#1 2011-03-18 09:39:51

yes john  donahue applied for the assesors job, this is the samey guy who had the job before who was kicked out of office for selling abaments for votes , the same guy who caused the dor to come in to straigten out the towns finances  the same guy who caused the position to be appointed instad of elected , the same guy who could not pass a bar exam , the same guy who was forced out in swansee ma , the same guy who was forced out of a job at the court house ,,, ... he and jayne and andrews are constantly seen out eating together the gateway , vels , capt als ,  please andrews no more miles burkes , if he gets in there has to be a recall for any selectmenwho votes to affirm him in this position.



#2 2011-03-18 09:47:01

i thought jayne was not running so she and  curley could spend more time in fla, .not she was afraid she would be kicked out on her butt in april, john you have been at the gov, watering hole your whole life how about getting a real job that meets your qualifations like say mickey d . .



#3 2011-03-18 09:52:23

I have never been in favor of removing elected positions until I was educated by Stewie, who explained why the Assessor's job needs to be filled by those who are experts in today's economy and can anticipate changes in the future, are aware of changing values and the importance of proper and fair assessed values.

I don't think Donahue fits that bill.



#4 2011-03-18 09:56:42

why is Burke on the committee??..most search committees are a joke , the ultimate decision comes down to the TA..if he appoints Curly, we need to question his decision making and whether or not he is qualified to be in the position..SAY NO TO CURLY for Deputy Moderator, ABSOLUTELY SAY NO TO DONAHUE FOR ASSESSOR!!..DONT GIVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE TO FUCK THING S UP!!!



#5 2011-03-18 10:22:05

This tops every previous contestant we've seen here. I hereby nominate John Donahue for  a life time achievement award as the ...



#6 2011-03-18 10:26:32

redrobin wrote:

if he gets in there has to be a recall for any selectmen who votes to affirm him in this position.

I'm right with you there, Red. In fact, it's a good idea regardless.



#7 2011-03-18 10:41:25

A history lesson for those just tuning in:

Many years ago, Curly screwed up the assessments to the point where the town fathers at the time decided to push to have the position changed from elected to appointed. 

Curly then moved on to an assessor's job in Swansea, which he proceeded to screw up as well.

Years later, he became a probation officer.  Then all of a sudden he wasn't a probation officer. 

Personally, just my opinion here, but I've always wondered whether alot of the turmoil the town has experienced over the past few years wasn't motivated, at least in part, by Curly and Co's need to "get even" for Curly being put out of the Wareham job.



#8 2011-03-18 11:17:04

milles burke o the screening commitee i guess the fix is in for the donahues and i guess we need to recall any selectmen who affirms that decesion.



#9 2011-03-18 11:24:23

Again, the ultimate decision lies with the TA..not to put the cart before the horse but if Curly gets in Andrews has to go..



#10 2011-03-18 14:55:18

Yes But The Ta Appoints A Guy Miles Burke To A Job He Doesnt Know How To Do Gives Him A 10%raise  And Then He Puts Him On The Commitee To Select  An Assesor And A Guy Donahue Cant Do The Job, What We Have Here Is The Peter Pricipal .,   I Ask Me Depetro To Ask All Selectmen Canditates To Send There Answers To This Site How Thay Feel About Donahue Getting The Job, Or Is The Fix In , Will This Jpb Appoiment Come Before The  Old Board Of Selectmen , Never Have I Been So Outraged That This Looser Would Even Hav Ethe Nerve To Ask For A Job That He Was Kicked Out Of A Short Time Ago , I Ask People With The Skills To Google Articals About His Crimes To Wareham  When He Was A Assesor At One Time And Nearly Bought Wareham To Its Knees,                   What Is Up With The Donahues  Do You Think You Own The Town Of Wareham ,        This Is Our Town Not The Donahues Town ,                                      Is Jayne Trying To Get Her Husband The Job , She Has Been Wineing And Dineing  Andrews All Over Town They Have Been Spoted  At Several Restterantd  Recently,    What Do You Say About This Salger , Nothing Because Your Up The Donahues Butt That Tou Cant See The Forest For Trees.



