#1 2011-03-28 19:03:07
Every time I have read anything from or about Dan0, I can’t help but assume he feels he is owed a parade or something in his honor from the humble people of Wareham for all his * exemplary service. ( *of what, I don’t know)
So lets have a Parade this coming Friday.
TJ and the bottom 5 per centers will lead off as color guard,
Mr. Dan the Man himself next, appropriately dressed in a hybrid Drum Major/Marine dress uniform that would make any Banana Republic General green with envy,
A brightly colored clown car behind him with the IHATEs & Gnome families crammed inside waving and tossing individually wrapped Vienna sausages to the laughing crowd,
Followed by the ‘Infamous Wareham Water Kazoo Review Bloggers Band’ under the direction of three year political veteran, Maestro P-Spam, playing every toddler’s favorite tunes flawlessly. Their 1990’s era spit-ball fight re-enactment show was A-1,
BB on stilts wearing a ball cap reciting all his many achievements and expounding on how Westfield housing will cause more elderly people to feed the swans and thereby negatively impact Nitrogen levels beyond controllable limits. “All should vote NO on everything unless I authored it” he reassures us all,
The BOS, Fin-Com, and BOH each represented by a member in full Harikrishna garb and clown face paint are chanting while circling around BB, all looking up to him with doe eyed admiration (or fear),
( Cling-cling Cling-cling Cling-cling Cling-cling)
Mr. ‘Wareham’ is up next smiling and waving at the crowd while muttering “BB, where’s my (expletive) fire engine BB? What (expletive) kind of (expletive) parade is this BB? I’ll (expletive) destroy the (expletive) person that (expletive) forgot my (expletive) fire engine!!”, (no children were exposed to this (expletive))
Closing up the rear is Mr. Civility with a shovel and trash can, all a smile thinking “SWEET! all this B.S. can be reused next year” as he cleans up after the ‘IWWKRB Band’ without saying anything negative,
What a great parade this is….WAIT, I hear a siren, LOOK!! It’s a fire engine and… it’s being driven by yet another clown, wearing a red wig and all a flustered!! Mr. ‘Wareham’ is beaming as he boards the fire engine,
As the glorious parade leaves the down town Main St area, the residents come together from both sides of the street as friendly neighbors again and happily wave bye-bye as the parade continues on to the next town, never to return.
Too bad it’s only April Fools Day.
#2 2011-03-28 19:39:14
I like satire too, Jeb.
#3 2011-03-28 19:43:31
LMAO, Jeb...
I love a parade!!
#4 2011-03-28 19:47:34
‘Infamous Wareham Water Kazoo Review Bloggers Band’
#5 2011-03-28 21:15:24
I'll wave!
#6 2011-04-04 09:43:06