#1 2011-03-09 07:21:30
http://www.eagletribune.com/local/x1498 … udget-cuts
Last edited by billw (2011-03-09 07:23:28)
#2 2011-03-09 08:34:44
Interesting. Proves his self absorption...probably want to mooch off of Wareham because he thinks he will have it easier in Wareham to be loved and respected.
Get a real full time Chief and cut loose the hangers on....
#3 2011-03-09 08:35:49
Here's another horror show: Andrews making $155,000.00 per year and Stanley $150,00.00 per year.
THAT is a horror show.
#4 2011-03-09 09:45:35
$155,000 a year?, duct-taped sewer pipes?, and of course the "horror show" of a cable show..anyone impressed?..
#5 2011-03-09 11:14:44
You hate mongers just do not get it, it takes a real chief to fight for the safety of his command. Dan Oconnor, I now totally realize that if it is not Biffy's way it does not float. This Guy Stanley can and has created a working relation ship with the officers and town. I am well aware of the Stanley haters because now they are held accountable or on the outside looking in, but still run to the new breed at the BOS. It is too bad that some still have the ear of the BOS and an ax to grind. Beware of what you have because what you don't will bite you in the ASS.
Last edited by pjc (2011-03-09 11:15:28)
#6 2011-03-09 11:42:20
No hate here, just wondering how a $50,000! raise is justified for a TA in an almost bankrupt Town..
#7 2011-03-09 15:23:48
One must look at the total picture. The Chief in Bourne makes 140,000, much smaller Department and citizenry. Carver Chief 119,000 half the size Department and citizenry. Whether Stanley gets hired or not is up to the BOS. Whatever they decide I hope they can come together on this decision. Right now it is two on one side, two one this site side and one who is listening to the wrong side.
Last edited by pjc (2011-03-09 15:24:23)
#9 2011-03-09 23:13:06
Don't you think he has an obligation to the Town that has supported him for 30 years?
Obviously they need a full time Chief ....looks like more than Wareham.
#10 2011-03-10 00:54:51
North Andover Patch wrote:
“We’ve worked so hard to keep this town in the shape its in, and we have the illustrious city of Lawrence right over there, creeping into town, affecting our lifestyle in North Andover with the murders, shootings, stabbings on a nightly basis,” Stanley said. "We need to call a spade a spade, and we can’t be dancing around."
Whoever called this man racist?!
#11 2011-03-10 08:22:09
Something about this story doesn't track.
North Andover Town Manager Mark Rees proposed funding reductions of 1 percent across the board.
For its police department, this means a cut of $80,095, or a drop of 1.87 percent from current funding. In practical terms, it means less overtime spending and approving only two out of four requested replacement cruisers.
For this, Police Chief Richard Stanley squeals Chicken Little Armageddon? The poors are coming, oh my. Oh, damn, they're here!
Are we watching our own fear mongering future?
2010-11-08. Eagle-Tribune: Chief's charade has gone on too long.
2010-04-22. Eagle-Tribune: Lawrence Pols Relocate to Wareham.
2010-04-01. Eagle-Tribune: Editorial: Consider a part-time replacement for Stanley.
2010-01-27. Eagle-Tribune: Chief Stanley named in wrongful death suit.
#12 2011-03-10 19:54:57
The increase in shootings, stabbings, etc. in Wareham is due to what?
A bad element invading from Bourne, or Rochester?
I guess you had better get ready for a request for a big increae in the PD budget ( mostly salaries, I am sure), or you will be subjected to the same problems as N. Andover.
Maybe the Chief is carrying some bad mojo...
#13 2011-03-10 22:14:37
Stanley's quotes from the article and what he said before the BOS:
"We’ve worked so hard to keep this town in the shape its in, and we have the illustrious city of Lawrence right over there, creeping into town, affecting our lifestyle in North Andover with the murders, shootings, stabbings on a nightly basis,” Stanley said. “If you want to see what is going on, Lawrence creeping into North Andover as it already has, then keep cutting the budget.”
Later stating:
"It's no accident that this town isn't having the same problems as other towns," Stanley said. "If something happens to you, you’re better off being in Andover or North Andover. We need to call a spade a spade, and we can’t be dancing around. It’s a bunch of baloney to think you don’t get what you pay for."
So which is it? The nightly murders, shootings and stabbings are NOT happening or they are happening?
Is the Town safe or not?
#14 2011-03-11 13:25:04
Chief Joyce Made 95 K His Last Year ,crime Was Not As Bad As It Is Now Maybe We Need Those Missing 10 Policeman ,and Bourne Makes 140 K ,well They Have A Better Run Town Than We Do , And Bourne Is A More Affulant Town Than Wareham , ,so They Can Afford 140 K , The Only Way Wareham Can Afford This Salery Is Dont Give Are Rank And File Police Officers A Raise Or Hire One Less Policman , By The Way The Chief In Plmouth Makes 119 K ,so What Is Your Point P Jc ,
#15 2011-03-11 15:57:51
Get your facts right, Mike in Plymouth may make base pay of 119,000, but add on thirty percent for his education.
