#1 2010-07-22 13:00:59

Look out..he's probably looking for a job!!

Boston Globe wrote:

LAWRENCE, Mass.—All traces of a fired superintendent of Lawrence schools, who is facing fraud and embezzlement charges, are being removed from the new high school...

..School officials recently have removed Wilfredo Laboy's name from the $110 million school he and other officials dedicated three years ago. They also have removed his name from School Department headquarters.

..The 59-year-old educator has pleaded not guilty to charges of fraud and embezzlement for allegedly using school department employees and resources for his own purposes, and to one count of illegal possession of alcohol on school property.

In April, the Lawrence School Committee voted to fire Laboy.

Globe: School removes fired Lawrence schools chief's name

Wanna bet Andrews (and Myles Burke) were amongst the "other officials" mentioned in the article?


Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-07-22 14:01:58)



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