#1 2010-09-19 20:36:26
Articles 1-15
Wareham 2010 Fall Town Meeting Warrant
October 25, 2010
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-10-12 20:11:21)
#4 2010-09-24 17:59:04
How'd you convince Sarah Palin to do that gig?
#6 2010-09-24 18:22:55
ty for this.... it is great to hear them read to you helps to understand them...
#7 2010-09-24 18:52:24
Gee, I'm surprised that Bridgewater Jones is not one of your article explainers.Not to be confused with Indiana Jones, or even Basketball Jones. hard to believe that Dr. I-love-to-read-the-elegance-of-my-own-thoughts didn't hound the living daylights out of you. Perhaps the e-mail got lost........
#8 2010-09-24 19:20:55
Could we afford him? I understand he only explains CRC articles for a fee. The only volunteer who expects to be paid for his valuable time and efforts. Only in Wareham.
On another note Brenda better check Wareham is looked at by business as a last resort they don't want to jump to her and janes demands. wareham is not business friendly even a business that has been here longer than any of us have been alive has trouble working its own land without town interferance rather than support. It is time for change in Wareham only it may be too late.
#9 2010-09-24 20:49:34
The comments made by Doctor Jones were directed at Moderator Claire Smith..Doctor Jones doesn't support her (he supports Curly)..just like all the tinhats. The Articles reflect the lack of support (by the CRC) for Mrs. Smith, as well. Proposed articles include those eliminating the appointing authority (boards and committees now appointed by the Moderator and the Chairmen of the BoS & Finance Committee)..and replaces it with the Board of Selectmen. They (CRC) were supposed to listen to what the town thought..they claim that elections are a wider electorate than Town Meeting, and therefore a better "representation" of the will of the voter's of Wareham..fair enough. But the Town overwhelmingly chose to support Claire over Curly. Partisan politcs played a role in the creation of the Charter Review Committee's proposed articles (they should have been disbanded after making their recommendation at Spring TM..like the Charter says). Town Moderator is an elected position (just as the BoS). Town election showed that the voter's support Mrs. Smith to perform the reponsibilities of Town Moderator, and this is an attempt to "erode" the authority of the Town Moderator. The Chairman of the BoS can (or should) be able to "represent" the will of the Board of Selectman when appointments are made, as is the Chair of the FinCom (who bring the ever important "money" consideration into the decision making process when making appointments). Keep the appointing authority in place, vote down these articles.
#10 2010-09-24 22:08:26
Well said, P-Span.
Well thought out and very convincing. It is the truth, that's why.
#11 2010-09-25 06:11:58
It has been awhile, hello to all.
The FinCom did in fact vote last Wednesday on Article 40 (of many) this dealing with the appointing authority and we voted 9-0-0 "No Action" saying if effect keep the present system. In fact, although we did not get through all of them, we basically voted no action on most that we dealt with including Article 37, the one dealing with changing the format of Town Meeting. That also met its "maker" at 9-0-0.
And while on the general subject of votes, we voted 4-4-1 on Article 3, more funding for the WPCF and I was a negative and will not expand on that vote in this forum, suffice it to say that things are percolating on this issue. I will say-and most people properly forget what I say- that I voiced skepticism at our last Town Meeting and that attitude has crystallized into a more doubtful stance. And clearly given the vote others, perhaps for different reasons, have concerns.
#12 2010-09-25 09:43:20
I'm confused about Article 3. What happens if we do not approve additional funding?
#13 2010-09-25 11:40:50
Question: was the FinCom meeting where the various articles were discussed & voted on broadcast on cable TV? If yes, is there a repeat of the broadcast coming up?
As I wrote in a prior posting, it is very important for the voters to see & hear the proceedings of the FinCom when they dicuss & vote on the article prior to Town meetings.
and another thing. The chief writer for the i-Team expressed wonderment at the FinCom's review of non-financial Town Meeting articles. If he could put down his bagel long enough to actually learn a few things about local government in the Commonwealth, he would know that in the past these committees were known as "WARRANT" committees. In fact, some communities retain that name, while others have changed to Finance committee. Like shakespeare's rose, the name is irrelevant to the role & function of the FinCom, which is to review and vote on ALL articles in the TM warrant.
