#1 2011-03-11 16:38:29
Stumbled over this in the Wareham Courier this afternoon. It is unreal, is it not.
Sonny & cher had it right.
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
Andrews: Wareham still in negotiations with Chief Stanley ...Andrews: Wareham still in negotiations with Chief Stanley.By Frank Mulligan
Wicked Local Wareham
Posted Mar 11, 2011 @ 03:59 PM
Wareham Town Administrator Mark Andrews said this afternoon he is in negotiations with Chief Mark Stanley and wouldn’t comment further on a report in the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune that Stanley had stated his last day as Wareham chief would be March 31.
According to the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune report, Stanley wrote a memo to North Andover Town Manager Mark Rees to that effect. Both towns have been in negotiations for Stanley’s full services as chief.
Neither Stanley nor Rees could immediately be reached for comment.
Copyright 2011 Wicked Local Wareham. Some rights reserved
Read more: Andrews: Wareham still in negotiations with Chief Stanley - Wareham, MA - Wicked Local Wareham http://www.wickedlocal.com/wareham/arch … z1GKQDoXxp
Hi! it's me again. "Both towns have been in negotiations for Stanley......."
Does this mean that he is playing one town off against the other? Why is it that so many towns receive a boatload of applicants for a key position such as this, without this pas de deux?
What will happen, of course, is that one of these two Towns will "win" (a pyrrhic victory?), and end up paying ABOVE market rates for the privilege of having Stanley grace their presence. Each of these two Towns should have walked (ran, actually) away from this money-grubber and gone to the market where numerous viable candidates reside.
Quo vadis, Stanley?
Wareham - North Andover - or the $$$$$$$. which one will you embrace? (that's a rhetorical question, of course).
#2 2011-03-11 16:53:25
Oh, and don't forget the PENSION question in evaluating this situation.
Aside to PJC. Forty years ago, I inspected a fish processing building on the P-Town waterfront. The place stank to high heaven, nearly vomit-inducing. Does that mean that I hate fish?
this whole thing with Stanley stinks as badly as that building in P-Town, which was demolished to make way for a Coast Guard station. Does that mean that I hate Stanley? No. but the process stinks, and some of that stink rubs off on him.
In a town which has had government by bullying, back-stabbing and behind closed doors activity; it is beyond time that the cleansing fresh air of openess be part of the process. The selection of the important position of police chief is a perfect place to start. Let Stanley go through an application process, a vetting process, a public interview process (like other communities); and if he emerges as Numero Uno, then so be it.
None of that has happened, nor will it, apparently. In other words: Same old Same old.........
#4 2011-03-11 17:20:40
Here is the article from the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune.
"I just turned down a pretty good job..." i.e. Wareham. sounds final to me.
"Wareham officials will look .... to its police department". Well, OK.
No doubt there are qualified people on the WPD. But again, the town appears to want to attempt an end run around the applicant pool which surfaces for these job openings. what is so difficult about playing by the rules? If someone from the WPD goes thru a process and emerges as the top candidate, that's fine. But this article seems to point to the behind-the-scenes process that produced a Myles Burke and friend, a 'Biz", etc.
Hasn't there been enuf of that. Aren't you ready to stand up & say : Enough is Enough?
Nearly TWO (2) years with a band-aid situation in the positiion of Police chief. enough is Enough !!!!!
will end Wareham job at end of month
By Brian Messenger
bmessenger@eagletribune.com The Eagle Tribune Fri Mar 11, 2011, 02:45 PM EST
NORTH ANDOVER — Police Chief Richard Stanley's stint holding down a second job as interim police chief in Wareham will end March 31.
Stanley wrote a memo to Town Manager Mark Rees last month informing Rees of his last day in Wareham, where he began working in August 2009.
Wareham officials will look to replace Stanley with a member of its police department, according to the memo.
Stanley declined comment yesterday, but touched briefly on his departure working in the Southeast Massachusetts town during Monday's selectmen's meeting.
"I just turned down a pretty good job because my heart is in this town," Stanley told board members.
Stanley has served as police chief in North Andover since 1986. But for much of last year, it appeared he would leave town for Wareham.
