#66 2011-02-04 23:30:37
you are right. If the public is welcome them the COA grant is out as it is not a senior event. check out what the grant can pay for . There are limets and other eliigabilitgy items to meet. Grizzee should know better. I do not type as wellas i speak. but I hope you all know what I am trying to say. this Is is not right.
#67 2011-02-05 00:49:48
Worlds Worst Writer wrote:
..Are you actually suggesting that I would change my coverage based on the fact that I tought a six-week writing class at the COA? That's a pretty hollow argument. My coverage has been absolutely consistant since the day I came to Wareham...
This is part of a response to ND by the WWW (she's got him in a real tizzy). But as the "great writer" prepares to "share his gift" to the "lucky" few who attend his writing classes, he may want to know that the spelling of the words are "taught" and "consistent"..but he's right when he writes that he's been "consistent"..consistently bad, slanted and divisive.
...and Griz should've been fired a long time ago.. How 'bout now??
Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-02-05 01:14:37)
#68 2011-02-05 08:55:14
By: downtheroad on 2/5/11
What are these people so afraid of? Are they afraid that those who choose to take the class will become better acquainted with Rob and discover him to be the person I know rather than the villain they have fabricated?
Was that the goal of this all along? Sorry, but once a man rapes the reputation a dead woman, teaching all the writing classes in the world is never going to wipe off the villian status he rightfully earned for himself.
#69 2011-02-05 09:41:36
The TA is not going to fire Marcia because she has hired Bobo to teach a class. If it is true that Marcia has allegedly lied about things on a grant application that is a serious matter. Maybe the TA could investigate, get copies of her grant applications and ask her for the data to back up what she has written on those grant applications. If the data doesn’t match or is proven to be an outright lie I think providing inaccurate information on a grant application as well as back dating invoices at the library would be enough to have her fired.
I’m sure the TA is sick of everyone going to his office complaining about Marcia but he can’t do anything about the situation until he has proof of some serious wrong doing on Marcia’s part.
#70 2011-02-05 09:53:55
I doubt that the TA is going to interfere with a plan to fund the re-print of an out of print rag that has politically supported two selectmen that voted to hire him, even if those two selectmen are lame ducks who decided not to run.
#71 2011-02-05 11:55:40
Wow, these people are really, well, I guess I just can't find the correct word to write (or is it right). I can only come to the conclusion that if you don't agree with the TFHC then you are labeled as mean, ignorant, vulgar, violent and well you know there are many more! And somehow I am the hateblogger! All they do is talk smack about everyone. That's it. I have yet to see them come up with any real solutions. They are like a bunch of girls sitting around a table drinking wine and gossiping. The whole libel/slander thing is great. Especially this Interestedparty (hmmm...I wonder who that could be) is quite the comic. I mean, am I or anyone else really going to take them that seriously? I think that the average reader of all of these websites can come to a rational discovery that this is just an early April Fool's Day joke. If it's not, well maybe I can bring my children in and have them realize that this is what will happen to you if you do not do well in school.
One more thing, I'm sure this impartial, gifted journalist who is only trying to help the seniors (even though it is open to everyone) will continue to tout his experience, might he use spell check, thesaurus and a dictionary while writing? Maybe he can help with the edit's too. Maybe he could get Dr. Mick Jones, a real professor to help teach the class, just look at his ratings, he is loved too!
I would like to think that this would be my last post about this subject, but somehow I get dragged back in. I "spoke" to my husband today (through the computer), his first advice was to give them hell. Then with more retrospect, is this really on my priority list? Do the opinions of people that have no idea who I am, have no clue about civil discourse (as evidenced in thier writings) have no clue about rational thinking really matter?
#72 2011-02-05 12:56:49
NDiPasquale wrote:
Do the opinions of people that have no idea who I am, have no clue about civil discourse (as evidenced in thier writings) have no clue about rational thinking really matter?
Rhetorical question, right? Problem is, voters have heard us cry wolf for years and are weary of it, too.
Can you blame them? We offered Wareham voters three 'reform' candidates last April and all three drank the kool aid.
Venting their idiocies has its distracting amusements but doesn't change a damn thing.
We lack the rudiments of a coherent agenda, to say nothing of candidates with the ability to express it.
Honestly, this far in and what have we got? One candidate issuing unsubstantiated charges against the Water Dept, over which selectmen have no control. Fuck Bobo. We have our own problems.
Last edited by billw (2011-02-08 10:54:40)
#73 2011-02-06 01:53:07
Yes Bill, that last statement was rhetorical. While I don't think that all of the selectmen have drank the kool aid, I too am growing weary.
Quite frankly this town and the politics that go with it blatantly suck! It was too much for everyone when Brenda's children were brought into it. Now Mick Jones has brought mine into it!
By: mickjones on 2/5/11
Jojan, what is really scary is that children are very likely to be influenced by their parent’s behavior and become like them. This hate is most likely going to be passed down. You can bet their kids hear an earful of hate every day as they discuss the horrible direction they think Wareham is headed.
