#1 2010-09-22 19:29:17
Doc Jones in Wareham Week Comments wrote:
Posted by: Michael Jones | Sep 22, 2010 13:40
As a member of the CRC I have not been asked by the moderator to attend the meeting. Is the moderator simply going to answer questions about the charter articles herself? It is rather amazing that this moderator or any moderator thinks they can coerce volunteers on committees to attend meetings. Will I get reimbursed for this unexpected pleasure?
Sorry Doc, Wareham can't afford to reimburse you for sharing your genius. You should teach us dummies a lesson and quit. That'll show us.
#2 2010-09-22 20:33:03
the only money i would give doc jones is a one way ticket to the looney farm.
#3 2010-09-23 07:19:50
why would the big doctor not want to teach us ignorant morons about the charter changes? maybe he is too good for the great unwashed of wareham. he should move to bridgewater. then he won't have to worry about our backwards ways of government better know as the home rule charter.
#4 2010-09-23 07:59:21
It's funny, for all of the tin hat club's whining about our side being "greedy power elitists," no one from the pre-Brucey Bunch era ever asked to be paid to attend an informational meeting.
#5 2010-09-23 11:01:19
I believe that all of the committees and boards in the Town of Wareham are staffed by volunteers, correct?
So, how does a volunteer expect to be paid exactly, and for what reason, professor?
#6 2010-09-23 11:55:00
I have it on good authority that the CHAIR of the CRC was invited several days ago. That would be the proper method--to invite the chair who then contacts the committee members. Perhaps the good doctor should scold his chair publicly for not conveying the information in a timely fashion.
In my OPINION (yes, I know the difference between fact and opinion) the comment was petty and inappropriate. Perhaps if Mr. Jones prefers to get paid for his work, he should stay off volunteer committees.
#7 2010-09-23 15:43:10
Wow, let me get this straight...A VOLUNTEER committee member is wondering if he is going to be reimbursed for his participation? I think that is called arrogance. Stupid and arrogant. Yup, that sounds good professor. Could you possibly look up the word VOLUNTEER and learn the definition before you embarrass yourself anymore?
Last edited by Bosoxx (2010-09-23 15:47:42)
#8 2010-09-23 19:48:12
His comments aren't surprising...if you've read much of what he's written..and speaking of that, I've been working on the "P-Spanimation" of Articles 35-50..they are CRC articles and they are poorly written..and I'm sure Doc Jones had ALOT to do with their "creation".. So far, the only ones (IMO) that don't seem to be completely idotic and attempt to drastically change our Charter, are one's to define "day to day".. One to create a Board of Sewer Commissioners, and one limiting the time to fill a vacancy at the Town Administrator position (one year Max "interim"..which I think should be six months)..These seem to be worthy of some consideration (perhaps with a few ammendments).. If you haven't read them..you HAVE to go through them. This CRC has officially worn out it's welcome. Ask Dr. Jones what he thinks of Town Meeting..just ask him.
By: robertslager on 9/19/10
I could make a joke about P-Span using cartoons to explain the warrant articles to the other hate bloggers, but sometimes reality is amusing enough. Perhaps I should send them a copy of Schoolhouse Rock. At least they'll learn how a bill becomes a law.
Hey Assclown!! While an "explanation" to Bobo of why I do the animated articles is useless..I'll say, that I make them because they "force" me to go through the articles pretty carefully when I "prepare" them..then, once they're finished..I can re-fresh my memory by listening through them several more times. I share them so others might benefit by being able to listen to them..since finding time in our often busy schedules to sit and read through 91 Articles may be tough to do (even once)...and they aren't my "attempt to explain" the articles (idiot)..they ARE the articles..can you get anything right? If people watch them..get some use out of them..good..if not, oh well, I shared them for nothing then..either way, I go into TM with a better understanding of what I'm voting on. But having informed voters isn't really a goal for you and the hypocrite elite now, is it?
#9 2010-09-23 20:28:42
Thank you to P-Span for performing a very welcome service to us all.
There is no need to comment when he presents the very entertaining and informative cartoons...they are amusing and educational. Look at the hits. The discussions come later. I don't believe we speak much about movies, etc. on this site either.
#10 2010-09-23 21:15:52
P-Span, you are just incredible.
The things that you do for this site, and by extension, for the Town, are just awesome!
Please. Do not let that flyspeck on a pile of cranberry bog debris have any affect on you. The simple fact that someone is taking the time and making the effort to educate & inform on a 91 (!) article Town Meeting warrant ought to be commended, not demeaned. But, that is precisely the modus operandi of the Halifax Harlot, is it not? As if he could do ANYTHING on an independant basis, without the direction of the past & present puppetmasters.
Your true audience & friends ( I hope you consider me among the latter) appreciate the difference between your efforts and the whining & bleating of the pretender. Party on, Garth.
#11 2010-09-23 21:51:40
Rock on, Stewie....
#13 2010-09-24 11:45:23
P-Span is the MAN!!