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#1 2010-07-27 16:13:29
according to slager he says cara windslow wants to give a cake to the mr wheeler for finding a ring, who told him this i bet it is his snitch brenda the fish wife but what does this mean it means SLAGER is a LUNATIC, with nothing to rite about, cara take the cake and throw it at slager, a whole artical about cake , slager you are an asshole , BY THE WAY WHO PAID FOR THE CAKE AND THE DINNER FOR THE SCHOOL PLAYERS THAT THE SELECTMEN PUT ON FOR THE PLAYERS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAID FOR BY THE SELECTMEN , I HEARD IT WAS EXPENSIVE INCLUDING THE TROFEYS AND WAS PAID BY THE TAXPAYER,AND IT WAS BEFORE THE ELECTION AND I BELEAVE THE SELECTMAN AT THAT TIME WERE CURRING VOTES WITH WAREHAM TAX MONEY , HOWEVER THE WAREHAM SCHOOL PLAYERS DESERVED THERE RECONIZATION, THE SELECTMAN WHO AUTROZIED THIS EXPENDURE DESERVE THE BOOT.
#2 2010-07-27 16:21:35
#3 2010-07-27 17:33:54
Ham of Peace here.
Ridiculously sour grapes...or a fat ass from Halifax upset that he won't get a cake to eat all by himself?
#4 2010-07-27 17:34:26
Is this guy really that big a loser that he wrote a whole column about a cake? What a nutjob.
#5 2010-07-27 17:43:47
let them eat cake said marie antoinett.
#6 2010-07-27 18:28:56
Christ's Sakes Bobo, it's a cake. Milk, flour eggs and frosting, you can get one at the store for few bucks, are you really that crazy that hearing someone got a cake puts your panties in a twist?
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-07-27 18:29:27)
#7 2010-07-27 22:19:43
Wow!! Did you see BoBO run up to Cara after the BOS meeting. Very angry, Very threatening in body language.
#8 2010-07-27 22:19:46
We've all been having fun speculating how The Observer rose from the ashes about six months ago. Slager had told us that he was essentially bankrupt...and then, as he began performing CPR on the exhumed corpse of the Westfield Project in the form of editorials claiming that those who opposed it were morally bankrupt, support money for the publication of his rag was no longer a problem.
Coincidence ?
I don't think so.
What makes me think I've "nailed it" is because of the way he has reacted each time I've brought it up. I've intimated that sometimes PR money from developers is given to people who champion a controversial project. It could be sleazy but still legal. Three times now Slager has responded by saying that I accused him of the crime of taking bribes.
He pulled it again tonight when I passed him as I was leaving the BOS meeting: "Show me proof that I have accepted bribes!
"No Robert, check my post. What I said was that you had yourself believing that you are a paid lobbyist."
I think that what got under his skin was my speculation here that although he has backed off from writing about the Westfield issue for the past few weeks (ditto for Bruce) , that it's a sure bet that he and his wanna-be Newt Gingrich, who is surely getting paid, but not by Bobo, will step up the Westfield rhetoric as we round the corner toward the Town Meeting. He and Bruce will be the champions of support for the needy elderly. We will be portrayed as the heartless ones. This is how they plan to squelch our insistence upon adhering to the wishes of those who gave Wareham the land.
This guy is so bad that he brings out the Darkside Humor that lurks in all of us, and which serves to relieve the pressure that a jerk like Bobo imposes on us all.
Here are two vignettes from the Darkside brought back to memory by this Olympian Jerk:
A leather skinned sergeant is signing his final papers in front of a major who has been a problem to him for his entire career.
The major tries to make a joke of their emnity by saying,"Well Sarge, I imagine that your greatest wish now is to go to the bathroom on my grave."
After a pause, "No Major, because the only thing I hate worse than you is
standing in line."
I'm also reminded of a conversation at the baithouse in Brant Rock 'way back in the 40's when I was lobstering with my father and two brothers. We often had conversations with the lobstermen, who were the last of a true folk culture, and the dispensers of bluntly presented wisdom. In this conversation the topic was the recent death of a fisherman of low character that they had always reviled.
Charlie Peterson said, "If you'd asked me, I'd've suggested cutting him up for lobster bait." After a suitable pause, George Stetson chimed in with his wry comment: " No...I have too much respect for lobsters to do that."
Last edited by Dick Wheeler (2010-07-28 22:44:43)
#9 2010-07-27 22:28:21
I love Dick Wheeler!
Check your damn e-mail and PM...
