#1 2010-09-15 21:59:10

DanO hates pseudo intellectuals. hey Dan! how about non-intellectuals who misapply history??

Brucie in an article well over BoBo's head talks about C. Borgia, " who raised fear to an art form..." with a brand of fear (that) was " intimidation, manipulation, bribery and public ridicule." Hmmmmm. Sound like any recent members of the Wareham Board of Selectmen?

Brucie defines "Machiavellian" as "the use of cunning and deceitful tactics in politics."  Hmmmmmm. Sound like any former chairmen of the Wareham Board of Selectmen?

Brucie seems to accept Machiavelli's acting amorally to achieve state (town?) goals; but notes that morality can be the criteria for "acceptable cruel action...must be decisive, swift effective and short lived."  Hmmmmmm. Ibid.

Brucie claims that Jefferson advised to not live in a world of the "tyranny of the minority", where a small number of a community force their dominance on the majority. Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, is a true hero. But, he lived in and espoused a country ruled by the minority, that minority being white males. No slaves, No females. And only those white males who paid a poll tax in some states. does Brucie fear the tyranny of the small minority of voters he suckered into voting for him in the last election? We have come a long way since the Presidential election of 1800, Brucie; you did know that, right?

Brucie, your record - which would make the Borgias & Machiavellis of the world proud, is there for all to see. the Bullying bombastic tone. The flagrant disregard for the open meeting laws. the non-stop attempts to inculcate yourself into the minute-by-minute operations of the Town's management (question: what was your average daily intrusion into the town administrator et al? 2 hours? three hours? 4-5 hours? what?). the open war declared on nearly all Town employees. etc. etc. etc.

Yes, you're a real piece of work, all right. but Brucie, get real: you & Jefferson? You are barely fit to clean up after Sally Hemings. Being the history buff that you are, one presumes that you know who Ms. Hemings was.

Last edited by notalawyer (2010-09-15 22:03:59)



#2 2010-09-15 22:44:11

I love Nota!!



#3 2010-09-16 20:28:27

Are we all duly impressed with Brucie's familiarity with the great classics?? Cicero, Machiavelli, Dante, and of course, TTW.

Pass the bar, pay your taxes, stop reading Cliffs notes. Some of us have actually read this stuff!!!



#4 2010-09-16 20:29:53

Yes, his spin on Machiavelli was most interesting.
I hate pseudo-intellectuals!



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