In March 2010, Stanley said he had agreed, in principle, with Wareham Town Administrator and former Lawrence Finance Director Mark Andrews to become Wareham's full-time police chief.
In November, however, Rees announced that Stanley would remain North Andover's top cop and had already begun "transitioning away" from his part-time role in Wareham.
"I think he's done a fantastic job for the town," said Rees yesterday. "I'm glad he'll be able to continue doing that work for us."
Selectmen approved Stanley's work arrangement in Wareham by a 3-1 vote in August 2009, with Bill Gordon voting in the minority and Dan Lanen abstaining because he is a town police officer.
"I did not see any degradation of his services or commitment to the town," said Rees. "I know he spent a lot of time in Wareham, but he also spent a lot of time in North Andover. I never saw a lack of commitment while he was in Wareham."
Rees said last fall that Stanley did not enhance his pension while working in Wareham.
Stanley is making $133,226 in North Andover this year.
• • •
#6 2011-03-11 17:37:00
Thank you Stewie and Liz.
He just promised the people of his Town that have supported him for thirty years that he was staying.
Is he a man of his word?
His salary is $133,000.00 now.
How about comparing N. Andover and Wareham, pjc?
Wareham should call for a State wide exam for Chief, place the salary range in the $80,00.00 area, plus benefits, and INVEST in a 30 year Chief.
Anything less is bullshit.
#7 2011-03-11 17:52:26
Did I mention the PENSION ?????
My guess, and it is strictly that, is that Stanley has met with the Essex Regional Retirement system and the Plymouth County Retirement Board. Then, he worked his abacus and slide rule, perhaps even an Excel spreadsheet, to come up with the most Stanley-friendly retirement scenario possible. And now, we finally approach the end of this silliness of here-a chief, there-a-chief, everywhere a chief/chief. Why the end game? because Stanley has the numbers he wants.
There is a fellow who posts on this site on rare occasions with his pithy comments. His name eludes me - it is one of those tricky Irish names. Wait! I got it! Its DanO!
OK, whatever. But he definitely has one thing right: FOLLOW THE MONEY! In this case, the PENSION money. I won't bore you with the machinations of the inner workings of the State pension system again (hey! no cheering over there), but some possibilities emerge here. While the Governor has got his anti-spiking legislation, there may be issues as WHEN it applies, and WHETHER it applies to Stanley. Moving now to be in only one Town may preserve Stanley's right to 'spiking'. Or, it may not. Either way, it is a bargaining chip, a very stong one, in negotiating with the two Towns.
Why oh why is Wareham in the middle of this fiasco ???????
Last edited by stewie (2011-03-11 17:53:51)
#8 2011-03-11 17:59:11
From a story on Wareham Week:
" town records indicate that Stanley was paid for working in Wareham anywhere from 28 to 38 hours per week in November and the first two weeks of December."
Same story indicates he told N. Andover officials that he had cut down to one weekend day a week and an occasional meeting.
So...how much is the Town of Wareham paying him?
Door to door?
Vehicle provided, insurance, other benefits, etc.?
Man...talk about dysfunctional!
#9 2011-03-11 18:01:55
Roger that, DanO
#10 2011-03-11 18:02:38
Yhe Reign Of Stupidy And Terror Of Jayne And Brenda Will Be Over Soon ,we Need Honest And Open Gov, And We Need It Now, Dont Elect Cronin ,begly Or Schinder Or Bronk If You Want More Of This Cronism,dishonest Gov, To Continue , The Biz ,and The Building Inspector Miles Burke Have To Go ,i Am Sick Of This Dishonest Gov.. We Dont Need Peace Nites Because Of All The Crime What We Need Is A Full Time Poilce Chief At No More Than 100k .
#11 2011-03-11 18:28:40
We Have Been Led By A Pack Of Fools And We Need Better Leadership , Stanley Will Stay In N Andover, Wareham Has Been In Negotions With Stanly For Monthes So Says Andrews ,give Me A Break Now We Go Into The Summer With No Police Chief, Brenda And Jayne Are Damm Fools ,itiots ,vengfull People , Sneaks ,dont Vote For More Of There Kind , Vote For Open Honest Gov, You Wont Get It If You Vote For Mike ,ellen Cronan Or Bronk.