Hey Mick, you don't hold a candle to my children. Leave them the hell out of it!!! You have crossed all boundries now. I could go on and on how your poor grandson has to listen to your know it all attitude, but I will just leave it at that! My children are the true heroes here. They are children with a father that is deployed who has done more for this country and town than you, Slager or any other of you other minions could ever dream of. The beautiful thing about all of this is even my children at their ages understand right from wrong, common sense and an asshole. Mick, don't be so upset because Dan O showed everyone how your students rated you. I sometimes think that maybe I could read some of your articles in Slagers paper to my children to have them fall asleep. But ofcourse, common sense reigns over me and I don't want my children subjected to your subpar viewpoints.
The fact that Slager would even allow that post just confirms anyones question of his integrity! That's it, if anyone wonders who the hatebloggers are it is at the Wareham Observer. They claim civil discourse, my ass. Slager have the spine to print this in its entirety and have the balls to call them out on it. Oh that's right you don't have any.
And this people is the reason why people don't get involved in politics in this town. This is how a group will tear you down, go after their children. And remember, they are not the hatebloggers. Remember they just want to get along and do the right thing. Ya, I can definately see how anyone in Wareham would want to get involved.
#74 2011-02-06 08:39:21
Nikki....Dr. Jones has a problem. He is an Army veteran with lots of medals and awards, He doesn't, and never did, serve in harm's way like you and your husband, but it is difficult to keep a soldier focused in battle when his head is tucked up inside his ass.
He is a gnat on the ass of society. An educated idiot that will eventually be drawn into the maelstrom of political oblivion, where he justifiably belongs.
Screw him and the horse he limped in on....
#75 2011-02-06 08:59:45
Nicole, I hope you don't mind me posting something the World's Worst Writer wrote about you, but I think it will be worth it.
I know that I laughed so hard that I almost passed out when I read this.
Just remember, this is a question from the Big Time Writing Teacher:
Writing Class Teacher wrote:
Mrs. DiPasquale, you have stated several times that you is not a hateblogger. If that is the case, why do you believe the above statement was directed toward you?
Wait, wait, let me just emphasize one part.
"Mrs. DiPasquale, you have stated several times that YOU IS NOT A HATEBLOGGER."
Is that true? Is you a hateblogger? Have you ever said you isn't one? Is you a hateblogger or isn't you? The Big Time Writing Teacher wants to know if you is one.
Ahh, God I have to go laugh for another hour.
Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-02-06 09:00:14)
#76 2011-02-06 09:00:33
McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. This came from Wikipedia.
I was curious about the similarities with the approach of (I want to say rat pack but that wouldn't be fair to the performers by that name) the snakes. They attack the people and their friends and then go after their family. They cause pain and like it. It took a long time to kill McCarthyism but it was done. Hang tough - you people who are brave enough to put yourself in harms way- We love you for you courage and sacrifice.
#77 2011-02-06 09:02:40
NDiPasquale wrote:
By: mickjones on 2/5/11
Jojan, what is really scary is that children are very likely to be influenced by their parent’s behavior and become like them. This hate is most likely going to be passed down. You can bet their kids hear an earful of hate every day as they discuss the horrible direction they think Wareham is headed.
Poor Mick, never got elected to his high school student council. That's what we're seeing here, you know. Middle agers reliving their high school failures.
#78 2011-02-06 09:02:48
Class, please don't ask me about the difference between "is" and "are." Just pony up the sixty bucks.
#79 2011-02-06 09:33:17
I thinks that Nikki and her family be good people, they is nice and brave and they is trying to helps the Town of Wareham.
They is important to all of us.
Last edited by danoconnell (2011-02-06 09:55:58)
#80 2011-02-06 10:14:19
"Hello Class, I is Bobo and I is your writing teacher. I is glad to be here. Is you ready to learn how to write? Is you paid your $60 yet?"
#81 2011-02-06 10:39:24
"Class, I is so glad the three of youse' showed up here tonight. Youse can pay 10 bucks per night instead of givin up all youse money at one times. I is excited, and I hopes you is too..."
#82 2011-02-06 10:47:16
Wow, what a good nights sleep can do for a person. I was infuriated when I read those comments last night. This forum gave me an opportunity to not only vent but to reaffirm I is a good person. I is not a hateblogger. I is a better person then that jackass and his minions. I is!
Mick Jones in all his glory will one day realize how he has wasted the valuable time of so many people with his pathetic teaching skills. (PS. funny at how most of his students already realize this). The same goes for the dipshit. I have never made an accusation that wasn't backed by facts. I have "allowed" others to give their opposing viewpoints and moved on. I have not trolled Slagers site every single day as he has claimed (since I joined). I did not sign a petition that would have denied anyone their 1st amendment rights. That is Bobo's opinion. He even stated that, when I asked him for proof, he gave a long lengthy diatribe and finished it with that is his opinion. He makes so many damn accusations and hides behind anonoymous rats that don't exist. Enough of him. I am so tired of reading about how great he is. His last article is just that, all about him. This town is not about him. He has done nothing good for this town! My tax dollars have done more than he ever could have! Oh and yes dipshit, when the discussion is about the possibility of you teaching a creative writing class, grammar and typographical errors are quite relevant when you claim to be such a gifted talented publisher/editor/whatever else you call yourself! And thanks for proving my point you spineless wonder!
