#1 2010-10-18 09:56:23
One of the things I dislike about monday morning (other than the drive) is the calls to let me know what was said about "Larry and Liz" on the other channel. None of them take the time to check sources or support their allegations with facts, so consider what they have to say about me (or my wife) blather.
As far as the Mary Ann Silva thing, that will be taken care of through the proper channels.
Ellen, pick up the phone and call or drop me an email if you want to know why I did something. You have my email, so instead of wondering, ask. The only person I refuse to talk to is "he who shall not be named".
As far as Coach oompahloompah, get over yourself please. This is the only name I have used since using this name and Rip Dinkle. I don't have a stable of names.
Plenty to do before town meeting so if anyone (that includes the crazies who continue to THINK they know what I'm thinking of what I'm doing) needs to reach me, my email is STILL larrynliz7259@aim.com
#2 2010-10-18 11:16:33
Okay, now I am miffed. I guess it pays to read the BS being spread.
Ellen, you claim to be all for open and honest dialogue, but you never ask questions, you only speculate. Which is it? You of all people KNOW my email address and when have you ever tried to get my side of a story before making insinuating comments?
Imagine that! Someone trying to dissolve town meeting before all business is completed! The audacity of a person who would do that! Wait...didn't Brenda try the same thing? Hmmm, and didn't the former town moderator allow the motion? Whoops?????
I was a member of the BB coaltion on Nitrogen Pollution and attended all but one meeting. I don't recall "several" members or the group agreeing to any articles for Town Meeting. Maybe I missed something, but the next step was to get all groups from Wareham (BOS, Public Health, Clean Water, etc.) and begin to develop a plan. If you wonder why anyone would oppose the article submitted by Ed P, you only have to look at how many of the BB Coalition were involved in the article....maybe 3???? out of 30???? Enough said...
If you want to know my votes in advance...
No on EVERY CRC article
No against Westfield
No on the Ed P Nitrogen article.
You may speculate why I am voting against those articles, but a wise person would ask me why. Please feel free to express your ignorance by stating why I am voting a certain way without asking me....
#3 2010-10-18 11:44:27
Larry is the MAN!!
#4 2010-10-18 11:48:08
Now Larry, some people will use what is called the "false dilemma" against you. I can hear it now.
EITHER you are FOR the nitrogen article or you are AGAINST clean water for Wareham.
EITHER you are FOR Westfield or you are AGAINST housing for old people.
EITHER you are FOR the CRC articles or you are AGAINST improving our government.
This type of simplistic argumentation is called false dilemma or the "either-or fallacy." It actually works when you deal with people who have no critical thinking skills. But thoughtful people know that the world is not quite so black and white. There are more than two possible stands or positions here.
See, there can be many reasons why you might be against these three articles/issues but still be FOR clean water, FOR housing for the elderly, or FOR improving government. It's not as simple as an either/or argument.
There will be debate on Town Meeting floor on these issues. Keeping an open mind and listening to all sides of the issues is important.
By the way, I was at that TM when Brenda made the motion to adjourn while there were still articles to be heard. Curly accepted the motion. The fact is---it is never appropriate to adjourn TM with articles left to be heard.
Do I remember correctly? Those citizen petition articles would have made it improper for the moderator to be married to a selectman.
#5 2010-10-18 13:03:47
They can use whatever they like. The reality is I am for clean water. That is why I attended and participated in the BB Coalition on Nitrogen Pollution. The group was put together to build a CONSENSUS. There were great strides made in understanding the problem and developing solutions. Then BOOM! all that work is circumvented.
One of the things that I consider important is the process. If you follow the process, the results are supported and well researched. Maybe it's 20+ years of accounting and finance, but the process is essential! When the process is ignored or bypassed, it leaves the results in question.
#6 2010-10-18 13:27:48
This is from the table of contents for the report of the BB Coalition on Nitrogen Pollution that was handed in to the BOS/Sewer Commissioners. Was this report ignored by our sewer commissioners? I haven't heard any of them talk about the report in any of the subsequent "sewer commissioner meetings."