#12 2011-03-11 18:58:41
As much as the tin hats wanted to make it out to be, this was never a question of "liking" Stanley. He's likable and qualified.
It's been a question of a) Should the most important public safety based position in town ever be made part time and b) Should the most important public safety based position in town ever be made part time for two years?
Really, it's never been so much about Stanley as it has been about the incompetence of the prior BOS. They held the most important public safety job in the town of Wareham open for two years for someone who didn't want it.
As expected, the Hypocrite Elite have been left standing at the altar.
Let's leave them standing at the ballot box too.
#13 2011-03-11 19:04:12
The Hypocrite Elite strategy from here to election day will be to say "No, no! We're still in negotiations! Still in negotiations!"
Nobody's buying it.
#14 2011-03-11 19:53:19
GuyIncognito wrote:
The Hypocrite Elite strategy from here to election day will be to say "No, no! We're still in negotiations! Still in negotiations!"
Nobody's buying it.
Guy..you know them so well..did you get a copy of their playbook or something?
This video was ten days ago.. Steve "pussy-footing" around asking what the story/status was in the negotiations for Stanley's full-time services..psst, Steve, it's ok to ask..you're a selectman..and it's been dragging on for nearly two years..but, at least Steve asked..everybody else has been content to endlessly wait for Andrews & Stanley to give a hint as to what, if anything, was "going on" in the negotiations. Anyway, "ongoing"..seemed to be the keyword. Stanley doesn't want Wareham, Wareham shouldn't want him right back. He seems to have done some good thing's in his long-term, limited duty tenure. Great, that's what I expect...he was paid well by the tax-payers after all. Implement the things he did that were good, and build on them. The Full-time position was his for the taking..and he declined (and took his time doing so). The "leader's" have once again screwed up the process, and now Wareham looks as clueless as ever because they should have been working on "plan b" for months..years even. Maybe after he's gone they can do it right this time..stop acting like Stanley was the only possible man for the job..and act like an employer who has some leverage in the negotiation of a contract..not like some love-sick puppy dog who's willing to pay anything for the "honor" of someone's service.
#15 2011-03-11 20:58:01
Nice job, Dave.
#16 2011-03-11 22:37:36
Yes, you fooled them all Chief..
#17 2011-03-12 07:03:13
Why Did Our Selectmen Put Up With This Crap,we Are Still In Negotions ,because A Lot Of Them Dont Know What They Are Doing, Maybe There Is A Selectmen School Some Where Newly Elected Selectmen Could Go To, The Rest Of The Board Let Jayne And Brenda Run The Show , And That Is Not Leadership , What Were The Selectmen Doing While Andrews Was In Negotions For Over Half A Year , Doing Jaynes Work Putting Bruce On The Westfild Commitee A Total Jerk , The Next Thing Thay Were Doing Is Shoving A Sewer On Agawam And Mayflower Ridge That Cant Affors 38 K Not When They Were All On The Same Biding Process And Then Were Broken Up To Favor Parkwood Where Jayne And Yhe Slavins Live And Where They Will Pay 7 K Betterments And Agawam And Mayflower Ridge Will Pay 38 K ,i Say This Is A Crimnal Act And Borders On Coruption. What Will Wareham Do , I Say We Should Rush Out And Vote For Frank Defelice As To Me He Will Lead The Charge On This Coruption And Malfeacance In Town Hall .
#18 2011-03-12 07:10:58
Others That Nead To Leave Wareham Our The Biz Who Does Her Acouting On A Abacus,miles Burke And His Girlfriend Who Lies On His Desk In An Admiring Pose And Says Miles Your Making In The 80 K Raise And Your Getting A 10 % Raise And You Dont Even Have A Buildig Licence To Do The Job And That Flunking Of Yours Who Does Have The Certifacate He Does The Inspecting And You Get All The Money , It Sures Pays To Be Pals With Andrews ,.