#11 2011-03-18 14:59:28

Who Else Is On This Screening Commitee ,any Body Know  ,please Dont Comprimise Your Self By Voting For This Looser , I Know The Fix Is In Because Andrews Appointed This Commitee , How Maney Other Andrews  Bum Kissers On This Appoiment Commitee,



#12 2011-03-18 15:02:46

Jayne Has To Recuse Her Self ,windslow Wont Vote For This Appoiment ,  Brenda Will Vote For This Looser Because She Is A Looser Herself ,that Leaves Cruz And Steve And I Know These Men Are Of High Chracter And Would  Not Vote To Affirm A Con Job Like This  ,i Guess We Will Wait And See,



#13 2011-03-18 15:04:05

I Know There Should Not Be Any Selectmen On This Commitee Because How Could They Rubber Stamp Something They Recmended.



#14 2011-03-18 15:14:24

The Committee recommends 3 of the applicants to the TA , he then makes the decision..I he appoints Donahue he's gotta go..



#15 2011-03-18 15:39:39

The idea of the husband of a lame duck selectman on her way out the door being appointed at the last minute stinks up a storm.  It's even stinkier knowing that he held the job years before and did it poorly.

Did the Donahues and the TA ever discuss this job during one of the many times they were spotted having dinner together at various local restaurants?

I think this also gives us another reason to vote for Joe Ashley.  If the fix is in and Curly's appointment is imminent, then I assume he'd have to resign from the Deputy Moderator position if he wins it.  I don't see how he could hold both positions.  Might as well let Mr. Ashley have it.



#16 2011-03-18 19:55:38

i say vote for ashley ,donahue is dishonest.



#17 2011-03-18 21:09:18

this is incredible, just beyond the pale. My apologies for being late to the point.

I have copied the Wareham town charter below. How ironic is it, the the very thing the curley et al tried to throw in the dumpster offers a unique oportunity to oppose this travesty.

(c)      Director of assessment - The town administrator shall appoint a director of assessment for a term of three years and fix the director's compensation within the amount annually appropriated for that purpose. An appointment by the town administrator shall become  effective on the fifteenth day following the day on which notice of the appointment is filed with the board of assessors, unless the board of assessors shall, within said period, by a majority vote of the full board, vote  to reject any such appointment, or has sooner voted to affirm it. Notwithstanding any other provision of the charter, the town administrator shall appoint all other employees of the assessing department. The director of assessment shall be a person of proven professional ability, especially fitted by education, training, and previous experience in municipal assessment and taxation to perform the duties of the office. The director of  assessment shall be responsible to the town administrator  for the day to day operations of the assessing department, and shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all functions of that department, and shall perform such other duties as the board of assessors should require from time to time. The director of  assessment shall keep the board of assessors fully informed as to the condition of the assessing department and matters relating to assessment, valuation, taxation, and abatement. The director of assessment shall implement votes of the board of assessors which require action.

Some key stuff in there.

"..."unless the board of assessors shall....vote to reject any such appointment..."

Here's the unique thing: the BoA has the right of REJECTION of the T/A's candidate. That is not possible with the chief/chief, with the Myles burke situation, or any other in Town. So. What to do?

Call, contact, e-mail, carrier pigeon the members of the BoA. Tell them that you do NOT think that an appointment of one who caused such trouble in the 1990's in Wareham, and a decade later in Swansea, is the right thing to do. Remind them that the Department of Revenue HAD to come in to the Wareham Town Hall and run the assessing department during the Donahue reign of malfeasance; one of the very few times since the 1970's that such a thing has occured.

Contact Steve Curry. He was one of the team sent out into the field to clean up the Donahue mess. He'll remember. he won't want to go there again.

Contact Jim Makrys. He was there as a Board member during the fiasco. He'll remember. He won't want to go there again. Mr. Makrys has served the town well for many years in many capacities. This could be his shining hour.

