 14:33:19
The level of incompetence here is mind boggling. I hope that resignations or firings of whoever was responsible will be soon forthcoming. Share this article with every voter. Wareham cannot survive this incompetence one more day.
#16 2011-03-31 16:29:07
I grow so tired of the Hypocrisy of the Hypocrite Elite. With their pathetic lies, they have ruined the reputations of many good people who did nothing but serve the Town of Wareham and serve it well. None of the people attacked by the Hypocrite Elite ever had $900,000 go missing on their watch.
Maybe instead of conducting $60,000 plus computer audits to find out who is criticizing them on the Internet, maybe instead of making up lies about photocopier nickel conspiracies, maybe instead of canning everyone who disagrees with them and then leaving those jobs unfilled for years....maybe instead of all that they should have been focusing on the town and things like this would not have happened.
What's that old Hypocrite Elite line? "Get rid of people that aren't doing their jobs?" Good, let's get the Hypocrite Elite out of town government.
Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-03-31 16:36:07)
#17 2011-03-31 16:53:35
Guy, you forgot to honor the "dead wood".
Isn't it the oddest thing that these problems never surfaced during the "dead-wood" regime.
Much better to have disbarred library directors; fired from No. essex CC finance dude; fired building whatever-he-is-or-isn't, dude w/dudette; subpar, aspiring accountant. And on, and on and..........
Reagan's compaign theme: "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"
He won two terms.
So ask Wareham: "Are you better off now than you were four years ago when the Bee Jays took charge?"
Delete the Bee Jays. Vote April 5, 2011
#18 2011-03-31 18:05:41
i here town emplyees will have to take fuloughs because of this.
#19 2011-03-31 20:19:38
What would 5% of Andrew's salary be?
#20 2011-03-31 20:21:25
LizMcD wrote:
justme wrote:
How much profit was made at the Onset Pier this past summer? Surely there has to be some $ there, of course after the taxes of the volunteers were paid.
Add that mess to you list, Spanky.NO REVENUE was brought in from Onset pier last summer... The program broke even... thats what I was told when I asked that very same question from 1 of the "LEADERSHIP TEAM" members last year...
That's really nice. Two seasons ago the Onset Pier grossed $59,000.