#19 2011-03-12 21:15:53
Slager: The Eagle-Tribune has made a habit of distorting the truth about Stanley for the same reasons that Wareham Week has done the exact same thing – Stanley will not speak to either paper because of their track records of misquoting him and taking things he has said to others out of context.
Slager: That’s true. Stanley will end his interim position in Wareham on March 31. But that doesn’t mean he is leaving. Negotiations for Stanley to become full-time chief in Wareham are still ongoing.
Slager: No one outside of Stanley and Andrews is privy to the current negotiations.
YET YOU QUOTE THIS: And, as usual, these people don’t have the first clue what they are talking about.
Slager: Again, no one knows exactly where the negotiations stand between Stanley and Andrews. But it’s a good bet that Stanley wants something comparable to what Rabinovitch makes per year. And he deserves it, especially considering their respective track records.
Slager: Yes, the town is suffering severe budget challenges. But giving Stanley around $30,000 more per year than he is currently making, especially considering the costs associated with his relocation, seems very reasonable. Stanley has proven his worth to Wareham over and over again.
Slager: So they punish him by misquoting him and taking things he has said to others out of context. In its story about Stanley this week, the Eagle-Tribune reported that Stanley sent a memo to town officials saying he was leaving Wareham. That isn’t what the memo actually said. Stanley told North Andover officials the exact same thing he told them in a well-publicized story in November – he will end his interim position in Wareham at the end of March.
"I just turned down a pretty good job because my heart is in this town," Stanley told board members.
#20 2011-03-12 22:24:44
Slager Is A Lieing Ass Hole.
#21 2011-03-12 22:43:32
So That Piece Of Shit Slager Wants To Give The Police Chief 165 K A Year ,while Saying That Every Other Dept Head In Wareham Was Paid To Much And Argued There Pay Should Be Cut ,slager You Piece Of Shit You Dont Pay Taxes In Wareham , Why Dont You Slap Your Self In The Head Because You Are A Hipocrital Ass Hole , I Have Heard There Was A Plan To Raise The Chiefs Salery By Brenda And Jayne Before They Left Office ,and I Say Dont Do It Because Any Selectmen That Votes With Jayne And Brenda To Do This Will Be Finshed In Wareham Politics And The Salery Would Be Recinded At Town Meeting ,i Think Stanley Has Done A Good Job In Wareham Bit To Take The Police Salery From 95k To 165k Is Rediclous A 70 K Raise For The Job , What Will Other Town Employees Think That Havent Had Raises In 4 Years , Is There Worth Nonething, And Selectmen An Atempt To Raise The Ta Salery Will Bemet With Town Meeting To Roll The Slaery Back , Slager Close Your Paper In Wareham You Are A Troble Maker ,a Looser And A Piece Of Dog Crap.
Last edited by redrobin (2011-03-12 22:47:34)
#22 2011-03-12 23:30:33
LizMcD wrote:
Check out these comments under the Eagle-Tribune story..
kodiakthunder Yesterday 07:06 PM
WOW, it only took two years for Wareham to figure out how much of a clown he realy is. It's a shame that NAPD has had to put up with his shananigans for so long. I was hoping for the best for those cops but unfortunatley he is staying. How much longer will Ron Jeremy continue to be the chief? Of course Marke Reese is loyal to the chief, remember your run in with Wilmington PD????
Tough Yesterday 10:01 PM in reply to kodiakthunder
Really? Mark Andrews is still there and he is the biggest loser going!!
Tough Yesterday 10:02 PM in reply to Tough
AND.......Myles Burke!!
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-03-12 23:31:32)
#23 2011-03-13 11:12:47
DDPTRO wrote:
kodiakthunder Yesterday 07:06 PM
WOW, it only took two years for Wareham to figure out how much of a clown he realy is. It's a shame that NAPD has had to put up with his shananigans for so long. I was hoping for the best for those cops but unfortunatley he is staying. How much longer will Ron Jeremy continue to be the chief?
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#24 2011-03-13 11:36:36
The Hypocrite Elite are like the women who say, "I'll just give it another year, I'm sure my boyfriend will leave his wife for me!"
