#1 2010-08-28 23:13:43
MWF - 2010-08-28 Sat 6:50:11pm
MWF - 2010-08-28 Sat 6:51:01pm
MWF - 2010-08-28 Sat 6:51:01pm
MWF - 2010-08-28 Sat 6:51:02pm
MWF - 2010-08-28 Sat 6:55:19pm
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
#2 2010-08-28 23:31:13
I'm guessing this will become the MWF campaign headquarters.
Looks like the BIG guy got his spagetti's worth.
By the way, does anyone know or RECALL anything they've
accomplished to MWF. So far all I've witnessed is pure negativity.
They HATE the school dept. and the school committee. They
HATE the Library. They HATE TBW (whoever they are). They HATE
Wareham Week. The only positive endorsement I've seen is for the
ACTING police chief from N Andover and the TA from Lawrence.
Oh yah, and Bobo. They're in good company.
#4 2010-08-29 08:20:59
WOW...the pace looked packed!!! How many people did they have?
Five? Eight?
Anyone attend and ask questions?
#5 2010-08-29 10:07:26
Sheesh, Sweet Brucey looks a tad grumpy.
I count 5 cars in that parking lot picture....guess there was alot of leftover spaghetti.
#6 2010-08-29 10:11:22
Did Sweet Brucey walk there? Has he gotten the Sweet Bruceymobile out of the impound yet?
#7 2010-08-29 10:15:57
Wow, a whole 7 people in that top picture! I hope they had enough meatballs for such a big crowd!!!
#8 2010-08-29 14:55:21
The spin will be: Everyone left by the time this picture was taken. We fed many people. The people in the pictures are the clean up committee....
Much information was exchanged with the residents of Swifts Beach and others who attended.
We will issue a complete report at a later date.
Did anyone go to the event from this site to disprove anything?
#10 2010-08-29 21:19:21
#11 2010-08-30 09:06:17
Well...I was right about the spin...dozens of people attended...many resolutions to pending problems...discussions of why people can't enjoy Swifts Beach....lots of spaghetti and meatballs consumed... lots of important people attended...
Basically, to sum it up: Bullshit.
I always get a kick about people claiming my involvement in Westfield when I was a Selectman and before. I doubt if the writer criticizing me even knows where Westfield is located...
If you plan on winning anything, don't ignore those who lived in Wareham in the 1960's and 1970's....they are the ones that will always kick your ass regarding Westfield. I suggest you concentrate on something else...like trying to connect with the real people of Wareham...you know...the ones who voted out each of your endorsed candidates (except the Town Clerk).
The problem is you have no sense of history or who is who...be careful with whom you speak...they are probably related to the person you are knocking. Ignorance is bliss, and that is why so many of you on the troll's site are so happy.
The proof is in the pudding.
Let's see what the next few weeks bring.
It is also nice to know that Steve Holmes is the troll's site's new hero....at least they have someone who WON an election.
Who survives a recall will be the test...
#12 2010-08-30 09:33:45
I noticed that Move Wareham Backward did not make any announcements about this meeting in any of the newspapers, even the one they carry in their backpocket. Had Bill not posted something about it, none of us would have heard about it.
The tin hats openly admit in the tin hat chat that only their supporters were invited. How is there to be open and honest debate when only the kool aid drinkers know there is a meeting?
What do they have to hide?
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-08-30 09:39:20)
#13 2010-08-30 09:35:22
Word has it that the candidates that defeated their buddies in the last election were not invited either. Open and honest debate...as long as only those who tow the Move Wareham Backward line show up!
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-08-30 09:43:23)
#14 2010-08-30 16:14:18
By: robertslager on 8/29/10
Bruce, if you're still there, why does P-Span have such a problem with you? It sounds like visceral hatred sometimes. His obsession with you is creepy.
By: rsauvageau on 8/29/10
Because he believes I had a direct influence in his sudden unemployment, and despite the fact that he constantly claims I am not a good financial planner & investment advisor, no one knows better than he how absurd that is because he knows exactky how much money I made for him as my wholesale broker. Therefore he knows that I made multiples of what he made and for certian kinds of guys in my feild of practice that simply eats their guts alive. Sad really.