#10 2010-07-27 22:33:53
gogatemen wrote:
Wow!! Did you see BoBO run up to Cara after the BOS meeting. Very angry, Very threatening in body language.
On video, he appears to be going off on her like he would on a bagel store employee who ran out of cream cheese.
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-07-28 00:45:44)
#11 2010-07-27 22:49:19
Sorry I missed your other thread. BOBO is just plain scary. First he accosts Dick Wheeler, and then he goes ballistic on Cara. Isn't there a law against harrassing a public official? Do we need to provide police protection for our BOS. Perhaps he should be banned from future BOS meetings.
#12 2010-07-27 22:57:17
We can see on the video from the body language that Winslow was indicating she did not want to speak to Bobo A. Clown. Watch the video.
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-07-28 00:58:02)
#13 2010-07-27 23:47:37
P-Span, can you post Bobo's confrontation with Cara? I only caught that last minute and she definately looked like she did not want to talk to him.
I do not know where the eye witness reports came from but I will say that I don't think Cara would tolerate that behavior from him. My source tells me that she exited near the elevator. Maybe she can confirm what happened. My source also tells me that Slager stood outside with his minions smoking a cigarette plotting his appearance at citizens participation next meeting to confront her. Sorry bagel biter, citizens participation is for citizens only.
I also heard that Jane stopped him from commenting, kudos to Jane for not allowing him to be out of order. I know how we all feel about her but keep in mind she could have allowed him to argue with Cara and she didn't.
The bottom line is that Mr. Winslow has always described his wife to us as a very calm person. I always figured in her line of work she has to be calm. But my source tells me that she was so upset her voice was shaking.
The best part is my source says he kept his head hung until she told him to jeer her. Note to Winslow, you just earned an all time jeer. I just wish my friend had called me sooner and I can't wait until P-Span posts this!
#14 2010-07-27 23:59:49
Hey Cara! Where's my &^$#@ cake? ! ?
Surely someone will knock on the door any time now and present it to me, and here's what I'm going to do: I'll put it a safe place overnight so my dog won't inhale it, then in the morning I'll deliver it to Jim Maxim, who is the guy who deserves ALL the credit for pulling off a miracle. All I did was pass on a human interest story to Wareham Week that was a much needed morale booster for all
of us. Jimmy will respect that contribution and not complain that there's one slice missing on the cake when I give it to him.
#15 2010-07-28 00:10:28
The perfect song for Bobo's award winning performance this evening.
#16 2010-07-28 00:32:25
Here is Slagers spin:
Publisher's note: During Tuesday evening's selectmen meeting Winslow publicly accused me of disparaging Municipal Maintenance employees and demanded an apology on their behalf. I've decided to address these claims in a publisher's note rather than in the above column, which will remain as it appeared prior to the selectmen's meeting. I will allow readers of this column to decide for themselves whether the good deeds of Municipal Maintenance were disparaged or praised.
Winslow also claimed that she wrote a e-mail to her fellow selectmen asking for recognition solely for employees of the Municipal Maintenance Department. She failed to tell the entire story, however. According to a source, Winslow spoke of her intention to honor Wheeler and Maxim during a selectmen meeting four days before the e-mail was sent. She was then advised to send an e-mail to her fellow board members stating that her intention was to specifically honor Municipal Maintenance employees and not any private citizen, even though Winslow intended to single Wheeler and Maxim out during the event.
Following Tuesday night's meeting I approached Winslow as she was sitting in her selectman's chair. I asked her if I could record our conversation. She refused. I then informed her I planned to ask her a direct question: "Where in my column did I disparage any member of the Municipal Maintenance Department?" Winslow admitted that I hadn't disparaged anyone from Municipal Maintenance but rather that I had disparaged her "idea." Then she walked away. Not another word was spoken between us.
A member of this web site has informed me that several hate bloggers are now saying an "eyewitness" has claimed that I followed Winslow down the hall and "yelled" at her as she attempted to leave the building. At least 10 witnesses can testify that no such thing occurred. Following my brief conversation with Winslow, I returned to where I had been sitting, spoke briefly with an audience member, and then returned to the selectmen's table to express my frustration to Chairman Jane Donahue that I was not allowed to respond to Winslow's attack on me during the meeting. Then I walked out of the selectmen's room with a group of about eight people. That group conversed in the parking lot for nearly 20 minutes. During the course of that conversation Winslow exited the selectmen's meeting alone through the side door of the Multi-Service Center. She was speaking on her cell phone, walked to her vehicle and drove away. At no point did I approach her or utter a word in her direction.