#25 2011-03-13 13:03:50
For those of you keeping score at home, Wareham's occupying army of washed up Merrimack Valley patronage hacks still includes...
Elizabeth Zaleski
Rick Stanley
Mark Andrews
Myles Burke
John Sanguinet
Lawrence Librarian Maureen Nimmo had the uncommon good sense to back out at the last minute.
Last edited by billw (2011-03-13 20:56:23)
#26 2011-03-13 20:32:37
A question about the fourth name down: if he never gets the certification he needs does he keep his job?..with a raise, of course..
#27 2011-03-14 15:56:30
This guy came and put life back into the Wareham PD. It makes no difference who gets the Job because it is political and will always be the same. The only Chief who was not tied to the aprons of the BOS was Chief Hammond. The PD has two Lieutenants who are doing the right thing, but I do not believe they are ready to take over yet. For all of you who have political opions be counted at Town Meeting. Their are some of you who will always have the mentality of us against them. Until you get rid of that attitude the right people with NO AGENDA OF THEIR OWN, then and only then will the Progressive Indiduals will fill tkey positions in Wareham Government.
#28 2011-03-14 23:45:52
pjc - Good or not, Hammond was wanted by that BOS. He recommended Joyce for chief when he left. Part of this board and former members of this BOS would NOT work with Joyce. THEY wouldn't let him get new cruisers when he asked for them, more than once. THEY bring in Chief Mario and bingo, we get new cruisers without a town meeting vote! WE didn't get the chance to be counted at town meeting!!!
And, yes, Andrews and Stanley said it was legal to lease these vehicles but I have other feelings about that. Perhaps you should study of who's mentality you are speaking. The only "us" here is that there are a number of people who agree on a number of things and we don't always agree with one another. We want what is best for Wareham, the town we live in. There are many more people in town who feel the same but don't blog, on any site. There are a handful of people who I would personaly call "THEM" because they seem to walk hand in hand publicly and have no regard for our town charter or the laws surrounding town meeting, selectman's duties, etc., but I don't speak for others on this site.
From some of your postings, maybe you also need to get rid of "that" attitude, or at least put a check on it. I do agree with you that we need leaders who have no personal agenda. One I can think of is new to the selectman's race and her name is Jennifer Petersen. Everyone should have the chance to meet her. Joseph Ashley, running for the office if Deputy Moderator is also a breath of fresh air for Wareham. You should have been at the last town meeting and heard him speak.
#29 2011-03-15 09:42:08
I am happy to see we both have the Towns interest at heart. I just hope the BOS picks a Temporary Chief who can keep the infusion of positive reinforcement to the PD. The are plenty of people in Police Work who honestly believe that the rank and file can assist in running a good department. They must be a people person.
#30 2011-03-15 10:38:18
Since we have a few experts on the civil service aspect of this fiasco:
It is my understanding the Town Administrator called of an internal test. If that is the case and there are only two qualified to take the test (internally), doesn't that defeat the purpose? I haven't finished reading the information yet, but I believe you need a minimum of 4 candidates in order to have a valid test. So, the results would not matter? If the TA had called for a state wide test, it would have allowed more qualified candidates and the results would have given Wareham a chance at having a full time chief instead of an interim or acting chief.
The other point is that if the test is not valid, that means we would have another year to wait before the test would be available again.
Seriously, does this sound like a mistake or politics?
Anyone want to tackle this issue for me?
#31 2011-03-15 11:05:58
It Sound Like Jayne And Brenda Polictics Because They Want To Control Who Goes In.
#32 2011-03-15 12:44:56
You said what I have read, Larry, and even posted earlier.
I would hope a Selectman asks the TA tonight if he has called for a STATE wide exam, allowing Sgt.s' and above to take the test from Wareham, and opening the position up to hundreds. They will obviously be whittled down to a few, interviewed, and a Chief can be appointed, BEFORE the time it would take to actually have enough Lt.s in the WPD to take the test.
I hope someone is paying attention, or you are in for another, at least, year with a temporary Chief.