You and the other have to get off the Anti Stanley band wagon, he ain't coming if the price is not right. As far as the increase in class one crimes, Wareham has the distinction of being a Suburb of New Beford and Brockton. If it doesn;t fit your agenda then it must be wrong. Bullsh-t.
#16 2011-03-11 17:58:40
pjc wrote:
Eagle-Tribune: Police chief will end Wareham job at end of month
Aye aye Cap'n!! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.. You come on here throwing haymakers, and making non-sensical threats..like "Beware of what you have because what you don't will bite you in the ASS."...What does that even mean?? Seems "your boy" has other plans..
Posters on this site have bent over backwards to show you respect in the past..respect that has not been reciprocated by you. You may want to consider how often the things posted by blogger's on this site have turned out to be true. Hey, you're free to post all the "know it all" crap you usually do here..but maybe Slager's website has more "like-minded thinkers" for you...for a nominal fee. We disagree with you (and them)..it doesn't mean it's bulls#@t..or we're "hatemonger's"..we just have a clue...maybe it's you (and them) who have an "agenda".
Adios Super Chief..
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-03-11 21:16:42)
#17 2011-03-11 18:08:09
Pjc Both Bourne And Plymouth Are Richer Towns Than Wareham , I Am Not Anti Stanley, But I Would Not Pay Him Or Anyone More Than 100 K , .
#18 2011-03-11 18:45:32
IMO, the argument about which town is 'richer' is a sterile argument. The emphasis should be on the market value of the position. That value can be determined by the same process that you use to sell your house. Expose the house (or the vacant position) to the market and see what surfaces in terms of offers (or applicants for the position).
The relative wealth of the communities seeking such professionals is generally less important than the market level of compensation for such position. Is the Town of Weston (or Lincoln, Hingham, Manchester-by-the-Sea, etc.) going to pay a 'premium' because they are affluent communites; are they going to pay $200,000 for a police chief? Should lower-income communities such as Chelsea, Brockton, Orange, Lawrence; pay LESS because the average househiold income is lower? Should these communities only pay $50,000, due to the lower income scale within?
It just doesn't work that way. You cannot repeal the law of supply & demand. Yet, it appears that that is what some in Wareham are trying to do with the Chief/Chief. Ignore the basic rule of Economics 101. "we" like the Chief/Chief, so that justifies a pay rate that is 'out-of-the-money', as they say on Wall Street. No. No. No!
Conversely, you cannot justify an 'out-of-the-money' pay rate in the opposite direction, as some have suggested. In this game, market rates will prevail. Of course, that requires an open, tranparent process to arrive at market rates....
#19 2011-03-11 19:40:00
Thanks, Stewie...
What do you think a decent salary is for a Chief in a Town the size of Wareham, knowing the financial position the Town is facing?
That question should be asked of the candidates for Selectman, and those serving.
Let's put a value, based on need and ability to pay, for ALL administrative positions.
It only make sense.
#20 2011-03-16 12:14:35
TO: DDPTRO I have NO AGENDA and You just do not get it. Whether you like me or not, I do not stand behind a mask like you. I can conduct myself in any manner put forth. Heymakers people like you get upset when some one does not take your side because the becomes an enemy. I can disagree with you, but I will not ridicule you. I care what happens to Wareham, Oh by the way I worked at the PD for 32 years and I owe the community alot. Super C hief I am not, but when it comes to the PD I do take it serious.
Last edited by pjc (2011-03-16 12:20:30)
#21 2011-03-16 12:27:26
I'm confused. Lift your mask and tell me who you are. Are you the cop who left Wareham because you let a girl get molested?
#22 2011-03-16 12:32:15
My name's Dave DiPietro..ok, mask off. I know who you are, and respect your service to our town and country. But you're the one who comes on here calling people hatemonger's, saying they talk out their butts, etc.. If there's one thing that bugs me it's people who don't seem very bright talking down to people as if they're the ones who are fools. You seem a bit like a bully to me..which is a frightening thought if that's how you were when you served. From what I heard you had a problem with former Chief Joyce, and felt sleighted that you were passed over for promotion. So, it sounds like politics to me from your side.
If I get respect, I give it..if I don't, I won't. Bottom line.
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-03-16 12:33:35)
#23 2011-03-16 13:03:06
DDPTRO I'm sorry I wanted pjc to reveal himself. I don't know who he is so I must go with you appraisal. I fine you to be informed and wise.