Unlike Jones the Ph.D. (or FUD, as we called it when I was a Ph.D candidate in the distant past), I will not be seeking compensation for enlightening any residents of the Town of Halifax about Town Meeting.
#14 2010-09-25 11:46:20
Thank you, nota...
I can't remember the Finance Committee ever NOT commenting on each and every article, and present their recommendations.
People rely on the Fin Com, not those that have a "stake" at risk.
It has never made any difference if money was involved for the voters at Town Meeting to hear the recommendations of the Fin. Com. They were, and still are, desperate for information and guidance.
#15 2010-09-25 12:04:54
Re: Article 3
If an enterprise fund (which the WPCF is) ran a deficit for Fiscal year 2010 (which ended June 30, 2010), then that deficit must be cured.
1. It can be done on the Town's Recap sheet, which is the document submitted to the DOR as part of the Tax Rate approval process. In other words, the Town's TAXPAYERS will make up the deficit. This, of course, would REDUCE the funds available for other Town purposes. Making up for prior year's deficits (Snow & Ice is a very common one) takes priority over virtually all else. Just ask the DOR.
2. It may (I am really not sure on this) be possible to cure a deficit by adjusting the sewer rates in FY2011. I am dubious that this method can be used for a prior year, but not certain.
If it is projected that the budget approved at the spring Town Meeting will result in a deficit in the enterprise fund at the end of FY2011 (June 30, 2011), then the cure for that is a rate adjustment during FY2011. Again, the DOR will review the enterprise fund as part of the FY2011 tax rate setting process which should be underway about now. Deficits in an enterprise fund, actual or projected, can gum up the process to set a tax rate.
Hope that this doesn't confuse anyone. debate on Article 3 should be verrrrrrrrry interesting.
#16 2010-09-25 12:44:54
Thanks for the info. It does help.
#17 2010-09-26 06:45:32
To "answer the question" -just preparing for Town Meeting- no we do not televise our proceedings. But we have discussed the subject on several occasions and I think that the general feeling is that we should do something however one might define "something."
My thought is that the town might install cameras and sound equipment at 3 or 4 venues (we meet in the same room time-after-time) and that the meetings be either viewed as we meet and/or saved for your later viewing pleasure ("tell me he didn't say that"). I don't want to get into all animals are equal but some more so than others, but we should be able to get most of the committees that shape our future on-line were we to adopt this as a strategy.
And perhaps taking that one step further-and this has been done elsewhere-develop a system that would allow for people to call in as we meet to ask questions or offer opinions. The technology is certainly there.
Better yet come to the meetings, particularly the ones before Town Meeting where we discuss and vote on various articles, we are not monolithic by any means.
#18 2010-09-26 12:00:08
Thank you, Mr. Paulsen.
it is indeed unfortunate that your meetings are not televised. The role & function of your committee is certainly a key one in the process of governing a Town. Citizens & taxpayers in a town should get to hear the debate and vote of responsible citizens on the Warrant articles, prior to town Meeting. I consider anyone who will give the great amount of time required to serve on the FinCom as a responsible citizen, regardless of political orientation. In addition, those citizens, i.e. your committee members, go on record with their vote on each article.
And yet, most do not take advantage of what amounts to a dress rehearsal, if you will, for the upcoming town Meeting. Everyone should know that FinCom meetings are open meetings, and yes, your invitation to attend them is one that many should accept. then, perhaps, the all-too common expression "I didn't know anything about that" would be far less in abundance.
#19 2010-09-26 15:01:05
I would hope that the BOS and FinCom meetings would be recorded and made available for later viewing at any time convenient to the viewer.
One sees what a great service P-span does by making the BOS meetings available online. The town should be doing this so the cost and effort is spread more equitably.
(Thank you P-span.)
#20 2010-09-26 16:19:16
Mr. Onset wrote:
One sees what a great service P-span does by making the BOS meetings available online. The town should be doing this so the cost and effort is spread more equitably.