Maybe continue Stanley's contract under the same wonderful conditions?
#33 2011-03-15 16:30:50
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#34 2011-03-15 17:48:19
One again Biffy you talk out you butt, If he calls for an Exam it can be either within the PD or State wide. Just because there are two working Lts, Bliss excluded at this time ,the next lower rank can take it. There we go with the Jane and Brenda thing, Selectmen over the last 40 years were no different except we expect more transparency. Give me any group of Selectmen in 40 years and I will tell you how they managed their own Agenda.
#35 2011-03-15 18:11:54
pjc....I assume you mean I WRITE or POST out (of) my butt....I am glad to see that you agree that a test should be called for and all qualified should be allowed to participate. Could you tell us where to find that info to eliminate the confusion?
I would be FASCINATED to hear your take on the Selectmens' agendas for the past 40 years. Let's start at 1970, 1971,1972,1973,1974...tell us who was on the BOS then, what their agendas were, were they full time or part- time, etc.
I can't wait until you educate us...
#36 2011-03-15 18:29:36
Pjc A Policman ,a Present Policman Or A Fomer Policman ,i Say Fomer Wareham Policman?
#37 2011-03-15 19:32:00
pjc wrote:
I am happy to see we both have the Towns interest at heart. I just hope the BOS picks a Temporary Chief who can keep the infusion of positive reinforcement to the PD. The are plenty of people in Police Work who honestly believe that the rank and file can assist in running a good department. They must be a people person.
Wow, we agree on something, pjc. I feel deeply that someone who has put in years on the WPD, is well educated, knows the people of Wareham, good & bad, can delegate authority and is a part of this community, already knows what the department needs. I don't recall in my lifetime, a chief being from outside our department.
Wareham has some young officers who have a lot to offer, they are eager and willing to serve for a better Wareham. Hope I live long enough to see the results.
#38 2011-03-15 19:33:21
The next Chief will likely be chosen by Stanley.. Through an assessment process..as Lynnfield recently did.
The Board of Selectmen will make the appointment, following the results of an assessment center in which Breen placed first among the four candidates vying for the chief’s position that was vacated by the retirement of Joseph Dunn Oct. 31.
#39 2011-03-15 21:00:59
The request for an internal exam. That was my point. As a former officer, what are the rules? How many candidates must sit for the exam in order for it to be a valid exam?
#40 2011-03-16 10:38:43
There must be at least three or more from in the PD to take the Exam( Assessment Center). This is the new way of going instead of a actual written question exam. This type of Exam tests the people in many aspects of what the job entail. They make recommendation to the Town on what candidate best fits the Position , this does not mean the person who does the best during the Assessment Center or has the most experience. I think with experience and time in grade there are people who could do the job well on the PD, I just do not think at the present time they are ready for the politics in Wareham. Wareham PD at this time has many good professional officers who are young and bright. The next Chief has to have some of Stanleys virtues, a people person, progressive, and have a back bone to due things for the town of Wareham, not the BOS. Good Chiefs a nurtured for the position buy smart progressive leaders. A leader is one who receives respect from his or her men. Symbols and position mean nothing.
#41 2011-03-16 13:06:00
#42 2011-03-16 15:53:23
I don't get anything when I pull this up, Dave...just a blank box...
#43 2011-03-16 16:15:31
danoconnell wrote:
I don't get anything when I pull this up, Dave...just a blank box...
The next link work?
#44 2011-03-16 16:48:59
No, sir...blank.
#45 2011-03-17 08:43:20
Well, I finally opened it. I haven's seen such dancing since I watched the group of Irish dancers ...feet moving so quick you can't see them.
Never a question answered directly...just dance.
Thanks to Steve for asking the question. (How many time did you ask Steve before you got your half answer?).
I suggest that the budgetary process includes a real assessment of top heavy administrative costs...time to take a knife to the frosting, and get to the cake.
#46 2011-03-17 10:38:16
Mike and Ellen's Best Friend wrote:
Why would Stanley sent a memo to North Andover officials three weeks ago saying he was staying while still negotiating with Wareham? That doesn’t make much sense.