#1 2011-03-14 00:36:53
Ok, I’ve always had a feeling Slager posted under “assorted aliases”/screen names..besides his own name…and I generally don’t try and guess “which one’s are Slager??”..but on tonight’s “HatChat” there was this “curious” exchange towards the end of it. A frequent blogger on Slager’s site called “capricon” popped on after most of the other tinhatter’s had called it a night. On one of the comments “cap” responded to himself! That is to say (I believe) Slager slipped up..he responded like he was Slager..but it was posted under the screen name of “capricon”. So “capricon” responded to “cap”..which (as you’ll see) is the way Slager always responds to “capricon”..(aka Bobo, himself) Why would the nutjob do this? Because as usual, he’s trying to “insinuate” things (some things are better brought up by "someone else"..and then Bobo can go round and round with it without it being "him")..things to support his “people”..in this case, Schneider & Begley..while at the same time smearing his rivals (..all the other candidates)..Check it out..I’ve removed comments by a couple of other tinhatters who were chiming in during Slager’s discussion with his sock puppet.
Too bad Paul Shooter isn’t around to investigate..
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Good late evening all! Sorry so late, got tied up earlier!
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
Hi, capricon. Welcome. What's on your mind tonight?
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Many things - 1st off - I agree - I hope we don't lose Stanley because of a crazy $103,000 cap! Better tell that to the next chief - we'll be sure to get no one!
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
It is ridiculous, capricon. I hope this topic is discussed at the BOS meeting. It's time for each selectmen to publicly state where they stand on this issue.
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Also, what have the other candidate's (other than Mike and Ellen - who are at more meeetings than anyone, and Donna, who has to be at Fin Com, and carries personal feelings into her decision making) been doing?
Let's see, Frank has been insulting anyone who disagrees with him, although no one really knows what he stands for, simultaneously suing the town and / or district from time to time, Cronin has been involved only when a wind turbine was propsed in his neighborhood, and Jen Petersen? I guess she's been following Steve Holmes where ever he brings her!
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Cap, I agree, but unfortunately, with the recent Supreme Court ruling, I don't think much can be done - I agree with Freedom of Speech, unfortunately we also have a freedom from good taste!
By: capricon on 3/13/11
By: capricon on 3/13/11
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
Cap, I may be a little tired, but what do these figures represent? How much Stanley deserves?
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Sorry, Envoy, I thought you asked if $145K was the rate for no experience, what would Stanley be worth - that's what the numbers were for!
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Sorry, was going back to the top, trying to read and catch up, and skimmed envoy's comment!
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
I understand. Personally I think something around $165,000 with annual outstanding performance raises would be about right.
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
I didn't realize that Holmes was actively campaigning for Peterson.
By: capricon on 3/13/11
FYI - Rob, 8 days before the election is when they first have to submit their campaign contribution forms.
Has anyone heard of ANY candidate fundraisers?
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
I have some ethical issues with that, especially considering Holmes has two more years on the board. Might Peterson feel indebted to him if she is elected?
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
Schneider and Begley just had one. DeFelice has one scheduled I think. Joseph Ashley for deputy town moderator has something coming up too, I think.
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Very actively, Robert.
I think the highest paid would be the Superintendent - he makes about $157K base plus bonuses and reimbursements.
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
That's the kind of thing Holmes does sometimes that makes me pause.
By: capricon on 3/13/11
You should pause, Robert, really.
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Keep in mind, the school's are failing, or technically, "needs improvement" or "restructuring;" our police dept. on the other hand has improved, is certified and is actually solving crimes and making the town safer!
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
Let's call this the 10-minute warning. We've gone into overtime a little bit, but I'm game for a little more.
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Sorry, partly my fault for the extension. Make it a five minute warning, and I'll call it a night!
Good night all!
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
No problem, cap. You always bring something to the party.
By: capricon on 3/13/11
Hey, one more thing, before I'm out - under #4 on Peterson's answers, why is it in the third person? Someone writing her answers? Good night!
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
Excellent catch, cap. I noticed that too. I did not edit any of the candidate responses.
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
Goodnight, cap. Have a great week!
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
OK, two-minute warning. Are there any last comments, questions, etc. before I call it a night?
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
Last call ...
By: robertslager on 3/13/11
OK, that's a wrap. Thanks so much for joining in tonight. Keep fighting for a bright future for all of Wareham.
”Keep fighting”?? That’s exactly what Slager wants Wareham to do..keep fighting. Go away Bobo, go away.
#2 2011-03-14 01:15:26
Here's another comment by Kate Furler...apparently Selectmen Donahue and Eckstrom are endorsing Schneider & Begley (shock!)..where they attended and spoke on behalf of their candidates at Schneider & Begley's "Meet the Candidates" event at Salerno's friday night.
Bobo's comments (above) state that he has a problem with Steve Holmes endorsing Jennifer Petersen..which I have no idea whether he is or not..but, once again..Bobo shows his hypocrisy by criticizing Selectman Holmes for (supposedly) endorsing Petersen, while having no issue with Donahue & Eckstrom supporting Schneider & Begley..
Kate Furler wrote:
By: gramyk on 3/13/11
both jane and brenda spoke and got standing ovations on friday.
#3 2011-03-14 03:53:21
DDPTRO wrote:
Here's another comment by Kate Furler.
Please ignore limpdick and his little pals.
Mary Ann Silva and the family she pays to count the vote are the ones to watch.
#4 2011-03-14 07:12:22
Yes Slager Is A Man Of Maney Personalities And I To Beleave He Posts On Maney Names ,, And Can You Imagine A Sanding Ovation Of A Bunch Of Idiots For The 2 Witches Jayne The Cript Keeper And Brenda Aka Brocton Brenda.