#1 2010-10-26 07:49:54

If last night was an example of civility and positive input in your effort to "move Wareham forward", that's one cause that OUR community can do without.
While a motion to move the question is in order, there were only two citizens standing and one was the chairman of the School Committee AND a participant in the negotiations.  So who better to speak to the Article than one with a "seat at the table" ?
It's sickening that OUR community has this Great Divide between School and Town and it's because of folks like you, Mikey, that the situation has escalated to an obnoxious level. You, Brenda and Jane should be ashamed.

Keep up the good work.  Your true colors are shining brightly through.



#2 2010-10-26 09:03:48

Missed the meeting, but I heard that MWF was their usual tacky selves.  Move Wareham Backward, we're all for open debate, now lets cut the debate on the school question.  At least they were defeated handily.

Sour grapes make for a loud whine.  These people can't get over that their moderator lost, so they're treating the new moderator like crap.

Also heard that Bobo has grown a Grizzly Adams beard.  Usually the first sign of giving up on one's self.  At least it will cover his hideous face.



#3 2010-10-26 09:19:38

Keep in mind that the previous moderator (remember Town Meeting in a Nutshell??), as well as this one clearly state prior to the meeting that the moderator has the right to decide if it is appropriate to MOVE THE QUESTION.

Last night, we were asked to vote on an article, when all totaled was over one million dollars. The legislative body, in order to make informed decisions should have the right to hear from the major players in an article. Since the school committee was asking the voters for $415,000, I think it was appropriate to hear from the school committee member who was standing in line to speak.

Only a few people had spoken on the issue. Since the TA could not adequately answer the question, we had to have Brenda get up and explain it. Time wasted since one might think the TA should be able to handle the question. Still, we hadn't spent much time on the article so even though it took a while for the powers that be to explain why we were being asked to vote on this article, relatively speaking, the discussion was brief. (We've had discussions lasting an hour before the question was moved in the past!!!)

So, the very people who want "civilized debate" were more than ready to cut the debate off before the school committee member had a chance to address the audience.

In more than 15 years of attending town meeting, I NEVER saw anyone "appeal" a moderator's ruling the way Mr. S. did last night. Claire Smith was right in her ruling. I dare say even the former moderator would have recognized that when voting on a School Committee article, the school committee should have a chance to speak!!

And the tin foil hatters have been saying that the HATEBLOGGERS (actually the mysterious members of TBW!!) were going to pull something SNEAKY at town meeting. What hypocrites.



#4 2010-10-26 09:20:54

If they want to fight someone, they are picking on the wrong person with Claire Smith.

I have known Claire, and her husband Howie, my entire life. Both are fighters, both are excellent business people, both are as strong as a "well rope".

Claire knows more about the history of the Town of Wareham than almost anyone I can think of... except another Claire...Claire McWilliams.  Ironic...one elected the first woman Selectman, one the first woman Moderator.

You cannot hoodwink her, and if you wish to engage in a battle of wits, you will come without the proper ammunition. She will kick you ass.

Try her...by the time she is done with you, you will leave weeping because of the ridicule and embarrassment you will suffer.

Don't ever underestimate her knowledge, expertise, competence or courage.

If you do...you will lose.



#5 2010-10-26 09:28:16

By the way, don't believe any bullshit stories about Town Council "over-ruling" the Moderator.

If Town Counsel over-rules (which he has no right to do) the Moderator prior to Town Meeting, he opens himself, and his firm, up to the issue being taken up and voted on at Town Meeting. If it passes...then what?

Town Counsel issues opinions only...don't be misled by his power.



#6 2010-10-26 09:35:50

the beard may have been grown so he looks like Steve DeCoesta..then people may actually think he's a journalist!



#7 2010-10-26 10:00:43

Adding to the blunder the member of "Move Wareham Forward" tried to pull was Brenda shouting from the stage telling the  "MOVE WAREHAM FORWARD" member what to say in appealing the moderators decision.



#8 2010-10-26 10:16:24

Bob's right. Mikey showed his true colors last night. Say one thing and act the opposite way. He stirs the pot nearly as much as Bobo (which I'm sure Mikey will take as a compliment)...He's Bobo's biggest fan..believe that.

Mikey has "played" Moderator on a couple of occasions. Once at his own "Make Wareham Fail" meeting..and again at one of the Charter Review's public meetings (see the vids on my website). Before the election I got into a debate with Mikey (in the comment section of WW, I think) about "moderating" and the fact that Curly being married to "The Weasel" was a conflict (IMO)..as was Mikey's Moderating his own "Make Wareham Fail" meeting..I stated that there shouldn't even be the appearance of a conflict of interest..and that impartiality in a Moderator is what should be strived for..to which he stated that I had just described John Donahue (yeah, right).

Expect more of the same from Mikey and his fellow tinhats at the upcoming meetings. Plan to see Mikey, Paciewicz & Curly (amongst others) all take their turns "badgering" Madame Moderator throughout.


Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-10-26 12:21:42)



#9 2010-10-26 10:29:30

P-Span...if it happens, and they try it, get ready to watch the Moderator kick all of their asses.

If the group is relying on Town Council to "over rule" the Moderator, they are wasting their time. He renders opinions only. If the Town Meeting votes to over rule his opinion, the recourse is to go before the proper authority to render a DECISION.

Usually, it is a Judge.

If any of them think they can out-think, out-speak, or out-wit Claire Smith, they are sadly mistaken.

I hope they try it though :)



#10 2010-10-26 11:52:19

wareham pride wrote:

Adding to the blunder the member of "Move Wareham Forward" tried to pull was Brenda shouting from the stage telling the  "MOVE WAREHAM FORWARD" member what to say in appealing the moderators decision.

