#1 2010-07-27 08:59:55
By: fogcutter on 7/25/10
Robert wrote:
Yes, fog. He had a good stretch. But he set himself back when he appointed his good friend Liz to the COA board. In my opinion, that was shameful.
Oh C'mon, Rob.
Do you think it was "shameful" for Brenda Eckstrom to call a man an "idiot" during citizen's participation TWICE!
By: robertslager on 7/25/10
Eckstrom received a Jeer for that, fog.
Then further on down in the tin hat chat...
By: fogcutter on 7/25/10
As I recall, the Jeer amounted to a "Wow", and that she fell for a trap.
A far cry from some of the other terms of endearment used for those you largely disagree with.
Mind you, I have no idea who Dr. Bicki is and I never heard of him before those 2 selectmen meetings. All I saw was a man get to the mic and conduct himself as a consummate gentleman.
He didn't deserve that.
Rob, do you think her condict could reasonably be callled "shameful" for those meetings?
Further on down...
By: fogcutter on 7/25/10
"In my personal opinion he was acting like an idiot."
You often corrrectly point out Cara Winslow's mis-steps as potentially opening the town to lawsuits.
However, Ms. Eckstrom is already currently the subject of one lawsuit, and who knows if Dr. Bicki will pursue another now.
I know it is unpopular to mention it here, but I do think that Ms Eckstrom will be defeated this April, and antics like this simply hand it to her opposition on a silver platter.
Don't get me wrong, I do think that Ms. Eckstrom is an asset to the BOS on balance. If she is gone, then I wonder who else on the board will stand up to the school department like she does.
Whoever is on the ballot, I would just like to not have to hold my nose at the voting booth.
And then from then on the tin hats start foaming at the mouth that someone in their chat is expressing independent thought. Gotta love it when there's dissention in the tin hat ranks!!!
#2 2010-07-27 10:58:17
well fat boy slagger steve is allrite with me for putting larry and liz on commitees , what do you say about the slavins freinds of brenda the fish wife be ing put on 16 commitees between the 2 of them . slager you are an idiot.
#3 2010-07-27 11:00:43
Well, Fog certainly thinks for himself but he is a far cry from independent. First nothing Slager points out is correct! Winslow doesn't "misstep" and Brockton Brenda is not an asset to anything, she is an ass however.