#1 2011-01-25 21:18:31
A stop the violence rally and poster contest??? Are you Fricken kidding me. How about having an aggressive strategy to go after the criminals and prevent crime like the neighborhood action team Chief Joyce designed a few years ago to fight a serious crime problem that had erupted in the point area of Onset. If I remember it was extremely effective. The police made hundreds of arrest and ran the entire criminal element out of the area.
#2 2011-01-25 21:36:47
What day does that Chief of yours come into Wareham?
#3 2011-01-26 10:55:24
More fluff from Town Hall..We've become the poster child for cliches like "summer of safety" and now Brenduh"s "stop the violence"..lot of flash and no substance brought to you by our TA and our next ex-Selectman..
#4 2011-01-26 15:39:11
Stop The Violence ,a Lot Of Crap If You Ask Me ,this Coming From The Meanest Drunk In Wareham, All We Need Is Tom Joyce And 10 More Policemen And We Cont Need Breda The Lush , Cronan The Convicted Fellon ,bruce I Dont Obey The Laws Thankyou And Jayne The Shifty Snake.