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- » there was no selectmens meeting this past week because jane
#1 2010-07-22 08:14:31
was out of town and did not trust walter and the others to have a selectmens meeting with out her , this is the 2nd time this has happened , remember this this comming april.
#2 2010-07-23 19:26:36
IHL are you sure there wasn’t a meeting because Jane couldn’t attend. Is anyone else as outraged as I am about this if it is true. Dan, Bob B you were selectman can the chairman cancel a meeting simply because they won’t be able to attend.
I thought Sweet Brucey was the ultimate control freak but if this is true Jane gives new meaning to what a control freak is and a new definition to micro- management. She cancels a meeting even though there are 4 other selectman who could attend. Can you say micro management, can you say someone who doesn’t want anything passed or voted on or discussed without being present. Can you say paranoid. Can you say someone who should be VOTED OUT IN APRIL!!!!
Bill is right how can Cara, Steve and Cruz put up with this bullshit without saying anything. Come on guys speak up!!!! Dan, Bob is this LEGAL can she just cancel the selectman’s meeting because she can’t attend?
#3 2010-07-23 20:36:28
Marny, As per the Town By-laws...
Are you sure it was cancelled after proper notice or was it never scheduled ?
Section 1. The Selectmen, Assessors, Board of Public Welfare, and any other regularly elected boards or committees shall cause to be posted at the Town Office building at a single designated location, electronically via the News & Announcements system (, and on the Town’s Website, a notice of the hour and place of their regular meetings. The Selectmen shall hold regular meetings at least two times per month, and all other boards shall meet at least once a month. Each regularly elected board or committee shall keep records of its official meetings and the votes passed thereat. (Article 54 of April 27, 2009 Town Meeting, Approved by Attorney General July 20, 2009).
Last edited by bbrady (2010-07-23 20:38:06)
#4 2010-07-23 20:58:23
I am with Bob...they are scheduled to meet TWICE monthly in the summer.
The fact is, they could meet twice monthly the whole year.
Strange, huh?
I guess there isn't any Town business to discuss in the summer, the busiest time of the year.
It would be funny if it wasn't know
#5 2010-07-24 08:16:44
Bob I don’t think it was scheduled. I have been watching the meetings I have not heard them mention that they are on an every other week summer schedule. Maybe they are but I haven’t heard anything.
Thanks Bob and Dan for the information. So the chairman doesn’t have to schedule a meeting if he or she won’t be able to attend as long as they meet twice a month. If that’s the case shouldn’t the chairman at least discuss it with the other selectman or does the chairman have complete control over how many meetings they should have per month?
#6 2010-07-24 08:43:31
The Chairman does not make those decisions. The decisions to meet and when are done by the whole BOS. The Chairman's responsibilities are simply to facilitate meetings, control meetings, keep other members up to date on issues, and represent the BOS at certain functions and meetings. THAT's IT!
The Chairman does not have any more or less power than any other member, and can be removed by a vote of the BOS at any time.
The past Chairman exceeded his authority with the good wishes of the other idiots on the BOS at the time. Two of them, including the former Chairman are gone, two more will be gone next year.
Then...maybe the Town will conduct business professionally and competently.
#7 2010-07-24 15:48:04
Dan your the man thanks for all the information. Dan are you being affected by the gulf oil spill? What a mess that must be.
#8 2010-07-24 16:19:19
Marny...thank God no...the people up in the Panhandle are watching very closely.
There will be a lot of politicians that supported off shore oil drilling going home very soon...for good.
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