#17 2010-07-28 00:35:29
Here is the original e-mail Winslow sent (second) and Jane's response (first), NOTE THE DATE, thanks to my source who forwarded it to me:
From: Jane Donahue
Date: 07/23/10 2:44 PM Cc:
Subject: Re: Municipal Maintenance
I lost my wedding ring once so I can was found by an employee, thank God.
I think this is a nice idea...please go ahead and bake a cake and I will ask the office to do up a certificate.
Thank you for calling this to my attention.
----- Original Message -----
From: Cara Winslow
Cc: Mark Andrews
Date: Friday, July 23 2010 02:06 PM
Subject: Municipal Maintenance
Dear Jane:
Please see the attached news story, it would be nice for us to invite the employees involved and thank them publicly for their efforts. I have always believed (and one of the reasons I do the job I do) that it is the everyday employees of every community who are the true "ambassadors".
I would like for us to make a real big deal out of this because they each went above and beyond. Not only did they find the ring, but they showed the true caring spirit of our community. In a department that has been cut beyond the bone they could have easily told this couple that they were short staffed or busy, but they didn't. They embodied what we as a community are, a great place filled with wonderful people and places.
I appreciate your consideration in this matter, I would be willing to personally bake the cake for them. Thanks.
ps- It may also be nice to invite the couple. … -sand/2429
#18 2010-07-28 00:51:07
So it looks like, Bobo, as usual, got his facts wrong. The fear that Dick Wheeler might get a piece of cake caused him to throw a fit, and it was an unnecessary fit at that, since only municipal maintenance workers were getting the cake.
I think we need a "Sweet Brucey Cartoon" where Bobo the Clown is up all night tossing and turning shouting "Oh God no! No! Dick's going to get a cake! Not a cake! Ohhhh no, I want cake! Why does Dick get cake and I don't get cake? Oh God, I bet the cake will even have sprinkles on it! NOooooo!!!"
#19 2010-07-28 06:12:50
i see the email above sent to all the selectman by cara , the question in my mind is who leaked the email to the clown from the rag was it jane the cript keeper or brenda the fish wife. it was one of these two.
#20 2010-07-28 07:09:40
His source is an idiot, look at the dates. There was no selectmen meeting last week, and who has the right to advise someone who is equally elected?
#21 2010-07-28 08:00:46
Zoo..I won't be able to get the meeting posted until probably tonight (hopefully)..I missed most of the meeting last night, but did catch a little of "the confrontation"..I heard Jane tell the non-citizen Bobo the Fat AssClown she wasn't going to let it become a "Circus"...appropriate AssClown/Circus..Go away Bobo, Go away..
sorry, no time now to add the Assclown's face to the pic (below)..and Assclown...stop accosting our Selectmen and our esteemed Mr. like to call me a coward, Assclown..I hope you pull that shit on'll have a fistful of "coward" in your Fat Assclown face..doubt it? I told you may get your chance.. And Sweet sucked as a financial advisor, you sucked as a Selectman..and you'll suck as a (wannabe) lawyer. Know why? Cause you lack integrity..go fuck and Bobo deserve each other...oh, toss Brenda in that "ugly bunch" too..
Have a great day everyone (else).
Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-07-28 08:01:57)
#22 2010-07-28 08:09:34
I love P-Span
#23 2010-07-28 08:11:47
Iliveinazoo is correct. As usual Bobo is making things up. Bobo there was NO selectman meeting last week. So how could Cara have talked to the selectman four days before the email? Bobo you are a liar!!!!!
One of the witches had to send Bobo copies of the emails or at least tell him what was in the emails. Just one more thing to use against them in the April election. When will they realize feeding Bobo info and using him to fight their battles is a liability? Didn’t they notice one of the many reasons Bruce and Cronin lost was because of Bobo’s support.
#24 2010-07-28 09:05:17
I try to avoid blogging these days, but I can't let this go by. Jame Maxim is my brother in law. That appears to be unfortunate for James because that allows a divisive tabloid blogger to use that unrelated fact in one of his hit pieces. The good news is James was working in Municipal Maintenance before he was my brother in law. The fact that he is my brother in law has nothing to do with his character. James is well known for going beyond the call of duty. He will go out of his way to help a stranger, friend, or family. James is also very accomplished and skilled at his job. The Town of Wareham is lucky to have a master mechanic that keeps MANY of the vehicles that service this town running. WIth the MM force reduced to 5 employees, you can bet his workload has increased a great deal. Despite that, he obviously went out of his way to organize the other workers and help this young couple find something very important. James gets results, period. That is not to diminish Dick Wheeler's contribution. If he had not brought it to James' attention, this would have not happened. I personally know both James and Dick and consider myself fortunate to have them in my life.