What??? You are implying that this was a planned event?? Or that there was some collusion here? Say it ain't so!! What exactly was Brenda shouting? Please share.

Maybe the MWF folks and Brenda and Jane can't stand the School Committee---but that doesn't mean they should deprive the legislative body of hearing debate about an article, especially one that deals with so much money.

These are the people who say town meeting doesn't work. Well, it does when you don't have interference from the tin foil hat variety.



#11 2010-10-26 12:06:33

I am so sick of partisan politics. Exactly how does anyone MOVE WAREHAM FORWARD when their actions are clearly part of a political agenda? If you remember the wonderful words of the very same Mikey Schneider in a sunday night chat:

By: mike9f on 8/8/10
Jane Donahue and Brenda Eckstrom are pretty much all that stands between keeping us from sliding back to the abyss that town government was before they were elected.

I fail to see the open and meaningful dialogue or how they "reach across the divide". Expect more of the same concerted effort as town meeting progresses.



#12 2010-10-26 12:26:38

Artistic recreation of Bobo at town meeting:




#13 2010-10-26 12:46:39

Bahahaa..nice pic Ham. He should just put a bag over his head and call himself the "unknown assclown"

Nora, I'm sure Brenduh was just trying to be "helpful"...as always.

"Janey, could you pass the eye of newt?"
"Sure Brenduh, would you like some toe of frog as well??"


Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-10-26 13:18:27)



#14 2010-10-26 13:05:06

Larry McDonald wrote:

I am so sick of partisan politics.

When I dug my first bucket of clams in 40 years last April in Onset, a fellow digging nearby objected I neglected to fill in my holes. Tide had turned and would tidy my mess in minutes, so I asked him wtf he was on about.

"A tourist might wander by and break a leg," he insisted.

I just smiled and sighed.

This isn't partisan, Larry, it's poison, no holds barred blood sport and there are no rules.

Brenduh and Jane are hanging by a thread. They all know they're done the moment we boot them out of office. No one will listen to them ever again.

Sigh. Smile.



#15 2010-10-26 13:08:12

according to Michael Schnider's rewume he was a school bus driver for the town of Wareham..



#16 2010-10-26 13:09:29

My only hope is that we replace them with Selectmen who will consult the charter and MGL before making decisions that effect the town!



#17 2010-10-26 13:24:05

Larry McDonald wrote:

My only hope is that we replace them with Selectmen who will consult the charter and MGL before making decisions that effect the town!

Then make sure to get them on record about what they hope to accomplish.

No one was asked that last time round and no one volunteered more than, "Anyone but Bruce." That's not near enough.



#18 2010-10-26 13:36:27

Do you remember the movie, There will be Blood? Enough said....



#19 2010-10-26 13:44:18


Michael Schneider was a school bus driver.  He now runs a limousine service and also owns a company called Schneider Student Transportation (They offer transportation for special-needs children). 

Bill:  I could not agree  with you more.



#20 2010-10-26 13:56:26

gogatemen wrote:

Michael Schneider was a school bus driver.  He now runs a limousine service and also owns a company called Schneider Student Transportation (They offer transportation for special-needs children).

Very interesting.... someone with a private transportation company that is overly critical about the way the town handles the school buses....very interesting!



#21 2010-10-26 14:03:30

Don't forget an expert on affordable housing, according to Brenda.



#22 2010-10-26 18:46:10

Larry M. wrote: "I am so sick of partisan politics."

fair enuf. Check out the following quote from this morning's Wall Street Journal, in an article about the Tea party types in Colorado:

"I've always hated politics and I probably actually hate it more now that I'm involved," said Shaneen Barron.... "Now I see what a total blood sport it is," she said. " The dishonesty, the disloyalty. It's just awful."

Or, as that long ago wag said: "Politics ain't beanbag."



#23 2010-10-26 21:33:05

I am in awe at how the TFHC are now up in arms that anyone would publicize where Mikey works.  Oh my, how hypocritcal!  Yes indeed, how ironic that Mikey likes to shout from the roof tops about the safety of the school buses and he runs a private transportation company servicing STUDENTS.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....what's up with that Mikey?????



#24 2010-10-26 22:27:57

Mr Schneider owns both Schneider Limousine and Schneider Student Transportation.  The companies bear his name, list his home as the business address, and are advertised on the Internet.   That is public information- not a secret that cannot be shared.



#25 2010-10-26 22:59:57

gogatemen wrote:

Mr Schneider owns both Schneider Limousine and Schneider Student Transportation.  The companies bear his name, list his home as the business address, and are advertised on the Internet.   That is public information- not a secret that cannot be shared.

Oh, I guess he must be an "expert" on senior housing in his spare time.

A student transportation business?? What was that I was saying earlier about Mikey and the appearance of "conflicts of interest"?




#26 2010-10-26 23:51:36

Bosoxx wrote:

I am in awe at how the TFHC are now up in arms that anyone would publicize where Mikey works.  Oh my, how hypocritcal!  Yes indeed, how ironic that Mikey likes to shout from the roof tops about the safety of the school buses and he runs a private transportation company servicing STUDENTS.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....what's up with that Mikey?????

Someone help me out here.  Is this Mr. Schneider the same one appointed to the transportation study committee to review school buses ?  The same one quoted suggesting that "parents should fear for their children's safety" ?

Wow, what a gig.  So business must be up.  Anyone see selfserving motives in this or am I too old "school" ? 

And isn't he Mr. Move Wareham Forward ?  It's all starting to become crystal clearer.  I get it now.



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