Contact Mike McCahill. His service may not go back to the Donahue times (lucky him), but he has been there long enough to know well the disaster visited on the town by the miscreant Donahue. One doubts that he would want anything to do with the 2011 version of curly.

the other two Board members are more recent; but one presumes that they have had an earful about the bad old Donahue days. If you know them, let them know your feelings on this matter.

As i said, this is a unique opportunity, granted by YOUR Town charter, to have input in a very important appointment. It is my opinion that the BoA will be very unhappy if donahue is appointed. BUT, they need back-up to fight Andrews and the gang. That is where you come in. Your input to the BoA may convince them to put up a good fight, and even prevail. Of course, if you can't be bothered........

Remember. A few weeks ago, Andrews presented Ms. Sheila Scaduto as HIS choice to be the new Director of Assessment. While Ms. Scaduto sat there twisting in the wind, an intense debate broke out, sparked by Cara Winslow pointing to the above provision in the Charter, where the BoA was supposed to have input in the decision, but did not. Ms. winslow had caught the T/A in an obviious end run around the charter (aside: BoBo wrote it up as if Ms. Winslow was the bad guy). Ms. Scaduto? she sat quietly while the dysfuntion raged in front of her. Ms. scaduto? don't look for her at 54 marion road; she is now the assessor in North Attleborough. Good luck, Sheila  -  nice job of escaping the South Coast version of Dante's Inferno.

Oh, and one more. There is one more person that everyone should contact. the Treasurer/Collector. That's right, the one and only John foster (just ask him). Tell him that there is no need for secret meetings in the Town Hall parking lot ala BoBo and/or the Cat Lady (remember her?). But remind him that he was hired after the Donahue fiasco to take over the Assessor's office, clean-up the mess, and move forward in accordance with DOR guidelines. If there is anyone, anywhere, who knows what the Donahue years meant to the town of Wareham in negative terms, it is foster. He needs to  speak up, he needs to speak out. Even if he uses his pal, the BoBo, to do it. Contact him and tell him that at $80,000 - 90,000 (+/-) per year, the very least that he could do is act to prevent a huge mistake.

Well. OK. You could contact the Board of Selectment as well. Wouldn't hurt, I suppose.

BUT, without working from the bottom up to the BoS, aren't you taking a chance that the BoS will accede to Andrews & the Donahues?

As I said, this is a unique opportunity. Don't blow it.



#18 2011-03-20 13:22:24

A perusal of the Town's online Meetings Calendar indicates the Board of Assessors next meeting is April 1, 2011. Wonder if the BoA agenda includes 'public participation'. Wouldn't it be nice if the BoA got an earful from the public regarding the attempt to foist this failure on the folks in Wareham   -   that would be curly, of course.

Then again, the BoA could get out in front of this issue and make a clear public statement of their disdain for this potential disaster. Hopefully, the BoA will see the urgency of the situation and call a meeting sooner than 4/1/2011.

Meanwhile, it is incumbent upon concerned citizens (that's you) to exhort the BoA NOT to be 'fools' or 'fooled' at their meeting on April 1, April Fool's day. If they are, then it will be the citizen/taxpayers of the Town who will end up paying for this foolishness.

Last edited by stewie (2011-03-20 13:23:21)



#19 2011-03-20 16:58:11

Stewie is the man....



#20 2011-03-20 20:01:02


Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#21 2011-03-21 10:59:55

You know it's pretty bad when even Bobo's craziest blogger is questioning your ethics..

By: onlooker on 3/21/11
Ok, I'll be the bad guy here. John? You and your wife are well liked and respected in the political arena in town, and personally as well. I like you.

HOWEVER, your adversaries have valid questions about your special political interest in the WFD/WD. You always campaign for the water commissioners, (well certain people), AND both your sister and brother are employees there?

John Donahue's Shady Past

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#22 2011-03-21 12:00:30

DDPTRO wrote:

You know it's pretty bad when even Bobo's craziest blogger is questioning your ethics..




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