Please note the dates of implementation!! Here is the link to the document. http://www.savebuzzardsbay.org/Document.Doc?id=490
Phase ONE, is to take care of the existing problems. Phase TWO from 2012 to 2014 includes Nitrogen Net Zero for developments larger than ten homes. Our sewer commissioners need to deal with the current problems first. These problems are already dumping nitrogen into the bay.
Wastewater Actions 14
Significantly Reduce Nitrogen from Existing Wastewater Sources 15
Phase I (2010-2012) 16
Finish the Sewering That Has Been Started 16
Reduce the Permitted WWTF Nitrogen Limit 16
Bring All Mobile Home Parks Into Compliance 17
Determine Capacity of WWTF & Use Available Capacity to
Connect Existing Densely Developed Neighborhoods 18
Phase II (2012-2014) 21
Bring Municipal Sewer to up to 1,000 Additional Homes 21
All New Growth Must Be Built to be “Nitrogen-Zero” (Phase1) 22
Large Developments with Groundwater Discharge Permits 22
Developments Equal To or Greater Than 10 Homes 22
Single-Family Homes and Developments of Less Than 10 Homes 23
New Management, Reporting and Enforcement Systems
#7 2010-10-18 19:26:48
Nora, a small quibble regarding the Town Meetings you referenced.
It is perfectly proper to ADJOURN a TM to a time & place certain. This is like hitting the pause button on the VCR.
BUT, if memory serves me (always risky), the motion(s) made by Bren-duh were to DISSOLVE the TM. Very different, as this terminates the meeting. And as you noted in one instance, it was terminated with articles remaining on the warrant which had not been addressed. In the second instance, the TM attendees were able to quash her attempt to dissolve or terminate the TM, having learned a lesson from the first go-round.
these incidents no doubt were significant contributors to the deletion of curly in last April's election. One hopes that the voters will remember the role of Bren-duh in these attempts to subvert the TM process. Their chance to speak comes up in less than six months....
#8 2010-10-18 20:46:03
To clarify, if I read your post correctly, Town Meeting can accept a motion to adjourn and it has to be accompanied by a time & place to continue to, whereas a motion to dissolve will end the meeting. And as most us of know, a motion to Dissolve when there are articles remaining to be discussed is never appropriate, correct?
#9 2010-10-19 06:32:48
notalawyer wrote:
BUT, if memory serves me (always risky), .
I hear you. Memory "ain't" what it used to be!!! Thanks for the clarification. I always welcome getting the facts out there.
#10 2010-10-19 09:50:04
Every time I attend an event or have the opportunity to have a discussion with a citizen of Wareham, I become more and more frustrated by the political struggle that grips this town. Instead of focusing on the long term development and betterment of our sleepy little town, the best laid plans are subject to the question, "what's in it for me?". How ignorant is that????
MWF preaches of open and meaningful dialogue but chooses to NOT reach across the table. Their spokespeople (Mikey S, Ellen B, and Teddy P) want you to believe they want Wareham to succeed, but for whom? The same people that were told to hit the road in April (CRC at town meeting, Bruce Sauvageau in the election) are mainstays in MWF. Does that sound like YOUR town? I don't think so!
I spoke with two people last night who have considerable knowledge of this town and yet they are ignored. The BB coalition on Nitrogen Pollution boasted some serious intellectual power and when it was completed (we do have future meetings), the great minds that contributed were ignored.
Why can't we see we are wasting the assets of this town in favor of an agenda that is only seeking votes and not planning for the future? Why don't we turn to the people that built a career or a business with their savvy and intelligence? These are the people that will pull this town out of the swamp it is mired in.
Stop feeding the idiot from Halifax. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors. We need to bring forward thinking people to Town Meeting to help put Wareham back on track to a bright future. Continue to talk to your "people" and bring them to the polls in April so we can bring leadership that will make decisions that enhance our town and not tear it down.
#11 2010-10-19 10:43:17
Larry: It would be terrific, if the "great minds" that you describe would run for office. We need competent leadership. Jane and Brenda have the huge advantage of having both positive TV and newspaper coverage. They will remain in office, if there are no appealing alternative candidates.
#12 2010-10-19 17:14:58
I agree gogatemen....sometimes the best candidates are right in front of you!!