#24 2011-03-16 13:31:01
pjc equals capt paul cardiinlo ?
#25 2011-03-16 15:34:47
That is correct I am him, Paul Josph Cardalino so I know what I am taklking about. I was not passed over, Chief Joyce got the job and he deserved it. First of all if your Italian politics is not in your blood. I was like my father, I speak and you know where it comes from. I have learned that people do not like the truth. I do not know you and you sure the hell do not know me. And Menerva you are the type I talk about. If I say it here I will say it to your face. Stanley issue is not over until it is over.
Last edited by pjc (2011-03-16 15:38:43)
#26 2011-03-16 16:40:01
PJC, that is correct. I don’t know you, and you “sure as hell” don’t know me either. I should have said I know OF you. Since you served in the armed forces and for WPD you should understand the concept of loyalty..and camaraderie. I have seen you repeatedly come on here and make “unkind” comments to DanO..and others. Well, I consider DanO a friend. We don’t always agree on everything, but you can bet your life that if someone is “attacking” him, then I’ll stand by his side any day..and I know he’ll stand by me as well. I actually welcome your insight. I wish you’d offer it more..and with less harsh judgment of the other blogger’s on this site. We get enough of that from other places..places that have proven to be (IMO) hypocritical, divisive and unreliable. I know when people who blog here try and get to the bottom of issues, they show that they care very much what happens in Wareham. When people say that “nothing good” comes from this site..I think of the 200-300 meetings, many public documents, etc. I’ve posted and figure that should count for something…and that’s just me..many others have added valuable information as well. Information that was unavailable elsewhere. It’s a process. Each of us knows things that others don’t..and by sharing, we can all benefit. As far as an agenda. I know for me, I just want a town with good leaders, good schools, and fiscal responsibility. All things that I feel have been lacking in recent years…and I admit I don’t have the benefit of a long history (as you, and some others do). But, I have been “fairly immersed” for a couple of years now..and I do have contact with a number of people, and perhaps have access to some information others don’t. So when I have “issues” with people like the Donahue’s, Slager, Sauvageau, Eckstrom…Schneider, Begley, etc...then it’s my opinion I’m stating..and it’s based on the thing’s I’ve seen and heard. “Civil discourse” is a term thrown around alot in this town, and more often than not, blogger’s on this site are accused of not being civil…usually by people who are “uncivil” themselves..and ignore the fact that the people they’ve supported are largely responsible for what “ails” Wareham. Do you seriously think the problems in Wareham are caused by the blogger’s on this site?? On the contrary, I believe. I welcome the opportunity for civil discourse, transparent government, and citizen participation. But it’s a little tough when people have already made their minds up about the blogger’s on this site based on the endless stream of BS by Slager and those he represents. One last thing..I too am Italian..so, I guess I’m not political either.
#27 2011-03-16 18:16:21
We don't thank you enough for your contributions, Dave.
I know the hours you have put in, by the thousands, for the year and a half I have known you. You, and this site, have broken more legitimate stories than any newspapers, web sites, or any other means of communication combined.
There is no creative writing going on here.
#28 2011-03-16 18:51:04
pjc " Since you served in the armed forces and for WPD you should understand the concept of loyalty..and camaraderie. I actually welcome your insight. I wish you’d offer it more..and with less harsh judgment of the other blogger’s on this site. I know when people who blog here try and get to the bottom of issues, they show that they care very much what happens in Wareham. Each of us knows things that others don’t..and by sharing, we can all benefit. As far as an agenda. I know for me, I just want a town with good leaders, good schools, and fiscal responsibility. All things that I feel have been lacking in recent years. I do have contact with a number of people, and perhaps have access to some information others don’t. So when I have “issues” with people like the Donahue’s, Slager, Sauvageau, Eckstrom…Schneider, Begley, etc...then it’s my opinion I’m stating..and it’s based on the thing’s I’ve seen and heard. “Civil discourse” is a term thrown around alot in this town, and more often than not, blogger’s on this site are accused of not being civil…usually by people who are “uncivil” themselves..and ignore the fact that the people they’ve supported are largely responsible for what “ails” Wareham. Do you seriously think the problems in Wareham are caused by the blogger’s on this site?? On the contrary, I believe. I welcome the opportunity for civil discourse, transparent government, and citizen participation. But it’s a little tough when people have already made their minds up about the blogger’s on this site based on the endless stream of BS by Slager and those he represents." DDPTRO
pjc - with a little editing - ditto what he said. I'm also like my father, but he was quieter. He was a listener and a studier of the workings in Wareham. He never spoke on a subject unless he was asking questions about it or he knew what he was saying was FACT. You may not have been a resident but you were a part of Wareham. You should love this town that allowed you to make a decent living for your family and paid for part of your education. Why are you attacking some of us? For reasons of my own, I prefer not to put my real name on any site. It has nothing to do with politics. Freedom of choice.
