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#1 2010-08-12 14:11:35
Good afternoon!
It is nice to see that the somnabulent ones over at the Courier woke up to this old story. Way to Go!
but the info in the brief article about the directionally challenged ones raised some thoughts...
"The committee shall.... (what committee - is that the Central Committee, linked to Pravda on the Potty?)
"endorse or oppose candidates... (no need for a list here, now is there)
"seek to educate and inform voters... ( wouldn't you need to demonstrate some higher level of knowledge in order to 'educate & inform'? Who pronounced these hacks to be the elite - hypocritical, of course - that the voters should seek out for answers? and, is a certain rag to be the vehicle for such distribution of learning to the unwashed masses of Wareham?)
"work to affect voters at Town Meeting CONSISTENT WITH THE MISSION OF THE COMMITTEE. (are those the voters under the tent at the Bloc party corner of the auditorium? What is the 'MISSION OF THE COMMITTEE'? - is it like the Blues Brothers, on a 'MISSION FROM GAWD'? What kind of AFFECTS are they conjuring up for the TM voters? - rashes, nausea & vomiting, dizziness, impaired vision, hearing loss.....what?)
But then, it gets even better, can you believe it?
"not involved in partisan politics" Say what?????? Really?
All of the quotes above ARE partisan politics, dummies. Let's take the antonym: non-partisan.
"not inclining toward or actively taking either side in a matter under dispute" synonyms: impartial, neutral, nonaligned, unbiased, uncommitted, uninvolved. show me any of their words that fit here.
"free from bias in judgement" synonyms: disinterested (not uninterested), fair, fair-minded, objective, unprejudiced. Doesn't fit their own words, right?
So, if you are not "nonpartisan" by definition, then you are "partisan".
Expect more, much more circular reasoning from the nowagroup crowd. Devotees, as they appear to be, of George Orwell (1984) and Aldous Huxley (Brave New World).
More than ever,
VOTE: APRIL 5, 2011
SAVE you really want these dudes & dudettes in charge?
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- » non-breaking news: the Courier reports the formation of a PAC. Ho-hum