I fail to see how this has anything to do with me. It is beyond me why the Divisive Tabloid Blogger would include any reference to me or Take Back Wareham in his story. One would guess he wanted to introduce politics to a heart warming story for nefarious reasons. I would suggest that he listen to his own advice and "don't taint good deeds with politics"
I would like to again thank James Maxim, the rest of the MM employees that helped, and Dick Wheeler for being good citizens. We need more citizens like them.
Last edited by Larry McDonald (2010-07-28 09:25:11)
#25 2010-07-28 09:14:09
Since only the selectmen had the e-mail, it was either Janey or Brenda that ran and whined to Bobo the Hobo. The rest of the selectmen are not on speaking terms with the Rag Boy.
This showed poor leadership on their part. Getting a cake for municipal maintenance workers is a good thing, not a big cake conspiracy like Bobo A. Clown made it out to be. Janey or Brenda, whichever of them helped the Bagel Biter dump all over a nice idea should resign immediately.
#26 2010-07-28 09:30:31
Ham of Peace here.
I thought earlier in last night's meeting, Tiny Lopes gave a good speech where he summarized the bad state of affairs that Onset is in and asked for answers from the BOS on why that is and how it can be fixed. He talked about potholes, trash, weeds, etc.
He didn't get answers but the answer is this: Under the watch of the former dictatorship, the town's municipal maintenance department was cut from 40 to 5 workers. Those 5 workers now barely have time to do anything. That's why Onset is in disrepair, and anyone driving through can verify that.
The former dictatorship always campaigned on a platform that they were going to be the champions of Onset, then when they got elected, they forgot all about Onset.
How can a town this size survive with only 5 municipal maintenance workers? Why did 35 people have to lose their jobs? Where did all of the money that paid them go? Why weren't our taxes cut to offset?
It was fortuitous that a focus on Onset's shabby upkeep was made last night...and then what happened? Bobo A. Clown took a big dump all over an idea to honor the 5 municipal maintenance workers we have left with a damn cake.
40 to 5 workers - the 5 are expected to do the work of 40, and they can't even get a lousy cake.
A 50 year old man worrying about people getting cake. PA-THE-TIC!
#27 2010-07-28 09:43:52
Ham of Peace:
You are correct, one of the selectmen or Mark Andrews gave Bobo this information. The question is, why did Bobo bring Dick Wheeler, Larry McDonald, and TBW into this? The e-mails speak for themselves. Cara made a request to Jane, Jane agreed. There is nothing more to this tale.
Whoever is responsible for this should resign immediately. No one "advised" Cara, there was no meeting, Jane was out of town didn't we all complain about no meeting because Jane was out of town?
This is a simple case of Bobo turning something good to shit, everything he touches turns to shit. I hope the advertisers who support him were watching last night. I will personally be calling the Secretary of State today to inquire into the towns legal advertising and I may make a few calls to the IG too. While they are here they may as well determine is a $70,000.00 computer audit spawned by a known pathological liar is abuse and waste of taxpayer dollars.
#28 2010-07-28 09:57:53
I wonder if the troll's new journalist and pseudo-lawyer knows what defamation really is.Let's test it, shall we? Perhaps he will sue me when I say that he, the former Chairman of the BOS and now half-assed journalist, in my opinion, is a lying scum bag, crooked piece of shit, self absorbed, completely devoid of ethics or morals, doesn't have a job and hasn't for years yet lives in Swifts Beach in a rather run down house that he owes over $100,000.00 in back taxes.
How does someone survive like that? Is he on the take from someone, is he just plainly a mooch, is he a crook, is he any of these things? I don't know for sure, but, as I stated, in my opinion he is a lying, cheating bag of shit.
Now...asshole..PLEASE sue me.
One promise if you do: I will destroy you.
I will make a mockery of you and your life and I will take you for so much money, because you will eventually be forced to hire a real lawyer, that there aren't enough Father-In-Laws, nieces, aunts, cousins or anyone else that will be able to help you.... you will be living on the streets, drinking from a brown paper bag, and telling everyone that will listen what you used to be.
Your best friend will be "Willie the BUM", and everyday you can say to him: " you know who I am?"