Our publicly funded television station should shoulder that small burden but seems too busy sucking up to donors. Really, I'm just waiting for the tote bag.
Last edited by billw (2010-09-26 16:20:01)
#21 2010-09-26 18:34:25
the following is offered as a positive suggestion, not a complaint.
I have been to FinCom meetings in the room in the Multi-service center they use. It has been a while, so I assume that they still meet with that group of tables in a large square. Not an arrangement that lends itself to TV.
But there is another room in that building which is totally set-up for TV ... the BoS meeting room. Used for maybe 2-4 hours per week. would it be possible for the FinCom to use that room on nights other than tuesday, when they are reviewing, debating and voting on the Town Meeting warrant?
this would be a tremendous service to the voters & taxpayers of the Town. Who knows? Perhaps more people would attend TM if they heard the warrant articles discussed, debated & voted by the FinCom.
We are in an era of more information. In the 1970's, it was very difficult to obtain information from the cities & towns about virtually anything. There has evolved a very positive movement to a much more open environment. Except for Bell, California, of course. The televising of more board/committee meetings in Wareham would be a great benefit to voters & taxpayers. It should start with the Finance Committee. It's an easy fix.
Demand it.
#22 2010-09-26 20:38:44
Dick Paulsen wrote:
It has been awhile, hello to all.
The FinCom did in fact vote last Wednesday on Article 40 (of many) this dealing with the appointing authority and we voted 9-0-0 "No Action" saying if effect keep the present system. In fact, although we did not get through all of them, we basically voted no action on most that we dealt with including Article 37, the one dealing with changing the format of Town Meeting. That also met its "maker" at 9-0-0.
And while on the general subject of votes, we voted 4-4-1 on Article 3, more funding for the WPCF and I was a negative and will not expand on that vote in this forum, suffice it to say that things are percolating on this issue. I will say-and most people properly forget what I say- that I voiced skepticism at our last Town Meeting and that attitude has crystallized into a more doubtful stance. And clearly given the vote others, perhaps for different reasons, have concerns.
IF I MAY...(don't you just love that intro ?) ...it's not my own. I've learned it from watching TNL (Tuesday Night Live). ... As I recall from last April's Annual TM, Mr. Andrews told us "convincingly" that $5.47M was adequate for sewer treatment operations. If I'm not mistaken Mr. Simmons (the former plant operator) was releaved of his duties (FIRED) because that budget was out of balance. Little do most of you know that the then Interim TA (Sanguinet) cut that budget to justify NO increase in the EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit). Now it's come back to BITE each sewer user because of the continued incompetence.
Accordingly, April's TM already approved the sewer Enterprise Fund for operations for FY 2011 therefore that salary should already and still be in the account.
If additional appropriations are needed for operations then the administration best explain WHY that is and the Fin Com best report that explanation !
That's the way the process is intended to function.
Fin Com, DO YOUR JOB !
PS. I love the idea of televising the Fin COm meetings. Brilliant !
PSS. An old "townie" told me that the CRC (majority of them) attended the MWF gathering on Friday night. I hope they posted notice of it properly... it wasn't on the Wareham web site. Tss Tss, Mr. Slavin.
Last edited by bbrady (2010-09-27 21:11:42)
#25 2010-10-01 22:04:58
Cool!! How'd you get Abby from NCIS?
#32 2010-10-09 16:32:32
Where does he get all of those famous people? P-Span...still the MAN!!
#33 2010-10-24 11:19:16
The annual Fall Town Meeting, set to begin Monday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. in the Wareham High School auditorium, has a long agenda of 91 "articles." Following is a brief description of those articles.
WW: Warrant attached: Wareham's Fall Town Meeting at a glance
WW: October 2010 Town Meeting warrant
#34 2010-10-24 12:02:08
Thanks P-Span....still enjoy your animations, though!!
#35 2010-10-25 18:13:17
Good luck at Town Meeting, everyone.
I hope some of you report on it...the video feed is very weak over the net...
#36 2010-10-26 18:07:33
I could not receive the video feed at all on the web...WTF?....
#37 2010-10-26 18:14:26
ditto, Dano