I remember that you were a "bit" arrogant at times, while on the force. LOL, but you were also at times, very sensitive. With all due respect, people, pjc did have some problems with Joyce that are no one's business but theirs. They dealt with it, made amends and went forward. That is old business that has nothing to do with Joyce being chief and pjc not. Move on, on this subject, please. It has nothing to do with Wareham's problems now. MENRVA - pjc was not that cop. PJC was a dedicated family man.
If people are democrats or republicans they debate issues. Most of the people I read blogs from on this site are trying to do the same, but looking for multiple successes for Wareham. You have enlightened me and almost enraged me by some of your comments You have some knowledge to pass around about police and the political side of policing. You need some work on your delivery, though, only my opinion. I know you saw how the selectmen (past board) bucked everything Joyce tried to do. That same board seems to have given a part time chief an open ended credit card. I don't like this guy, but if they can find the resources for him to use, why couldn't they do it with Joyce. Just me wondering.
#29 2011-03-16 19:01:51
billw wrote:
North Andover Patch wrote:
“We’ve worked so hard to keep this town in the shape its in, and we have the illustrious city of Lawrence right over there, creeping into town, affecting our lifestyle in North Andover with the murders, shootings, stabbings on a nightly basis,” Stanley said. "We need to call a spade a spade, and we can’t be dancing around."
Whoever called this man racist?!
Don't you think this should be in a Wareham Paper, with a few changes?
We've worked so hard to keep this town in shape and we have the illustrious city of Lawrence, way up there, creeping into town, affecting our lifestyle in Wareham with the budget draining and over paid, unexperienced TA, and overpaid and uncertified tag-a-longs from Lawrence, along with an I'm in love with myself, put my picture in the paper and on tv p.t. chief from N. Andover.
Just me wondering again.
#30 2011-03-16 19:35:00
You are so cool, justme :)
#31 2011-03-16 19:38:15
Biff and I have been throwibg barbs at each other for years, it is all in jest. But I realize that my opinion, because it isn"t similar to yours bothers you. My days on this site are over. Thank you and good night.
#32 2011-03-16 19:44:46
NO WAY, Paul...we don't want you to go.
Yes we have traded barbs for years, and each time has been well worth it. We owe you a debt of gratitude for your service to Wareham, we enjoy your ideas, and we appreciate your input.
YOU were the one that explained the Civil Service process...we wouldn't have known about it if not for you.
We need you to stay with us... disagree with us...at least we know who you are... we'll both write and post out of our butts, and we will learn more together.
None of us are as smart as all of us. :)
#33 2011-03-16 20:26:49
danoconnell wrote:
None of us are as smart as all of us.
PJC, I hope you continue to post. As I stated in my last post, I value your experience and insight, and wish you'd share more. I hope you'll reconsider.
#34 2011-03-16 21:32:05
danoconnell wrote:
You are so cool, justme :)
Ice in these veins.
#35 2011-03-16 22:52:03
pjc wrote:
Biff and I have been throwibg barbs at each other for years, it is all in jest. But I realize that my opinion, because it isn"t similar to yours bothers you. My days on this site are over. Thank you and good night.
I am sorry if you decide to leave this site, but I was complimenting you. Guess you weren't in a good mood when you read what I wrote.
You are arrogant at times. You are sensitive at times. I asked readers to drop the Joyce and pjc crap. I defended you and stated that you are a dedicated family man. In a maybe round about way I was suggesting sharing your pd and pd politics with the people on this site in a way that we could use to understand exams, etc. a little better. I don't recall stating an opinion of yours bothered me. I just feel that sometimes your delivery of your thoughts are like a cell phone cutting in and out. My suggestion was to tell everyone what you know in words that we completely understand.
I have no interest in what goes on between you and Biff. Since when did you start caring about how someone feels about your opinion? Leaving this site for reasons unknown to me. Weak is not a word I would use to describe you.
#36 2011-03-20 16:32:16
When North Andover police Chief Richard Stanley attempted to defend his budget against a proposed $90,000 cut during a recent meeting with town officials, he cited crime spilling over from Lawrence, conjuring images of criminal hordes storming across the border with Lawrence, looting and pillaging in their path.
Lawrence police Chief John Romero released a statement this week showing he is not above a little push-back.
"I was surprised and disappointed to read Chief Stanley's comments in the newspaper, where he injected inaccurate information about the city of Lawrence in an attempt to scare the residents of North Andover during budget negotiations," Romero said. "We have lost several millions of dollars from our police budget, and I understand the proposed budget loss for his department is $90,000.
"To use our city to help him with his argument is not fair to the hard-working people of Lawrence, or to my department, for that matter. We are all facing cuts, and we all need to deal with them."