You had NO influence on my "sudden unemployment"..You're a liar (surprise)...and if you keep saying shit like that, my old friend and former employer has already told me he'd state you're a liar any time I might find it "necessary".. Truth is that every other person in my office refused to work with you after a very short time (I had to agree to take EVERY call you made to our office..because everyone else refused to interact with you..I told them..he's a blowhard..and I can deal with him..and I did..and you are.)..Know why they chose not to work with you? I'm sure you don't care..and I'm also sure it's a recurring theme in your life.. Because you were then..the same asshole you are now..and yeah..YOU made a few bucks through our brokerage (by maxing out commissions on products made primarily for seniors..) I NEVER worked with ANY other agent who's own self-interest took precedence over the customers they "served" like you..That's a FACT) I didn't make much money, personally, on business you placed through us..(wasn't how my salary was structured)..but you "raked it in" pretty good..and from what I hear..that was the exact time when all your "tax problems" came along (coincidence??)..What's the matter, Sweet Brucey..did you see those 1099's come in with those big numbers..but had already spent all the commissions? Yeah, your a financial wizz..couldn't even handle your own finances..take it all, and screw Uncle Sam..That's how you are..Yeah..it's tough having common sense and foresight..easier to be a prick and treat people with disrespect and disdain... You were an asshole from the first time I ever spoke to you...and you are today.. But at least you're out of office now, ya prick.
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-08-30 21:19:03)
#15 2010-08-30 17:15:01
#16 2010-08-30 17:26:49
I just was sent the troll's rant abut how he was right and everyone else is wrong and there was a guy that got EEE (whatever) in Wareham, by God, not Middleboro ,Marion, Mattapoisett, Rochester, Bourne, or any other place he may have been or visited during his stay with his sister.
He got it in Wareham...dammit'...The troll told you and if you don't believe it, go to Mass. Gen'l Hospital, ask for the name of the family you can't know, and ask them yourselves...bastards...leave the troll alone and let him scare everybody himself...you stay the hell out of it...
By the way, I heard there is an AIDS epidemic everywhere....be careful of toilet seats!!
I believe there may be some mosquito repellent for sale in Wareham...better check it out...don't be a statistic (even an anonymous one).
#17 2010-08-30 21:30:16
Seems like the last thing that a man who is recovering in a hospital after almost dying from EEE and his family needs is for a fat assclown from Halifax demanding the TA drive up to Boston, barge into his hospital room, and demand to know where he got his mosquito bite.
Hard for you to believe, Bobo, I know, but there are some things in this world more important than your paper's circulation. Stop sensationalizing the man's hardship and leave the guy alone. Stop demanding that people question him and his family.
#18 2010-08-31 09:15:36
This is how stupid he is: If the headlines that he puts up actually appear in print ( I don't know because I don't get the printed version...don't know of anyone who buys it either) then he will be totally discredited. It doesn't make any difference how many times he asks the question, to whom he asks the question, to whatever agency he asks the question, NO-ONE is going to say the man was infected by a mosquito in Wareham. (Dick Wheeler makes a very valid argument in another thread).
The family may think so, but it is almost impossible to prove. By the way, to the family, there is no law suit here. Just saying in case you think like the troll or his wannabe' lawyer.
People will think he is not only a muckraker, and a malcontent, and a negative "Nelly", he is actually an outside instigator who is trying to destroy the reputation of Wareham and cause panic among the people. Imagine the panic he will cause for those hundreds of indigent senior citizens who will be moving to Westfield.
Thank God there aren't any mosquitoes in Westfield...
The mosquitoes and blood suckers, truth be known, are all in Halifax... and hiding in the armpits and under the bellies of a couple of has beens in Wareham.
Be careful of ticks too....Lyme disease all over! Watch out for fleas, bedbugs, mites, crawlers, spiders, silverfish,snakes, alligators and great white sharks.
Please: as a final warning...do not put your tongue in a wall socket.
#19 2010-08-31 15:33:00
You Go!!!!
Love it DANO