Willie will just smile, because he won't give a crap about who you used to be. He used to make $2,000,000.00 a year as a VP for BP.
Drink up, asshole.
Don't forget to feed the pigeons...some of them may be related to you.
#29 2010-07-28 20:58:43
Someone just sent me the latest writing of the new journalist, almost lawyer.
What a putz.
The Cape Verdean community is going to love you, pal.
Put your seat belt on...once people read this that have served with you, or been exposed to you, are about to take you for a nice big ride. You probably will want to stop writing after this one. Kind of like losing your first case, or in your future, all of your cases.
What a dumb ass!
#30 2010-07-28 22:03:32
Geeze....sweet brucie writes " But the issue here is that the BOS member has to have the intellectual curiosity to ask relevant questions. During the entire time that I served with Cruz I do not remember a single instance where he asked a compelling question of any candidate. In fact, during the more than a dozen interviews for the town administrator’s position I do not believe he queried any one of them except for the questions pre-written and assigned for him"
During the entire time sweet brucie served with Walter, SB behaved as a bully controlling the pulpit so that only he had the opportunity to be heard. All he was capable of was to rant and rave and spread all his hostility around. People with better intellectual curiosity have learned to avoid raving lunatics. Bruce was an embarrassment to this entire town. SB maybe you haven't heard the message "WE DON'T VALUE YOUR OPINION"
#31 2010-07-29 08:07:13
I'll bet there is one thing Walter Cruz would do that the former Chairman never did....if he was sued...he would read the case.
#32 2010-07-29 08:13:10
I went over to the troll's site this morning out of curiosity. My, my, what a magnificent web page...chock full of so much information it is hard to comprehend.
Pages of stories from legitimate news sources...certainly a way to make your site palatable or at least within the realm of news....who ever gave you the idea, get rid of them.
It's like watching an impending train wreck...I wish that damn train would hurry up and get through the tunnel and run this piece of crap over....
#33 2010-07-29 08:24:54
How many times are the BS Buddies (BS 1 and BS 2, initials are both BS and they're full of BS) going to use the "Stuck in Cruz Control" line? Har dee har har, you made a little pun, now that you've used it 700 times maybe think of something new.
I hope Cruz's supporters, especially his large following in Onset are paying attention to the garbage being thrown at him by the BS Buddies and will vote accordingly in the next election.
#34 2010-07-29 08:34:51
I think what Sweet Brucey failed to comprehend when he wrote that article is that he, along wih the rest of the BOS actively supported Walter Cruz in 2009, funny how things change when they are convenient.
He also fails to make mention that Cara Winslow did apply for committees, the only time she ever got an interview was for Charter Review but they were too busy stacking the Mayor deck to pay attention to her.
Finally, between the three of them (Steve, Walter & Cara) they earned over 4,000 votes. Sweet Brucey came in second to last with a little over 1,000 votes. Walter received approximately 1,200 votes in 2009, Steve over 2,000 votes last April and Cara approximately 1,800 votes this past April.
Go ahead Sweet Brucey, keep slapping the voter in the face, I am sure they will return the favor next year when you run.
#35 2010-07-29 08:35:01
By the by, it was nice to hear the Hypocrite Elite say the other night that people who have been waiting in line for an appointment should get onto a committee before someone who is already on several committees.
That's nice they pay lip service to that idea, but that was not the practice over the past few years. Many qualified candidates were passed over because they did not kiss the former dictatorship's butt and instead, multiple appointments were given to their buddies.
Frank DeFelice, just an example. He was reccomended by the Board of Health for a seat on that board. He has alot of municipal government experience under his belt. But he was turned down by the former dictatorship because he ran against Brockton Brenda.
Cara Winslow tried to get on the Charter Review committee. She was denied I assume because she probably would have done something crazy like, oh I don't know, REVIEW THE CHARTER, instead of blindly follow a moronic mayor plan that went down in flames.
Those are just two examples that I can think of, but I know there are many more. The former dictatorship passed over people who didn't tow their line and gave multiple appointments to people who did tow the line. That's a fact.
You heard Walter Cruz the other night. He said that for the first time in years, people are applying to be on committees more than ever. No doubt that's because there were people who previously saw a board of selectmen that was impossible to work with so they didn't apply. Now that there's new leadership on the board, you're seeing a flood of applications.
#36 2010-07-29 21:30:44
Geeze...ragman. Why don't you put your knowledge into practice and them maybe folks could learn by example? You are a fine example of 'do as I say, not as I do'.
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