Now with that said, I is very grateful to all of you have made such kind comments and in true goodness, made me realize at just how laughable they all are! Remember I is not going to pay $60 to a hack that can't even spell the correct version of councel on his own website when trying to advertise it!
#83 2011-02-06 11:55:09
HEY ROBERT YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING IN ORDER TO BE WORTH SUING. what am i going to get out of suing you? you have NOTHING! your the biggest loser on earth. you have a failed business. people are offering you money like your a panhandler on the street with a cardboard sign. your wife has to wear the pants of the family while you sit your fat ass in front of your computer all day reading this blog. wheres your office?
#84 2011-02-06 12:14:40
If the COA wants to have someone teach a course on journalism, why don't they ask someone who was a REAL journalist, and not a half assed/ editor/publisher/commentator numb-nuts....yes there is someone that fits the bill...it is Bill...Bill W....
I bet that would go over well. But, compare their resumes and tell me who is more qualified.
Id love to be a part of that class!!!!
In the meantimes, I hopes the old folks learns some stuff soes they can be edumicated...
#85 2011-02-06 14:59:39
Not surprised that a certain selectman candidate appears to be defending his favorite paper.
Anyway, this candidate was asking for explanations as to how this is improper. Here is an excerpt from the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics:
Journalists should:
—Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived.
— Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility.
— Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and shun secondary employment, political involvement, public office and service in community organizations if they compromise journalistic integrity.
An arrangement has been made by a department of the Town of Wareham which will cause a person who claims to be a reporter covering the Town of Wareham to reap a personal financial benefit.
Anyone who needs it spelled out better than that is probably not going to be a very good selectman. (In my opinion, anyway).
#86 2011-02-06 15:22:34
I believes he be takin the class...
#87 2011-02-06 15:22:41
danoconnell wrote:
If the COA wants to have someone teach a course on journalism, why don't they ask someone who was a REAL journalist, and not a half assed/ editor/publisher/commentator numb-nuts....yes there is someone that fits the bill...it is Bill...Bill W....
I tried and like most, failed with all but a handful of students. Wasn't much different as an editor managing newsrooms of eager reporters. You can pass along the rudiments but writing is fundamentally an unteachable subject, not a lot different than medicine and law forcing its neophytes to hands-on, learn by doing because there's no other way.
There are exceptions but language acquisition skills atrophy at puberty.
#88 2011-02-06 16:13:06
Worlds Worst Writer wrote:
There’s a sandstorm forming in my eyes. I will sleep well tonight. My conscious is clear.
Good to hear your "conscious" is clear...I wonder if your CONSCIENCE is clear as well? Or were you just being "creative" when you misused the word? It's not just typographical errors..you're a hack, pure and simple.
#89 2011-02-06 16:31:48
Dave thanks for teaching us proper grammar. God knows we wouldn't learn it from the teacher! When touting your qualifications to teach a class on creative writing that include publishor/editor, yes, I believe it is extremely important to at the very least be able to spell correctly. Hell use spell check and proof read! I can guarentee you that they teach that to our children in elementry school. That's right folks, even 4th graders are taught to proof read. I'm not the one charging $60 to teach a class about creative writing touting my vast knowledge. Hmmm....what does that say for a grown man who runs an out of print, but soon to be back in print in March (just in time for elections) website? Let's not forget the really scary aspect of this, 2 people who support this man are now running for selectman. Yup people, we are screwed.
#90 2011-02-06 16:50:39
Well said, Bill W...
Wouldn't that be refreshing to hear in a classroom?
#91 2011-02-06 20:52:24
"I would like to pass out my first reading assignment tonight. Something I wrote myself and a good beginning for you. It's entitled the "Rootamentarys of Creative Writing".
I will not be grading you on it...just something to look at.We'll discuss it next week. Please leave your check with Ms. Griswold and I will see you same time next week. Same place. Don't forget. It gets better each session. I promise.I do not lie.
If you need a ride, call Ms. Griswold and we will have transportation arranged for you. "
#92 2011-02-06 21:25:40
Slager, still? Shit. He's an asshole, entirely self absorbed and indifferent to those around him, who are insignificant walk-on extras in the asshole's epic life story.
Commit this definition to memory, class. You'll see it on the final.
#93 2011-02-06 22:51:04
why are we talking about a person who does not count. or mean anything to waheham. we are only giving him a reason to exsist. time to focas on the real issues. If you dont know what they are them may be you do not need to be here. we need to win in april even if Brenda and Jane are not running and who said they are not. there is still time for them to get their names in. do not write them off. pay attention to the real problems. wake up Wareham the end could be near.
#94 2011-02-06 23:32:48
A voice of sanity. Tanx, Tink!
#95 2011-02-07 07:48:04
I want to know if Mark Andrews was aware of slager doing this. Im sure he was since all town notifications has to go through him. Im sure griswold would not have sent out a town notification without going through the ta first as per policy